Catholic Recipe: Ginger Log
In Australia a flower called the Christmas Bell blooms at Christmas. It has a bell-shaped yellow flower surrounded by bright green leaves and it makes a lovely decoration. For Australians, Christmas comes at the beginning of the long summer holidays, so it is extra exciting for the children. As the weater is hot some families celebrate Christmas on the beach with cold turkey and salad. Others will eat hot turkey first and then visit the beach to cool off! Father Christmas visits the children and is sometimes pictured in a cart drawn by six white kangaroos. Ginger Log is a particular favourite Christmas dessert.
1. Whip the cream until stiff.
2. Sandwich the biscuits with the cream and put on to a plate in a log shape.
3. Spread the remaining cream over the log and decorate with the crystallized ginger.
Recipe Source: Feasting for Festivals by Jan Wilson, Lion Publishing Corporation, Batavia, Illinois, 1990