Catholic Recipe: Luciabullar (Luciakatter)
Also Called: Lucy Cats; Lucia Buns; Lucia Cats
Sweet saffron-flavored bread made either into small buns (luciabullar) or into luciakatter (Lucia or Lucy cats), the traditional curled shape, is the customary Lucia Day coffee fare.
Set aside a half cup flour for kneading the dough. Melt the butter into the milk, warming it to lukewarm. Add yeast to milk. Mix the saffron into the flour, then combine all ingredients except almonds and egg and beat well. Add flour as necessary to form a workable dough. Turn dough onto floured board and knead 10 minutes. Turn into a greased bowl, let rise until doubled in bulk. Knead again until smooth and shiny. Form into shapes or into loaves. Let rise. Brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with almonds, and pearl sugar. Bake at 300 to 350 degrees, 25 to 40 minutes, depending on how dough is formed.
Recipe Source: Lucia, Child of Light: The History and Tradition of Sweden's Lucia Celebration by Florence Ekstrand, Welcome Press, 1989