Catholic Prayer: Prayers for a Sick Child


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Rev. Schmiedeler gives the formula for the blessing of a sick child, which may also be prayed by parents.


Beautiful are the prayers of the Church for the visitation of a sick child in the home. The words, pronounced by the priest, are as follows:

"O God, to whom all things grow, and by whom they are strengthened when grown, stretch forth Thy hand upon Thy servant who is sick at a tender age: that recovering the vigor of health, he may arrive at the fullness of years, and always give unto Thee a faithful and grateful service all the days of his life. Through our Lord. . ."

O Father of mercies and God of all consolation, who providing in manifold tenderness for the good of Thy creatures grantest the grace of healing not only to the soul but also to the body, deign to raise this sick child from his bed of suffering, and to restore him safe and sound to Thy holy Church and to his parents; so that all the days of his prolonged life he may increase in grace and wisdom before Thee and men, serve Thee in justice and holiness, and give due thanks to Thy mercy. Through Christ. . ."

O God, who in a wonderful order appointest the ministries of angels and of men, grant in Thy mercy that they who ever stand ministering to Thee in heaven may also guard the life of this child upon earth. Through Christ. . ."

Placing his right hand on the forehead of the child the priest adds: "May Jesus, the Son of Mary, the salvation and Lord of the world, through the merits and intercession of His apostles Peter and Paul and of all His saints be merciful to you and full of tenderness. Amen."

Prayer Source: Your Home, A Church in Miniature by Compiled by The Family Life Bureau in the early 1950s, The Neumann Press, Long Prairie, Minnesota, 1994