Catholic Prayer: Easter Season II Table Blessing 4
These prayers are used from Ascension Thursday through Pentecost Sunday.
Leader: We have been brought into one body by baptism in the one Spirit, and that one Holy Spirit was poured out for us to drink. Behold, Jesus died and now lives for evermore. Alleluia!
ALL: He has gone before us. Yet he is with us for all time. Alleluia!
Leader: Lord Jesus, in your love, bless this table and unite us more closely to you. We make this prayer gathered in your Spirit, both now and for ever.
Leader: Lord God, we thank you for this meal and praise you for the gift of your Spirit, who takes our life and the inmost thoughts of our hearts and transforms us into the likeness of your Son, who lives and reigns, for ever and ever.
ALL: Amen.
Prayer Source: Prayers at Meals by Michael Kwatera, O.S.B. and Dietrich Reinhart, O.S.B., The Liturgical Press