Catholic Prayer: Easter Season I Table Blessing 4
These prayers are used from Easter Monday until Ascension Thursday.
Leader: The Father has found us in our brokenness and in his divine mercy he has made us whole in the body of his Son. Behold, Jesus died and now lives for evermore. Alleluia!
ALL: He has gone before us. Yet he is with us for all time. Alleluia!
Leader: God who reconciles, bless the food we are about to eat, and let this meal together be a sign of the unity we share for all time in the body of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lord.
ALL: Amen.
Leader: We thank you, the one Lord, for nourishing this family and molding us into a holy people. United in Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, we give you praise both now and for ever.
ALL: Amen.
Prayer Source: Prayers at Meals by Michael Kwatera, O.S.B. and Dietrich Reinhart, O.S.B., The Liturgical Press