Catholic Culture Dedication
Catholic Culture Dedication

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Catholic Prayer: Prayer for the Intercession of Favors through Blessed Maria Anne Blondin


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Prayer through the intercession of Blessed Marie Anne Blondin.

From the Sisters of St. Anne.


Lord, You gave
to Blessed Marie Anne Blondin
a heart impassioned for your glory
and You called her to serve with tenderness
the young, the poor and the sick.

You gave her hope
in the most difficult moments of her life
and You led her to deep serenity.

Be praise, Lord,
for you humble servant,
Blessed Marie Anne Blondin.

Through her intercession
grant us the favor
that we ask of You with confidence. Amen.

For all favors obtained, please contact:
Marie Anne Blondin Centre
1950 Provost St.
Lachine (QC) Canada
H8S 1P7
Telephone: (514) 637-3783

Authorization of the Ordinary of Montreal, N.P. 6/1999