Catholic Prayer: Litany to Our Lady of La Salette
Litany to Our Lady of La Salette
Our Lady of La Salette, Mother of God, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, Mother of all cultures, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, Messenger of divine mercy, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, you who pray for us without ceasing, pray for us.
You, who are a model of love, pray for us.
You, who chose two poor shepherd children, pray for us.
You, who speak to them with a kind voice, pray for us.
You, who inspire their confidence and faithfulness, pray for us.
You, who come to bring us great news, pray for us.
You, who want to touch our heart with your tears, pray for us.
You, who weep because we ignore God and abandon the way of the Gospel, pray for us.
You, who weep because we do not look for God in our history, pray for us.
You, who weep because of our lack of participation in the life of the Church, pray for us.
You, who encourage our personal prayer, especially in the morning and evening, pray for us.
You who remind us of Jesus’ passion, pray for us.
You, who wear a crucifix on your breast, pray for us.
You who care for us in spite of our ingratitude, pray for us.
You, who invite us always to turn to you, pray for us.
You, whose apparition is a sign of salvation, pray for us.
You, who show us the benefits of conversion, pray for us.
You, who are a prophetic voice in the world, pray for us.
You, who send us to be prophets, pray for us.
You, who inspire works of reconciliation, pray for us.
Source of missionary and apostolic zeal, guide us, Mary, to the Lord of Life.
Light of those who live in fear, guide us, Mary, to the Lord of Life.
Comfort of the sick and the discouraged, guide us, Mary, to the Lord of Life.
Hope of the impoverished and of all who suffer injustice, guide us, Mary, to the Lord of Life.
Help of those who defend life and human rights, guide us, Mary, to the Lord of Life.
Refuge of those who are persecuted and live in exile, guide us, Mary, to the Lord of Life.
Star of the new evangelization, guide us, Mary, to the Lord of Life.
Model for women who love and care for their children, guide us, Mary, to the Lord of Life.
May your challenging words at La Salette bring us to an awareness of our sins, O Mary.
May your tears motivate our compassion for the suffering and hunger of our sisters and brothers, O Mary.
May your loving presence renew the faith of your people, O Mary.
May your apparition transform the lives of all those who follow your Son, O Mary.
May your maternal love continue to strengthen the faith of your loving children, O Mary.
Leader: Lord Jesus Christ,
you sent your mother to La Salette with a message of love.
There she moved us with her tears, touched us with her concern,
and promised us her prayers.
May her words and actions be for us an encouragement to be reconciled to you,
live each day with faith and hope,
and make her message of reconciliation known to all her people,
you who live and reign, now and for ever. Amen.