Catholic Prayer: Table Blessing for St. Irenaeus
Use for the feast of St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Bishop and Martyr, June 28.
Reading: The Word became the steward of the Father's grace for the advantage of men, for whose benefit he made such wonderful arrangements. He revealed God to men and presented men to God. He safeguarded the invisibility of the Father to prevent man from treating God with contempt and to set before him a constant goal toward which to make progress. On the other hand, he revealed God to men and made him visible in many ways to prevent man from being totally separated from God and so cease to be. Life in man is the glory of God; the life of man is the vision of God. If the revelation of God through creation gives life to all who live upon the earth, much more does the manifestation of the Father through the Word give life to those who see God. (St. Irenaeus, Treatise Against the Heresies).
Responsory: Verse: Saint Irenaeus, true to his name, made peace the object of his life,
Response: and he labored to preserve the unity of the church.
The Lord's Prayer
Blessing Almighty God, you inspired Saint Irenaeus to teach your divine truth faithfully, and to preserve at all cost the bond of unity in your church. May we follow after his example, becoming ministers of peace and reconciliation among all your people. Bestow your blessing upon this nourishment, and may we learn to share it willingly with the poor, the hungry, and the dispossessed. We ask this through Christ the Lord. Amen.
Prayer Source: Table Blessings: Mealtime Prayers Throughout the Year by Brother Victor-Antoine d'Avila-Latourrette, Ave Maria Press, 1994