Catholic Activity: Christmas Ideas for Young Children


  • Birthday cake for Jesus
  • Illustrations or nativity scene

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Christmas is Jesus' birthday, and it is easy to find ideas to bring home that message for little children. Here are some ideas.


A family we met at Cana conference uses traditional fruit cake as Baby Jesus' Birthday Cake. To it they add a candle for each child. Children want to give the Child a present. Christina Rosetti's poem, "What Can I Give Him?" is an appealing, easy to memorize, and answers the little one who wants to give Jesus something special. Here is also another simple poem written by Harold and Eleanor Farjeon, "Our Brother is Born." Recite these with pictures or a creche in front of the child for visualization.

"What Can I Give Him?"
What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd,
I would bring a lamb;

If I were a wise man,
I would do my part;
Yet what can I give Him?
Give my heart.

"Our Brother Is Born"
Now every child that dwells on earth,
Stand up, stand up and sing:
The passing night has given birth
Unto the childrens' King.
Sing sweet is the flute,
Sing clear is the horn
Sing joy for the children,
Come Christmas morn:
Little Christ Jesus
Our Brother is born!

Activity Source: Feasting for Festivals by Jan Wilson, Lion Publishing Corporation, Batavia, Illinois, 1990