Catholic Activity: Eucharist Hymn: Jesus Thou Art Coming
A hymn for Holy Communion taken from a Slovak Hymnal.
1. Jesus, Thou art coming,
Holy as Thou art,
Thou, the God who made me,
To my sinful heart.
Jesus, I believe it
On Thy only word;
Kneeling, I adore Thee
As my King and Lord.
2. Who am I, my Jesus,
That Thou comet to me?
I have sinned against Thee,
Often, grievously;
I am very sorry
I have caused Thee pain;
I will never, never,
Wound Thy Heart again.
3. Put Thy kind arms round me,
Feeble as I am;
Thou art my Good Shepherd,
I, Thy little lamb;
Since Thou comest, Jesus,
Now to be my Guest,
I can trust Thee always,
Lord, for all the rest.
4. Dearest Lord, I love Thee,
With my whole, whole heart,
Not for what Thou givest,
But for what Thou art.
Come, oh, come, sweet Saviour!
Come to me, and stay,
For I want Thee, Jesus,
More than I can say.
5. Ah! what gift or present,
Jesus, can I bring?
I have nothing worthy
Of my God and King;
But Thou art my Shepherd,
I, Thy little lamb;
Take myself, dear Jesus,
All I have and am.
6. Take my body, Jesus,
Eyes, and ears, and tongue;
Never let them, Jesus,
Help to do Thee wrong.
Take my heart, and fill it
Full of love for Thee;
All I have I give Thee,
Give Thyself to me.
Activity Source: St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book by Nicola A. Montani, St. Gregory Guild, Inc, 1940