Catholic Activity: Make Your Own Chef's Hat


  • crepe paper
  • tape

Prep Time

20 minutes



$ $ $ $

For Ages



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This is a fun craft for kids, who will love to see Mom wearing this hat as she whips up a meal.


1. Measure round the chef's head, and cut a piece of paper the same length plus 1 in. (2 cm), and 3 in. (8 cm) deep.

2. Cut a piece of crepe paper twice as long as the plain piece and 12 in. (30 cm) deep.

3. Fold over the crepe paper 2 in. (5 cm) along one edge.

4. Gather the crepe paper to fit the paper band and stick it on with sticky tape.

5. Form the whole thing into a tube and stick.

6. Fold the crepe paper inwards at the top.

Activity Source: Feasting for Festivals by Jan Wilson, Lion Publishing Corporation, Batavia, Illinois, 1990