Catholic Activity: Making a Christ-Candle


  • parafin or used white candles
  • No. 3 empty can (32 ounces, holds 4 cups)
  • pencial
  • 10" piece of string or wick
  • can opener
  • holly or evergreens
  • other decorations of choice

Prep Time

1 day


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$$ $ $

For Ages



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The Christ-Candle is a nice decoration for the family table at Christmas. Here are the directions to make and decorate one's own candle.


An attractive Christ-Candle for the family table may be made at home by melting paraffin or used white candles. Take a No. 3 size empty can, the kind in which juice comes. Remove one end of the can. Across the top open place a pencil to which is tied a ten inch piece of string for the wick. Pour the melted wax or paraffin into the can until full. Allow to cool. Then place in the refrigerator for an hour. When the bottom of the can is removed by a can opener, the candle will slip out easily. It may be entwined with holly or other evergreens to signify the Light from the Root of Jesse and lighted at meal times.

A child may cut from old Christmas cards a Madonna and Child, a star or angel, and attach these with rubber cement to the candle. Our eight-year-old daughter decorated a delightful candle by pinning to it tiny bright metal stars, spangles and snowflakes by means of straight pins. These decorations come packaged at Christmas goods section of five and ten cent stores, or are available from mail order houses.

Activity Source: Christmas to Candlemas in a Catholic Home by Helen McLoughlin, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota