Catholic Activity: Practical Suggestions for Christian Living (Holy Orders)



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Father Fischer's suggestions remind us to respect the sacred priesthood and pray for priests often.


  1. Pray for your priest daily that he may lead many souls to Christ.

  2. Always respect Christ in the priest, regardless of the personal qualities of the individual priest.

  3. Pray for vocations to the priesthood when saying your family prayers.

  4. Encourage vocations within the family, should such vocations be evident.

  5. Shield the priesthood against the onslaughts of its enemies in word and deed.

  6. Co-operate with your pastor by engaging in parish activities.

  7. Help support your priests to the best of your ability.

  8. Never permit criticism of a member of the clergy in the family conversation; this will earn many favors in the form of blessings.

  9. Have confidence in your Father Confessor; he represents Christ in the confessional.

  10. Encourage boys of the family to become Mass servers; it may be a sacrifice at times, but pays rich dividends in a spiritual way.

  11. Keep the priesthood sacred in the eyes of your non-Catholic relatives and friends.

  12. Always remember the priest has given up all the comforts and consolations of a home of his own to help keep yours happy; co-operate with him in his great work for souls in every way you can.

Activity Source: Our Christian Home by Rev. Joseph A. Fischer, Seraphic Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1954