Catholic Activity: The Virgin's Lullabye



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Tyrolean in origin. The text should be sung by an alto voice, the soprano hums the obbligato, which can also be played by a violin, flute, or recorder.


1. Thy dear cheeks, my Child are rosy red, My love for Thee is strong as death. And in Thy cheeks a-glow are dimples fine, Thou art and shalt be ever mine. Brightly shine Thine eyes and they are heav'nly blue, There's none more sweet the whole world through. Thy dear cheeks, my Child, are rosy red, My love for Thee is strong as death.

2. Thy dear lips, my Child, are honey sweet, When Thee I kiss, when Thee I greet. And Thy darling hands are snowy white, They are my joy, my heart's delight. Thy two feet are tiny, they are soft, They shall me guide to heaven aloft. Guardian angels round Thy bed so bright, I sing to Thee a sweet "Good Night."

Activity Source: Around the Year with the Trapp Family by Maria Augusta Trapp, Pantheon Books Inc., New York, New York, 1955