Catholic Activity: To Make Rose Beads for a Rosary


  • rose petals
  • water
  • saucepan
  • bodkin * *A bodkin is a long, blunt flat needle with a large narrow slot eye. Find the old-fashioned tool, that is thin, not the kind with gripping prongs.

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Home made rose petal beads for your own rose petal rosary!


Gather the Roses on a dry day and chop the petals very finely. Put them in a saucepan and barely cover with water. Heat for about an hour but do not let the mixture boil.

Repeat this process for three days and if necessary add more water. The deep black beads made from rose petals are made this rich colour by warming in a rusty pan.

It is important never to let the mixture boil but each day to warm it to a moderate heat.

Make the beads by working the pulp with the fingers into balls. When throughly well worked and fairly dry press on to a bodkin to make the holes in the centres of the beads. Until they are perfectly dry the beads have to be moved frequently on the bodkin or they will be difficult to remove without breaking them. Held for a frew moments in a warm hand these beads give out a pleasing fragrance. — Nineteenth century recipe

Activity Source: Rose Recipes from Olden Times by Eleanour Sinclair Rohde, Dover Publications, Inc., 1973