Catholic Culture Solidarity
Catholic Culture Solidarity

The Pope in India & Georgia

by Pope Saint John Paul II


A table containing the Homilies and Addresses of Pope John Paul II during his visit to India and Georgia.

Larger Work

L'Osservatore Romano

Publisher & Date

Vatican, November 1999

The Pope In India & Georgia
November 1999

Do Not Fear the Church! Her One Ambition Is to Continue Christ's Mission of Service and Love

The Holy Father's Homily of November 6, 1999 in New Delhi during his apostolic visit to India.

The Eternal Word Is the True Light

The Holy Father's November 7, 1999 Homily at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi for the conclusion of the Special Assembly for Asia of the Synod of Bishops.

We Entrust Asia to Mary

The Holy Father's November 7, 1999 Angelus Message at the end of the Mass he celebrated in New Delhi, India.

We Must Welcome Whatever Is Good and Holy in One Another

The Holy Father's Address of November 7, 1999 at Vigyan Bhawan Conference Centre in New Delhi at a meeting with representatives of India's many religions.

True Anchor Is Faith in Christ

The Holy Father's Address of November 8, 1999 during arrival ceremonies in Tbilisi, Georgia where he was greeted by President Shevardnadze, Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II and Archbishop Stephan Zurbriggen.

Hosts of Martyrs Shed Their Blood

The Holy Father's Address of November 8, 1999 in Tbilisi, Georgia during a meeting with Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II and the members of the Holy Synod.

The Holy Spirit Inspires Us to Hear Christ's Plea: 'May They All Be One'

The Holy Father's Greeting to the Catholicos-Patriarch during his visit to Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Miskheta, Georgia.

Do Not Lose Heart! Let the Light and Strength of the Gospel Sustain You!

The Holy Father's Homily of November 9, 1999 during a Mass at Tbilisi's Sports Stadium. During his visit to Georgia.

Do Not Be Afraid of Christ

The Holy Father's Address of November 9, 1999 at Krtsanisi State Residence in Tbilisi, Georgia where he paid a courtesy visit to President Eduard Shevardnadze.

Be A Gospel Leaven in Society

The Holy Father's Address of November 9, 1999 to representatives of the world of culture and science in St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church during his visit to Georgia.

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