The Father William Most Collection

Sequence of Endtime Events

[Published electronically for use in classes taught by Fr. Most and for private theological study.]


It is clear that Elijah will return, and probably will be the agent of conversion of the Jews. Apocalypse speaks of a great battle of Jews vs. gentiles at Har Megiddo. There will be a great apostasy, seemingly of the Christian gentiles: Lk 18.8 and 2 Thes 2.3. Perhaps Zech 14 will result from this for Zech speaks of the ruin of Jerusalem, but often Jerusalem stands for the people of God. Possibly reconversion of gentile christians who see the conversion of the Jews. Chief Antichrist will come and be slain by the Messiah.

Then will come the parousia and the messianic age spoken of in Isaiah 11 and Romans 8.19-25

Possible sequence:

1. Purification of Israel, as in Ez 36ss -- this prepares the way for the coming of Elijah.

2. At the same period, the apostasy of the gentiles: Lk.18.8. Zech 14 of the ruin of Jerusalem prob. means same thing, for Jerusalem can stand for the Church.

3. Final battle of Jews vs. gentiles: at Har Megiddo.

4. Chief Antichrist comes, and sits in the restored material temple, showing himself as if he were god.

5. Restored material temple, with no veil, no ark of covenant, and no day of atonement. Ezek 40-48. Partial messianic restoration as in Ezek 41 & 47. Real Christ comes to the temple.

6. Purification of material universe. 2 Peter 3.10. Restoration of all things to state they had before fall of Adam. Rom 8.20ff.



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