Note 40
Aloys Grillmeier, Christ in Christian Tradition (tr. J. Bowden) John Knox, Atlanta, 2d ed. 1975. I. p. 103. Cf. Luneau, art. cit. p. 832: "Faut-il rapeller comment, pour Irénée, la connaissance de Dieu demeure inscrite au fond du coeur humain et prépare sa venue." ("We should recall how, for Irenaeus, the knowledge of God remains inscribed in the depth of the human heart and prepares for His coming.") Strangely, A. Orbe, in an otherwise excellent study, Antropologia de San Ireneo, BAC, 1969, although he devotes pp. 502-15 to answering the objection of Celsus, does not seem to notice this point. Cf. also Danielou, op. cit. pp. 361-64; and P. V. Dias, op. cit. p. 161.
NB: These notes are also displayed as endnotes at the bottom of every chapter.