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Documents by Title: Keyletter "S" - 889 documents

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1 Sacerdotalis Caelibatus (The Celibacy Of The Priest)
2 Sacerdotii Nostri Primordia (On St. John Vianney)
3 Sacra Propediem (On the Third Order of St. Francis)
4 Sacra Virginitas (On Consecrated Virginity)
5 Sacram Liturgiam (The Sacred Liturgy)
6 Sacrament in Crisis, A
7 Sacrament of Confession Not Easy for Priests or People, But Valuable for All
8 Sacrament of Confirmation, The
9 Sacrament of God's Mercy, The
10 Sacrament of Marriage, Icon of God's Love for Humanity, The
11 Sacrament of Penance, The
12 Sacrament of Penance, The
13 Sacrament of the Eucharist, The
14 Sacramental Grace in Marriage
15 Sacramental Nature of Matrimony, The
16 Sacramental Protection of the Family
17 Sacramentality of Human Love According to Saint John Paul II, The
18 Sacraments and the History of Salvation, The
19 Sacraments of Reconciliation, the Priesthood and the Eucharist Are Manifestations of Mercy of the Father, The
20 Sacraments: Channels of Divine Grace
21 Sacramentum Caritatis
22 Sacred Art as a Pedagogical Tool
23 Sacred Art: a Rebirth?
24 Sacred Edifices
25 Sacred Heart And The Eucharist, The
26 Sacred Heart and the Eucharist, The
27 Sacred Heart Is The Holy Eucharist, The
28 Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Mystery of God's Love
29 Sacred Language Restored
30 Sacred Music — Time to Reconnect with Worship?
31 Sacred Music Contributes to New Evangelization
32 Sacred Music Is Integral Part of Liturgy
33 Sacred Scripture And Tradition: Theologically-Based Architectural Principles For A New Millennium
34 Sacred Signs and Active Participation at Mass
35 Sacred Signs and Religious Formation: An Application of the Teachings of Monsignor Romano Guardini
36 Sacred Tradition: The Forgotten Doctrine?
37 Sacredness of Human Life in a Desacralized World, The
38 Sacredness of Life and the Real Presence, The
39 Sacredness Of Tradition, The
40 Sacrifice and Vocations
41 Sacrifice, a Christian Recipe for Marriage
42 Sacrorum Antistitum and the Background of the Oath Against Modernism
43 Sacrum Septenarium
44 Saeculo Exeunte Octavo (On The Independence Of Portugal)
45 Saepe Nos (On Boycotting In Ireland)
46 Saepe Venerabiles Fratres (On Thanksgiving For Twenty-five Years Of Pontificate)
47 Safe Motherhood and the 'Conspiracy of Silence'
48 Safeguard the Memory of the People
49 Safeguarding Human Life: The Very Beginning
50 Saint Albert the Great
51 Saint Alphonsus Liguori
52 Saint Alphonsus, a Teacher of Mercy
53 Saint Ambrose of Milan
54 Saint Anselm
55 Saint Anthony of Padua
56 Saint Athanasius of Alexandria
57 Saint Augustine of Hippo (2)
58 Saint Augustine of Hippo (3)
59 Saint Augustine of Hippo (4)
60 Saint Augustine of Hippo (5)
61 Saint Basil
62 Saint Bede, the Venerable
63 Saint Benedict
64 Saint Benedict of Norcia
65 Saint Birgitta
66 Saint Bonaventure
67 Saint Bonaventure (2)
68 Saint Boniface, the Apostle of the Germans
69 Saint Bridget of Sweden
70 Saint Catherine of Bologna
71 Saint Catherine of Genoa
72 Saint Catherine of Siena
73 Saint Chromatius of Aquileia
74 Saint Clare of Assisi
75 Saint Columban
76 Saint Cyprian
77 Saint Cyril of Alexandria
78 Saint Cyril of Alexandria’s Defense of Mary
79 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
80 Saint Dominic Guzmán
81 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
82 Saint Eusebius of Vercelli
83 Saint Francis de Sales
84 Saint Francis of Assisi
85 Saint Francis of Assisi
86 Saint Francis of Assisi in a New Light
87 Saint Germanus: Bishop and Patriarch of Constantinople
88 Saint Gertrude the Great
89 Saint Gianna Beretta Molla: Wife, Mother and Physician
90 Saint Gregory Nazianzus Part 1
91 Saint Gregory Nazianzus Part 2
92 Saint Gregory of Nyssa
93 Saint Gregory of Nyssa - 2
94 Saint Gregory the Great (1)
95 Saint Gregory the Great (2)
96 Saint Hilary of Poitiers
97 Saint Hildegard of Bingen
98 Saint Hildegard of Bingen (2)
99 Saint Ignatius of Antioch
100 Saint Irenaeus of Lyons
101 Saint Isidore of Seville
102 Saint Jerome (1)
103 Saint Jerome (2)
104 Saint Joan of Arc
105 Saint John Chrysostom
106 Saint John Damascene
107 Saint John Eudes
108 Saint John of Avila and the Reform of the Priesthood
109 Saint John of the Cross
110 Saint Joseph and the Communion of Saints
111 Saint Joseph Cafasso
112 Saint Joseph Continues in His Role as Protector of the Body of Christ
113 Saint Joseph the Worker, Man of Faith and Prayer
114 Saint Joseph: The Dream of Vocation
115 Saint Juliana of Cornillon
116 Saint Lawrence of Brindisi
117 Saint Leo the Great
118 Saint Leonard Murialdo and Saint Joseph Cottolengo
119 Saint Lucy: Under the Sign of Light
120 Saint Matilda of Hackeborn
121 Saint Maximus of Turin
122 Saint Paul (20): St Paul's Life and Legacy
123 Saint Paul: "The Greatest Missionary of All Times"
124 Saint Paulinus of Nola
125 Saint Peter Canisius
126 Saint Peter Damian, “Gomorrah”, and Today's Moral Crisis
127 Saint Philip Neri and the Priesthood
128 Saint Pius the Tenth
129 Saint Robert Bellarmine
130 Saint Romanus the Melodist
131 Saint Tarcisius
132 Saint Teresa of Avila
133 Saint Theresa of Lisieux
134 Saint Therese of Lisieux
135 Saint Thomas Aquinas
136 Saint Thomas Aquinas (2)
137 Saint Thomas Aquinas (3)
138 Saint Veronica Giuliani
139 Saintliness Means Listening to Jesus and Following Him
140 Saintly Scholars of the Church, The
141 Saints Among Us
142 Saints Are Part of the Present and Future of the Church
143 Saints Ceaselessly "Give Us a Hand", The
144 Saints Reflect Infinite Love of Trinity
145 Saints Witness To Abiding Power Of Spirit
146 Saints, Witnesses and Companions of Hope
147 Salesians: Protecting, Reviving Faithfulness to the Call
148 Salted With Fire
149 Salutis Nostrae (Proclaiming A Universal Jubilee)
150 Salvadorian Bishops: Ambitious Efforts at Evangelization
151 Salvation is a Life-Long Process
152 Salvation is Both Faith and Works
153 Salvation Is 'for All Peoples'
154 Salvation Is Humanity's Ultimate Destiny
155 Salvation Outside the Church
156 Salvation, an engineer’s perspective
157 Salvifici Doloris (the Christian Meaning of Suffering)
158 Same Security that a Child Feels in the Arms of a Loving and All-Powerful Father, The
159 Same-Sex “Marriage,” “Hate Crimes,” and the New Totalitarianism
160 Same-Sex Attractions
161 Same-Sex 'Marriage' and Mental Health
162 Sanctification of the Priest Is Closely Linked to That of His People, The
163 Sanctifying, Evangelizing and Catechizing a Parish
164 Sanctions Should Not Become Instruments Of War
165 Sanctity in Marriage: It's the Same Difference
166 Sanctuarium in Ecclesia
167 Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother
168 Sanctus”: A Catechetical Signpost for the Mass , The
169 Santa Maria Ara Coeli
170 Santa Maria Della Grazia
171 Sapientiae Christianae—On Christians as Citizens
172 Satanism, Witchcraft and Church Feminists
173 Satis Cognitum (On The Unity Of The Church)
174 Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent
175 Saving Love Everywhere
176 Saving One Life Cannot Justify Destroying Another
177 Saving the Best for Last: Blessed Karl I of Austria
178 Savior According to St. Paul: a Theological Exegesis of the Christological Hymn of 1 Timothy, The
179 Saviour of the Jews
180 Say "Yes' to Christ and to Your Noblest Ideals
181 Say 'No' to Hatred and Violence
182 Say with Peter: You Are the Messiah, Son of the Living God
183 Say 'Yes' To the Lord Who Comes
184 Scandal of Prime Minister Paul Martin's 'Moral Incoherence'
185 Scandal of Sexual Abuse Is Truly a Terrible Ruin for the Whole of Humanity, The
186 Scandals
187 Scapular Devotion, The
188 Scapular Medal, The
189 Scapular of Carmel, a Treasure For the Church
190 Schism, Obedience and the Society of St. Pius X
191 Schismatic Traditionalists
192 Schools Must Help Students Learn Moral Values
193 Schools of Spirituality
194 Schools, Places of Integral Formation of the Person
195 Science and Faith in the Search for Truth
196 Science and Religion in Identity Crisis
197 Science and Technology Cannot Fulfil All Needs
198 Science and the Eucharist
199 Science in the Service of a New Global Ecological Balance
200 Science Must Not Become the Criterion of Good
201 Science Must Promote the Human Search for What Is Good
202 Science Should Serve Humanity, Build Peace
203 Science That Is Ethically Responsible vs Science That Is Not
204 Scientific Achievement Must Aim at the True Good of Man
205 Scientific and Philosophical Expertise: An Evaluation of the Arguments on 'Personhood'
206 Scientific Findings Prove Harms of Soft Drugs
207 Scientific Progress Must Respect Human Dignity
208 Scientific Status of Intelligent Design, The
209 Scientific Study of the Bible
210 Scientists: Relic authenticates Shroud of Turin
211 Scio Cui credidi
212 Scottish Bishops' Pastoral on Human Embryo Legislation
213 Scottish Executive Should Give 'Unequivocal Support to Marriage'
214 Scouting in the Balance
215 Scriptural Reflection on the Rosary: the First Joyful Mystery, A
216 Scripturarum Thesaurus
217 Scripture Is a Source of Constant Renewal
218 Scripture on Homosexuality (Part 1 and Part 2)
219 Scruples and Psychology
220 Scruples, Neuroses, and the Confessional
221 Scrupulosity: The Occupational Hazard of the Catholic Moral Life
222 Search for God is the Fundamental Aim of Life
223 Search for Tranquility through Tranquilizers, The
224 Search for Truth Is Search for God
225 Searching for Viable Peace
226 Season's Finale, The
227 Second Apology Of Justin For The Christians Addressed To The Roman Senate, The
228 Second Council of Constantinople
229 Second Council of Lyons
230 Second Council of Nicaea
231 Second European Synod Was Sign of Hope For Catholics in Ukraine
232 Second Gift of the Holy Spirit: God's Understanding, The
233 Second Lateran Council
234 Second Look at Penance Services, A
235 Second Session of the Council of Trent
236 Second Vatican Council and Religious Liberty, a review, The
237 Second Vatican Council and the Holy Eucharist
238 Second Vatican Council II Closing Speeches and Messages
239 Second Vatican Council Was an Extraordinary Time of Reflection, Dialogue and Prayer, The
240 Second Vatican Council: Difficulties of Its Interpretation, The
241 Secrecy of Confession Is Absolute
242 Secret Nazi Accounts of Events of July, 1942
243 Secret No More
244 Secret of Church's Dynamism Is Christ
245 Secret of Fatima and a New Evangelization, The
246 Sectarianism and Secularism: Bugbears for the Catholic Church in Scotland
247 Sects Or New Religious Movements: a Pastoral Challenge
248 Secular Humanism and Catechesis
249 Secular Institutes: Stories of Passion and Prophecy for God and for the World
250 Secularism
251 Secularism and the Common Good
252 Secularism as a State Religion
253 Secularism: Main Challenge Facing Church in Slovenia
254 Secularism's Empty Box
255 Secularization and Urbanization Must Be Faced with Solid and Mature Faith
256 Secularization, A Challenge for the Church in Germany
257 Sedated to Death? When Comfort Care Becomes Dangerous
258 Seder, Last Supper, Crucifixion, Resurrection
259 See Advent's Meaning Through Mary
260 See That Diocesan Tribunals Faithfully Exercise Ministry of Truth and Justice
261 See that Sunday Is Recognized and Celebrated as the Lord's Day
262 See the Human Faces
263 See The Loving Hand Of Our Father At Work In Mysteries Of Creation
264 See What Love the Father Has Given Us!
265 Seeds of Truth Are Found in Other Religions
266 Seeing Christ in All People
267 Seeing Clearly
268 Seeing Peter through Eastern Eyes
269 Seek a New Humanism of Work
270 Seek New Paths of Evangelization for Church and Society
271 Seek the Essential and Proclaim the Gospel, Especially to the Least Among Us
272 Seek to Eradicate All Forms of Inequality
273 Seek Unity by Strengthening Relations Between Various Christian Churches
274 Seek Ways That Will Enable Us To Resolve The Divergences That Still Endure
275 Seeking a Health Plan that Does Not Expand Abortion
276 Seeking Clarity: A Plea to Untie the Knots in "Amoris Laetitia"
277 Seeking Peace in Marriage
278 Seeking Sanctity in the Desert and in the World
279 Seeking the Face of God
280 Seeking Truth Is Essential to Being Human
281 Self Interest, Rightly Understood
282 Self-Esteem: Why? Why Not?
283 Self-Giving Love: Humanae Vitae's Paradoxical Wisdom
284 Selling of a Myth, The
285 Seminarians, Priests, and Religious Encourged to Remain with the Lord
286 Seminaries: Prepare Sound Young Men To Follow Christ In A Secularized Society
287 Sempiternus Rex Christus (On The Council Of Chalcedon)
288 Senator Santorum on Being Catholic and a Politician
289 Senator Santorum Tells Graduates to 'Rebel Against the Culture'
290 Send Forth Your Spirit
291 Sense of the Faith, The
292 Sent Out into the World: the Holy Spirit, the Principal Agent of Mission
293 Sentinels Of A New Dawn Of Hope
294 Separating Human Being from Person Devolves into Self-Alienation, Social Injustice
295 September 2024 — Overview for the Month
296 September 24: Feast of Our Lady of Ransom
297 Serbia Christian Roots Offer Values for Reconciliation
298 Serious Deficiencies Abound in Popular Religion Text
299 Sermon by the Bishop of Münster, Clemens August Count von Galen
300 Sermon on the Holy Guardian Angels
301 Sermons on the Three Hours’ Agony
302 Sertum Laetitiae (On The Establishment Of The Hieracrhy In The United States)
303 Servant of God, Frank Duff
304 Servants and 'Voices' of Christ, Who Is Master of the Word
305 Serve the Lord with Detachment from the World
306 Service Not Servitude
307 Service of Authority and Obedience, The
308 Service To Life Grows Out Of Communion Of Persons
309 Service to the Common Good
310 Service to the Faith Is Also a Service to Joy
311 Service to the Pope and to the Holy See
312 Serving Justice and Peace Is an Imperative Task of the Church
313 Serving the Poor
314 Serving the Poor and Marginalized Was St. Giovanni Calabria's Charism
315 Serving Truth in the University
316 Serving, not Manipulating, Humanity
317 Sescentesima Anniversaria
318 Set Aside Arrogance, Let Us Bow before Those Whom the Lord Has Entrusted to Our Care
319 Set Out Anew from Christ!
320 Set Out Anew On The Path Of Sincere Negotiation
321 Set Your Face Resolutely Against All That Might Harm the Catholic Faith
322 Setting the Record Straight About a Recent Book
323 Setting Priorities: The Desire of Adults or the Good of the Children
324 Setting the Record Straight
325 Seven Epistles Of St. Ignatius Of Antioch, The
326 Seven Keys to a Christian Home
327 Seven Keys to a Christian Home
328 Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
329 Seven Sacraments, The
330 Seventeen Most Common Errors in the Liturgy, The
331 Seventeen Questions about Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials
332 Seventeenth Session of the Council of Trent
333 Seventh Session of the Council of Trent
334 Sex Education: The Basic Issues I
335 Sex Education: Vatican Guidelines
336 Sex in Contemporary Literature - Modern 'Classics' and Condemned Works
337 Sex in Contemporary Literature - The Line Between Liberty and Lechery
338 Sex Tourism and How It Is Combated by Missionaries
339 Sex, Family and the Liberty of the Church
340 Sex, Lies, and Videotape
341 Sex, Marriage and the Supreme Court
342 Sex, Propaganda, and Higher Education: Inside the Opinion Mill
343 Sex, Sanity, and Beliefs that ‘Live Loudly’ within Us
344 Sexual Anarchy: The Kinsey Legacy
345 Sexual Revolution Is Doomed, The
346 Sexual Revolution: Built Upon Sand
347 Sexual Salvation without Repression and Condemnation
348 Shadow of Cain Looms over History from 1914 to the Present, The
349 Shakedown: How Catholics Are Getting Ripped Off in the Name of Justice
350 Shameful History of Population Control, The
351 Shameless Archbishop . . . Weakland's Self-Revelations Are A Cautionary Tale, The
352 Shape, Significance and Ecclesial Impact of Eucharistic Congresses, The
353 Share The Experience Of Being With The Suffering
354 Share the Original Experience of Christianity ... The Personal Encounter With Jesus
355 Shared Ecumenical Task: Bearing Witness to the Living God
356 Shared Values and Rights for Dialogue among Cultures
357 Sharing the Earth's Resources to Feed the Hungry
358 Sharing the Treasure of Catholic Social and Moral Teaching
359 She Is a Mother Who Knows the Heart of Her Children
360 Shepherd Of Israel, Come To Our Aid!, O
361 Shew Theyself a Man: Inheritance and Manliness in the Bible
362 Shine Like Beacons of God's Mercy in the World
363 Short Biography of Luisa Piccarreta
364 Short Biography of St. Francis of Assisi
365 Short Biography of St. Therese of Lisieux
366 Should Bakers be Required to Bake Gay Wedding Cakes?
367 Should Catholics Be Environmentalists?
368 Show Concern for Plight of Migrants
369 Show Heavenly Father's Truth and Love to Your Contemporaries, Who Are Thirsting for Real Values
370 Show Mercy to our Common Home
371 Show the Maternity of the Church
372 Show The Transformative Power Of Catholic Life And Teaching
373 Show Us, O Lord, Your Mercy; Grant ... Salvation
374 Show yourself as Mother!
375 Shrine Built By the Poorest, The
376 Shrine That Charlemagne Built, The
377 Shrine That Has Never Been Destroyed, The
378 Shrine: Memory, Presence and Prophecy of the Living God, The
379 Shrines in Macao
380 Shrines in the Walls
381 Shrines of North America
382 Shrines to Our Lady
383 Shrines: A Tool for Evangelization
384 Shroud of Turin: An Icon of the Mystery of Easter Saturday
385 Shroud whispers: believe in God's love and flee from the misfortune of sin, The
386 Shrove Tuesday and Shrovetide
387 Shun the Worship of Idols
388 Si Diligis
389 Sick Are a Word of Hope and Joy, The
390 Sick Children And The Canonical Right To Sacraments
391 Sick People May Perceive the Merciful Love of God
392 Sick: 'Silently Calling for Solidarity', The
393 Sign of Contradiction and the new world order
394 sign of hope and communion, A
395 Sign of the Cross Reminder of Baptism
396 Sign of the Jubilee, A
397 Signatories to a Declaration of Life by Pro-Life Physicians
398 Significance of Joseph Husslein, S.J., The
399 Significance of Martyrdom, The
400 Significance of Modern Painting, The
401 Significance of the Apostolic Constitution "Anglicanorum Coetibus", The
402 Signing Apostolic Letter, Year Of The Rosary
403 Signing of the Apostolic Exhortion Africae Munus
404 Signs of Hope at the End of This Century
405 Signs of our Times — and What they Require from Priests, The
406 Sigrid Undset's Time Warp
407 Silence and Solitude
408 Silence and Solitude Reveal the Presence of God
409 Silence and the Primacy of God in the Sacred Liturgy
410 Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization
411 Silence Is Indispensable for Prayer
412 Silence of God Is only Apparent, The
413 Silence the arms and return to dialogue!
414 Simeon is Open to the Lord's Action
415 Simon and Jude
416 Simple Purpose: Helping Tribunals Handle Their Work Better, A
417 Sin of Onan Revisted, The
418 Sin, Even In Those, Without Faith, Goes Against Our Conscience
419 Sing a New Song with Your Lives
420 Sing In Praise Of Christ's Redeeming Work
421 Sing Out Loud "Hosanna"
422 Sing to the LORD a New Song
423 Sing To The Lord For He Is Triumphant
424 Sing to the Lord, All the Earth!
425 Singing for the Supper or the Sacrifice?
426 Singing the Mass
427 Singing the Mass: We Cannot Say that One Song Is as Good as Another
428 Singing With the Angels
429 Singulari Nos (On The Errors Of Lammenais)
430 Singulari Quadam (On Labor Organizations)
431 Singulari Quidem (On The Church In Austria)
432 Sins of Omission
433 Sister and the Submarine, The
434 Sister Faustina and Devotion to the Divine Mercy
435 Sisters of the 'Good Thanksgiving'
436 Sixteenth Session of the Council of Trent
437 Sixth Session of the Council of Trent
438 Sixth World Congress for the Pastoral Care of Gypsies
439 Six-year Pontificate, a Dynasty of Evangelizing Zeal, A
440 Slavery as Domestic Servitude
441 Slavorum Apostoli (The Apostles of the Slavs)
442 Slovaks Endured Relentless Persecution
443 Smart Raids & Rescues of Slaves
444 So Who Really are the Pentecostals?
445 Soap Out That Mouth! the Usage of Bad Language
446 Social Doctrine of the Church and Political Commitment in Latin America
447 Social Ethics In The Young Karol Wojtyla: A Study-In-Progress
448 Social Footprints of Contraception, The
449 Social Networks: Portals of Truth and Faith; New Spaces for Evangelization
450 Social Order Before and After the Protestant Reformation, The
451 Social Pastoral Ministry to Involve the People in Reconstruction and Growth
452 Social Shutdowns as an Extraordinary Means of Saving People's Lives
453 Socialization of Property, The
454 Social-Renewal Catholics
455 Societal Progress Depends on the Family
456 Society and Church Need Genius of Woman
457 Society as Whole Depends on Stable Families
458 Society in Transition Needs the Committed Witness of Lay, A
459 Society Is “Civil” If It Fights Against a “Culture of Waste”
460 Society Of Catholic Social Scientists: Catholic Social Science And The Reconstruction Of The Social Order, The
461 Solidarity and Commitment to Overcome Difficulties
462 Solidarity Is Not an Option but Duty
463 Solidarity Needed to Rebuild Post-Pandemic Community
464 Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (On The Social Teaching Of The Church)
465 Solving The Puzzle Of Natural Family Planning
466 Solzhenitsyn and Russia's Golgotha
467 Solzhenitsyn's Cathedrals
468 Some Afterthoughts on New York State's Redefining Marriage
469 Some Aspects of Christian Meditation
470 Some Aspects of the Church Understood as Communion
471 Some Further Perspectives on Anne Catherine Emmerich
472 Some General Notes on Sacred Edifices
473 Some Observations Concerning the Catholic Theological Society of America Report on Tradition and the Ordination of Women
474 Some Practical Lessons of Historical Spirituality
475 Some Reflections on Confirmation
476 Some Reflections On The Present War
477 Some Reflections upon Religious Art
478 Some Scriptural Arguments For The All-Male Priesthood
479 Some Theological And Philosophical Aspects Of Spiritism
480 Some things change, some things really don't
481 Son of Divorce
482 Son of God Brings Fullness of Salvation
483 Son of Man Gave His Life as Ransom, The
484 Son Of Man Has Not Come To Be Served, But To Serve, And To Give His Life ..., The
485 Sons and Daughters of the Light: A Pastoral Plan for Ministry With Young Adults
486 Sons of God and the Sons of Perdition, The
487 Soul of Europe, The
488 Sound Catechesis and Careful Formation of the Heart
489 Sound Catechesis Enables Believers To Meet New Challenges
490 Sounds of Silence: The Symbolic Persecution of Pius XII
491 Source of Joy and Practical Help, A
492 Sources on Saint Francis of Assisi
493 South America, Our Lady in the New World
494 Sower of Peace and Hope
495 Sowing the Seeds of Chastity
496 Spain's Black Legend
497 Spanish Civil War, The
498 Spanish Inquisition: Fact Versus Fiction, The
499 Spe Salvi - Saved by Hope
500 Speaking the Painful Truth
501 Speaking the Truth Is Heart of Media Ethics
502 Speaking with the Heart
503 Speaking, Understanding the Language of the New Media
504 Speakout: Silence of the Faithful is Cowardice
505 Special Assembly for Africa: The Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace
506 Special Bond Of Communion Uniting You With Peter
507 Special Indulgence for the Year for Priests
508 Special Report of the National Review Board to the Body of Bishops on the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church
509 Special Synod for America (Lineamenta)
510 Special Time To Listen To The Lord, On This Lake Jesus Makes A Proposal To You, A
511 Special Year to Get Priests Back in Shape, A
512 Spectata Fides (On Christian Education)
513 Speech of Pope Benedict XVI to the Ambassador to the Holy See from the United States of America
514 Speech to Italian Farmers
515 Speech to the Last Council Meeting
516 Spesse Volte (On The Suppression Of Catholic Institutions)
517 Spider-Man and the Return to the Honorable Hero
518 Spins of Omission - A Review of 'The Popes Against the Jews'
519 Spirit Accompanies Jesus' Public Life
520 Spirit Acts in All Creation and History
521 Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come', The
522 Spirit Bestows Gift of Transcendent Life
523 Spirit Calls Church To Task Of New Evangelization
524 Spirit Calls Us To Move Beyond Divisions
525 Spirit Enables Us To Share in Divine Nature
526 Spirit Is Active Wherever the Truth Is Sought
527 Spirit Is Always Capable of New Surprises, The
528 Spirit is gradually revealed in Scripture
529 Spirit Is Guiding The Church Toward Full Unity, The
530 Spirit Is Present in the Paschal Mystery
531 Spirit Is Source of Communion, The
532 Spirit Is Source of New and Eternal Life
533 Spirit Is the Source of Ministries, The
534 Spirit Leads Church on Path of Renewal
535 Spirit Of Assisi Is More Necessary Than Before, The
536 Spirit of Dialogue, The
537 Spirit of Protestantism, The
538 Spirit of the Family Is the Constitutional Charter of the Church, The
539 Spirit of the Prophetess, The
540 Spirit Of Welcome Must Be Present Everywhere, The
541 Spirit Prays Through Us in the Psalms, The
542 Spirit Sends Us to Proclaim the Gospel
543 Spiritans, The
544 Spiritual Accompaniment
545 Spiritual and Cultural Role of Cinema
546 Spiritual and Material Mission to Rural America, A
547 Spiritual and Psychological Value of Frequent Confession, The
548 Spiritual Animal: Sacramental Nature of Church Art and Architecture, The
549 Spiritual Combat
550 Spiritual Desolation Can Strengthen Us If We Listen to God
551 Spiritual Ecumenism Is Soul Of Ecumenical Movement
552 Spiritual Exercises Favor the Contemplation of Christ
553 Spiritual Formation in Seminaries (Ratio Fundamentalis Instutionis Sacerdotaolis)
554 Spiritual Note in the Renaissance, The
555 Spiritual Pedagogy of Indulgences, The
556 Spiritual Power Of The Word Of God
557 Spiritual Reading — Who Needs It?
558 Spiritual Testament of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
559 Spiritual Testament of St Eugene de Mazenod
560 Spiritual Value of Music Infuses Us with Hope
561 Spiritual Warfare: The Occult Has Demonic Influence
562 Spirituality For All Seasons, A
563 Spirituality for Widows
564 Spirituality in the Professions and Workplace
565 Spirituality Of Dialogue Gives Reasons For Persevering
566 Spirituality Via Metaphysics: Maritain on Individuality and Personality
567 Spiritus et Sponsa
568 Splendor in Justice and Law, The
569 Splendor of the Church
570 Splinter Catholics Have It Their Way
571 Sport and the Educational Emergency
572 Sport Builds Friendship and Goodwill
573 Sport Can Help to Build Civil Society
574 Sports Should Provide Healthy Recreation
575 Spread Beautiful Fragrance Of Christ's Holiness
576 Spread Christian Values Through the Media
577 Spread the Dignity of Being Sons of God
578 Spread the Gospel in Secular World
579 Spread the Joy of the Faith
580 Spreading Joy Is Genuine Form of Love
581 Spring Brings Good News For Liturgy
582 Spurious Epistles Of Ignatius Of Antioch
583 Sr. Faustina Kowalska: A Model for Eucharistic Spirituality
584 Sr. Faustina: God's Gift to Our Time
585 St Augustine
586 St Edith Stein and St Maximilian Mary Kolbe
587 St Ignatius of Loyola and the Development of the Society of Jesus
588 St John Chrysostom - 2
589 St Joseph, a Just Man
590 St Joseph, Image of God's Fatherly Love
591 St Paul (1): Religious and Cultural Environment
592 St Paul (10): The Importance of Christology: the Theology of the Cross
593 St Paul (11): The Importance of Christology: the Decisiveness of the Resurrection
594 St Paul (12): Eschatology: the Expectation of the Parousia
595 St Paul (13): The Doctrine of Justification: from Works to Faith
596 St Paul (14): The Doctrine of Justification: The Apostle's Teaching on Faith and Works
597 St Paul (15): The Apostle’s teaching on the relation between Adam and Christ
598 St Paul (16): Theology of the sacraments
599 St Paul (17): Spiritual Worship
600 St Paul (18): The Theological vision of the Letters to the Colossians and Ephesians
601 St Paul (19): Theological Vision of Pastoral Letters
602 St Paul (2): Life of Saint Paul before and after Damascus
603 St Paul (20): St Paul's Martyrdom and Heritage
604 St Paul (3): St Paul's "Conversion"
605 St Paul (4): St Paul's Concept of Apostolate
606 St Paul (5): Paul, the Twelve and the pre-Pauline Church
607 St Paul (6), The "Council" of Jerusalem and the Incident in Antioch
608 St Paul (7), The Relationship with the Historical Jesus
609 St Paul (8): Paul's Ecclesiological Dimension
610 St Paul (9): The Importance of Christology: Pre-existence and Incarnation
611 St Paul and the Church (4)
612 St Paul and the Spirit (3)
613 St Paul Offers Five Ways Of Dialogue And Mission
614 St. Agostina Paid the Price for Love with Her Life
615 St. Anselm of Canterbury: Scholarship Rooted in Prayer
616 St. Basil - Part 2
617 St. Basil The Great
618 St. Bernard of Clairvaux
619 St. Bernard of Corleone
620 St. Bernardino Fostered Holy Name Devotion
621 St. Bonaventure 3
622 St. Bridget Calls Us to Work for Unity
623 St. Bridget: A Unique Model Of Feminine Holiness
624 St. Brigit: The Mary of the Gail
625 St. Christopher the 'Christ Bearer'
626 St. Clement, Bishop of Rome
627 St. Ephrem
628 St. Faustina, Apostle of Divine Mercy
629 St. Faustina’s Visions of the Souls in Purgatory
630 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Virgin, Foundress
631 St. Francis Borgia
632 St. Helena and the True Cross
633 St. Ives, Patron Saint of Lawyers
634 St. Joan of Arc on the Big Screen
635 St. John Bosco’s Ten Steps to Helping Our Youth
636 St. John Chrysostom: The Prophet of Charity
637 St. John Fisher, Marriage, and Moral Absolutes
638 St. John Mary Vianney, the Curé d'Ars
639 St. John Neumann: Model for Priests
640 St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II Were Not Afraid to Look upon the Wounds of Jesus
641 St. José María Robles Hurtado
642 St. Joseph — a Compilation
643 St. Joseph a Model for Meaningful Human Relationships
644 St. Joseph and the Third Christian Millennium!
645 St. Joseph the Workman
646 St. Joseph, a Man Who Dreams
647 St. Joseph, a Persecuted and Courageous Migrant
648 St. Joseph, a Witness to Fulfillment of the Promise
649 St. Joseph, an Example and a Witness for Our Times
650 St. Joseph, Father in Tenderness
651 St. Joseph, Man of Silence
652 St. Joseph, Patron of the Good Death
653 St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
654 St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
655 St. Joseph: a Theological Introduction
656 St. Joseph: Man of Trust
657 St. Joseph’s Hospital no longer Catholic
658 St. Josephine Bakhita Was a Humble Witness to God's Love
659 St. Joseph's Role in the Spiritual Life
660 St. Justin, Philosopher and Martyr (c. 100-165)
661 St. Katharine Drexel Evangelized Native and African Americans
662 St. Kinga
663 St. Kinga's Love of the Bridegroom Was Expressed in Countless Works of Charity
664 St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Apostolic Doctor
665 St. Lawrence: Proto-Deacon of the Roman Church
666 St. Louis, Confessor, King of France
667 St. Luigi Scrosoppi
668 St. Marcellin Founded the Marist Brothers to make Jesus Known'
669 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Reception of the Sacred Heart
670 St. Maximilian Kolbe and the Immaculate Conception
671 St. Maximus the Confessor
672 St. Michael: Guardian of the Church
673 St. Nicholas: A Giver of Gifts
674 St. Odo: Change of Lifestyle Based on Humility, Austerity
675 St. Paul Apostle to the Gentiles
676 St. Paul Migrant, Apostle of the Peoples
677 St. Paul of the Cross: Outstanding Example of the Reparative Character of the Night of the Spirit
678 St. Paul Was a Tireless Evangelizer
679 St. Paul, Ephesians 5 and Same-Sex Marriage
680 St. Paul's Call for Unfailing Confidence in God
681 St. Paul's New Outlook (2)
682 St. Peter Claver: Slave of the Slaves Forever
683 St. Peter Damian
684 St. Peter Damian: Monk and Church Reformer
685 St. Peter's, Warts and All
686 St. Pio of Pietrelcina Guided Souls and Alleviated Suffering
687 St. Rafqa Petronilla al-Rayès
688 St. Richard and the Brigittines
689 St. Rita of Cascia
690 St. Robert Bellarmine's Influence on the Writing of the Declaration of Independence & the Virginia Declaration of Rights
691 St. Stephen, Even When Condemned to Death, Entrusted Life to the Lord's Hands
692 St. Stephen: Meditation upon Sacred Scripture in Order to Understand the Present
693 St. Teresa Eustochio Verzeri
694 St. Teresa Presented a New Way of Being Carmelite in a World Which Was Also New
695 St. Teresa's Teaching on the Grades of Prayer
696 St. Theodore the Studite: Order, Obedience, Renunciation
697 St. Therese’s Teacher: Our Lady of the Little Way
698 St. Thomas and the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
699 St. Thomas, Apostle 1,950 Years Ago; St. Francis Xavier 450 Years Ago
700 St. Toribio de Mogrovejo: Apostle of Peru
701 St. Vincent Ferrer and the Divided Papacy
702 St. Wenceslas Preferred Sanctity to Worldly Power
703 Staggering Number of People Are Fleeing War or Persecution, A
704 Stakes Could Not Be Higher, The
705 Stand by the Truth (John 8: 32)
706 Stand for an Ethical Covid-19 Vaccine
707 Standing for Freedom
708 Standing on Both Feet: The Rural Homestead
709 Standing to Sue
710 Standing Up for Kneeling
711 Stanley L. Jaki
712 Star Shall Come From Jacob, A
713 Stark Contrast, A
714 Start Again from Christ: Be His Witnesses in the New Millennium
715 Starting Afresh from Christ: A Renewed Commitment to Consecrated Life in the Third Millennium
716 State Exists to Serve, Not Usurp, the Family, The
717 State Is Called to Greater Responsibility, The
718 State Must Recognize Pubic Relevance of Religion
719 State Must Recognize the Specific Identity of the Family Founded upon Marriage, The
720 State of the Church in the Diocese of Providence in the Age of Coronavirus, The
721 State of the US Catholic Church at the Beginning of 2006
722 Statement by Connecticut Bishops Regarding Plan B
723 Statement Concerning Bishop Geoffrey Robinson
724 Statement Concerning Alleged Apparitions to Gianna Talone-Sullivan
725 Statement Concerning the Case of Theresa Schiavo
726 Statement for Respect Life Sunday
727 Statement from Bishop Robert C. Morlino regarding ongoing sexual abuse crisis in the Church
728 Statement from Bishop Thomas John Paprocki on Senate Failure to Pass Pain-Capable Unborn Children’s Act
729 Statement from Bishop Thomas John Paprocki Regarding the Testimony of the Former Apostolic Nuncio
730 Statement from Bishop Thomas Olmsted Regarding Archbishop Viganò’s Recent Testimony
731 Statement from Bishop William Murphy on Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi’s Support of Gay Marriage
732 Statement of Bishop Bruskewitz Excommunicating Certain Groups
733 Statement of Bishop Tobin on the Current Discussion Concerning Sexual Abuse of Minors and Abortion
734 Statement of Bishops of Zambia Regarding Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo
735 Statement of Cardinal Renato Martino on behalf of Terri Schiavo
736 Statement of Conclusions
737 Statement of Conscience
738 Statement of Iraqi Patriarchs and Bishops
739 Statement of Reconciliation
740 Statement of the Catholic Bishops of Alberta on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
741 Statement of the Catholic Medical Association on the case of Mrs. Terri Schindler-Schiavo
742 Statement of the Holy See on Human Cloning addressed to the United Nations
743 Statement of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts
744 Statement of the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
745 Statement on "Same-Sex Marriage"
746 Statement on Book by Sr. Elizabeth Johnson
747 Statement on Canada’s Opioid Crisis and Drug Addiction
748 Statement on Decision to Appeal to Supreme Court Regarding Order to Break Seal of Confession
749 Statement on Face Masks at Mass
750 Statement on Father Nicholas Gruner
751 Statement on Homosexuals Receiving the Eucharist
752 Statement on Human Cloning and Research on Human Embryos
753 Statement on Human Dignity, Conscience, and Health Care
754 Statement on 'Left Behind' Books, Videos
755 Statement on New Policy Disqualifying Transgender Individuals from Military Service
756 Statement on New Ways Ministry
757 Statement on Physician-Assisted Suicide
758 Statement on Political Action
759 Statement on Pontiff's Words Regarding Condoms
760 Statement on Responsibilities of Catholics in Public Life
761 Statement on Same-Sex Marriage
762 Statement on the 2012 Elections, A
763 Statement on The Catholic Church’s Teaching Regarding Marriage
764 Statement on the Community of Divine Innocence
765 Statement on the Declarations of Pope Francis Regarding Civil Unions
766 Statement on the Information Highway by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
767 Statement on the Nebraska School Activities Association’s Policy on Transgender Student Participation
768 Statement on the Offering of the Holy Mass in the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter
769 Statement on the Reception of Holy Communion by Those Who Persist in Public Grave Sin
770 Statement Regarding Archdiocesan Transition from Girl Scouts to American Heritage Girls
771 Statement Regarding Senator Kennedy
772 Statement to the Faithful on Notre Dame
773 Stating the Truth about the Scourge of Genocide
774 Stations of the Cross
775 Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum
776 Status of Society of St. Pius X Masses
777 Statute of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life
778 Statute of the Pontifical Academy for Life
779 Statutes Approved for the Recently Established Association of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
780 Statutes of the Dicastery to Promote Integral Human Development
781 Statutes of the new Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life
782 Stay "Connected" to Christ To Be Protagonists of Change
783 Stay in the 'Sweet Company' of Jesus to Live Well
784 Staying Faithful to the Jesuit Mission in Our Schools
785 Stem Cell Research: Down The Slippery Slope From Contraception
786 Stem Cell Research: Is There a Moral Way?
787 Stem Cell Sleight-of-Hand
788 Stephen, the Protomartyr
789 Stepping Closer to the Reform of the Reform
790 Sterile Priests Do Not Help the Church
791 Sterilization as Contraception
792 Sterilization Law in Germany
793 Sterilization: Catholic Teaching and Catholic Practice
794 Sticks and Stones
795 Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones: The History of Anti-Catholic Violence in the U.S.
796 Still The World's Most Catholic Country
797 Stone Rejected ... Has Become Cornerstone, The
798 Stopping Sex-Slave Trade in the Global Economy?
799 Stopping The International Criminal Court
800 Stopping the Spread of HIV/AIDS
801 Stopping the Spread of HIV/AIDS--A Response
802 Stopping the Violence
803 Stories of the Korean Martyrs
804 Story of a Vocation, The
805 Story of Bl. Mary MacKillop, Australian Foundress, The
806 Story of the Vanishing Schism: the Strange Case of Cardinal Lara, The
807 Strength of God Counteracts Human Weakness, The
808 Strength of the Church Is Concealed in the Deep Waters of God, The
809 Strength to Face the Phenomenon of Terrorism, The
810 Strengthen Fraternity
811 Strengthen Penal Law Against the "Idolatry of Market"
812 Strengthen Spiritual and Moral Values in Society
813 Strengthened by Christ's Passover
814 Stretch Forth Your Hand to the Poor
815 Stromata, Or Miscellanies, Book I, The
816 Stromata, Or Miscellanies, Book II, The
817 Stromata, Or Miscellanies, Book V, The
818 Stromata, Or Miscellanies, Book VI, The
819 Stromata, Or Miscellanies, Books III - IV, The
820 Stromata, Or Miscellanies, Books VII-VIII, The
821 Strong Sense of the Privilege and Duty of Living in Assisi, A
822 Strong Societies Are Built on Strong Families
823 Structural Change Is Part of the Dynamic of Mission
824 Structures For a New Church Model
825 Struggle of Prayer, The
826 Sts Cyril And Methodius: Christian Faith Does Not Stifle But Purifies, Exalts, Integrates Cultural Values
827 Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher: Men for Our Season
828 Students have the right to learn the Church's teaching in all its richness
829 Studiorum Ducem (On St. Thomas Aquinas)
830 Study of Christian Culture, The
831 Stygian Lifeboat: On the River of Moral Relativism, A
832 Style Counts
833 Subject in a Vegetative State: a Personalistic View, The
834 Subject to the Governor of the Universe: The American Experience and Global Religious Liberty
835 Submission on Marriage
836 Submission to the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse - USCCB
837 Subsidiarity at Work: a Catholic's Vision of Social Policy
838 Subsidiarity in Art
839 Subsidiarity, Solidarity, and the Lay Mission
840 Sudan: Country of Terrorism, Religious Persecution, Slavery, Rape, Genocide, and Man-Made Starvation
841 Sudanese Bishops' Appeal for American Help
842 Suffer the Children: Sex-ed programs Designed by Prostitution Advocates
843 Suffer the Children: The Disaster of 'Talking about Touching'
844 Suffering Is Also God's Gift
845 Summa Quae (On The Church In Poland)
846 Summary and Guide to the Documents of the Second Vatican Council, A
847 Summary of Pope John Paul II's Catechesis on Original Sin
848 Summary of the Final List of Propositions for the Special Assembly for the Middle East
849 Summi Dei Verbum
850 Summi Maeroris (On Public Prayers For Peace)
851 Summi Pontificatus (On The Unity Of Human Society)
852 Summo Iugiter Studio (On Mixed Marriages)
853 Summorum Pontificum
854 Summorum Pontificum
855 Sun Rising In The East On Priests And Altars
856 Sunday Shows God's Love for His Creatures
857 Sunday: Day of Rest and Community Prayer
858 Sunday: Primordial Nucleus of the Liturgical Year
859 Superhuman: The Uncharted Territory of Transhumanism
860 Superiore Anno (On The Recitation Of The Rosary)
861 Support the Continental Mission Proclaimed at Aparecida
862 Supporting Parents, the Primary Educators and Protectors of Their Children
863 Suppression of Popular Devotions in Today's Catholic Church, The
864 Supreme Court Ruling Prompts New Call to Act
865 Supremi Apostolatus Officio (On Devotion Of The Rosary)
866 Surprise of an Encounter, The
867 Surviving As a Catholic Family in the Third Millennium
868 Sustainable Development Calls For Advancement Of Human Beings
869 Sustainable Development: a Global Agenda Structured on Population Control
870 Sustainable Tourism – A Tool for Development
871 Swami From Oxford, The
872 Syllabus of Pius IX, The
873 Symbol of Communion with Church of Rome
874 Symeon the New Theologian
875 Symphony Of Faith, The
876 Synergy between Institutions and the Catholic Church
877 Synod at the Service of the Church's Mission and Commuion
878 Synod Decides . . . Not To Approve Restricted Inerrancy Doctrine
879 Synod Is a Time for Sharing
880 Synod Is Moving, Walking, Walking Together, Finding Agreement, The
881 Synod Is Not a Parliament, The
882 Synod Is Not a Parliament, The
883 Synod Is Not a Parliament, The
884 Synod Success — Next Step: Involve the Whole Church
885 Synodal Church Is a Church of Listening, A
886 Synodality versus True Identity of the Church as Hierarchical Communion
887 Synthesis of Instruction "Dignitas Personae"
888 Synthesis of the Declaration of Dominus Iesus
889 Syriac Versions Of The Epistles Of Ignatius Of Antioch