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Documents by Title: Keyletter "O" - 380 documents

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1 O God We Ponder Your Love Within Your Temple
2 O Sacred Feast
3 Oath Against Modernism, The
4 Oath of Fidelity on Assuming an Office to be Exercised in the Name of the Church, The
5 Obama and the Alternative Magisterium
6 Obama’s Contraception Cram-down: The Pork Precedent
7 Observance and Prophecy Are Not in Opposition
8 Observations on the Document: Moral Principles Concerning Infants with Anencephaly
9 Observations on the New Norms for Masses at St. Peters
10 Obstacles to Development Derive from a Distorted Vision of the Human Being
11 Obstructing Ex corde Ecclesiae
12 Occasion of the Celebrations of the 1450 Anniversary of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Apollinaire in Classe
13 Octave of Easter
14 Octave of Easter
15 October 2024 — Overview for the Month
16 Octobri Mense (On The Rosary)
17 Octogesima Adveniens
18 Odor of Sweetness, An
19 Of Human Dignity: The Declaration on Religious Liberty at 50
20 Of Inquisitors and Pontiffs: Criticizing John Paul II
21 Of St. Ivo Helory of Brittany
22 Off The Rails: Was Vatican II Hijacked?
23 Offence to Rome's Christian values!, An
24 Offer Forgiveness and Receive Peace
25 Offer Unambiguous Testimony to the Moral Teaching of the Church
26 Offer Witness of Harmonious Unity
27 Offer your suffering to God
28 Offer Yourselves with Christ For the Church
29 Official Common Statement by the Lutheran World Federation & the Catholic Church
30 Official Statement of the Diocese of Baton Rouge Regarding Order for Priest to Break Confessional Seal
31 Official Visit of the Holy Father to the Italian President
32 Officio Sanctissimo (On The Church In Bavaria)
33 Often, International Action to Combat Hunger Ignores the Human Factor
34 Oh What a Tangled Web: Boys & Girls & Online Porn
35 Okay, Here’s How You Should Vote
36 Old Age Can Be a Time of Spiritual Vitality
37 Old Age 'Fruitful Time to Bear Witness to Christ’
38 Old Europe’s New Despotism
39 Old Form of the Neocatechumenal Mass Is Illicit, The
40 Old Had Passed Away, the New Has Come, The
41 Old Ideology Lives On, An
42 Old Problems in the New World
43 Old Problems with Modern Philosophy
44 Old Testament: A Chronological Reading, Part Two, The
45 Old Testament: A Survey and Chronological Reading, The
46 ole of the Christian Conscience in the Promotion of Life in Relation to Developing Countries , The
47 Omnem Sollicitudinem (On The Greek-ruthenian Rite)
48 Omnibus Compertum (On Unity Among The Greek Melchites)
49 Omnium In Mentem
50 On the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons
51 On Accounting for Our Hope
52 On Adapting to "Modern Times"
53 On Adhesion to the Second Vatican Council
54 On Admitting Other Christians to Eucharistic Communion in the Catholic Church (In Quibus Rerum Circumstantiis)
55 On Baptism (Part V): Regeneration
56 On Baptism (Part VI): Put on Christ
57 On Baptism: Source of Life
58 On Basic Care for Patients in the 'Vegetative' State
59 On Becoming Fire
60 On Behalf of the Angels
61 On Being Catholic American
62 On Better Care for Catechetical Teaching (Provido Sane Consilio)
63 On Catechesis in Our Time (Catechesi Tradendae)
64 On Catholic Political Philosophy (Parts 1 & 2)
65 On Catholicity in the United States
66 On Catholics and Pentecostals: A Historical Overview
67 On Certain Modifications to the Norms Governing the Election of the Roman Pontiff
68 On Christian Joy (Gaudete in Domino)
69 On Combating Abortion and Euthanasia
70 On Confirmation
71 On Confirmation (Part III)
72 On Conscientious Voting
73 On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine
74 On Criticism
75 On 'Decent Work', In Keeping With The Dignity Of The Family
76 On Decrease of Fertility in the World
77 On Denying Communion as a Sanction: Letter to a Cardinal
78 On Development that Respects the Environment
79 On Devotion to St. Joseph (Quamquam pluries)
80 On Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Marialis Cultus)
81 On Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (Sapientia Christiana)
82 On Embryonic Stem Cell Research
83 On Facilitating Reception of Communion in Certain Circumstances (Immensae caritatis)
84 On Faculties for the SSPX to Validly Administer the Sacrament of Matrimony
85 On Faith in the Resurrection
86 On Fetal Reduction in Cases of Multiple Pregnancies
87 On Healing the World
88 On Healthcare, Protect the 'Rights of Conscience'
89 On Homosexuality
90 On Hope Founded in the Word
91 On Human Life
92 On Humility and Giving Generously
93 On Indulgences (Indulgentiarum Doctrina)
94 On Jesus, Man of Prayer
95 On John Paul II
96 On Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees”
97 On Keeping the Lord's Day Holy (Dies Domini)
98 On Learning From Not Having Learned
99 On Lent
100 On Life and Love
101 On Love and Metaphysics
102 On Mission Societies (Sancta Dei Civitas)
103 On Monika the Modernist
104 On Our Civic Responsibility for the Common Good
105 On Papal Trip to Baltic Countries
106 On Pilgrimage to the Father's House
107 On Pope Benedict XVI's Address at the University of Regensburg
108 On Prayer According to St. Alphonsus Liguori
109 On Preparing and Celebrating the Paschal Feast
110 On Priesthood and Those With Homosexual Tendencies
111 On Priestly Sanctification
112 On Promoting Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
113 On Psalm 126
114 On Reconciliation and Penance (Reconciliatio et Paenitentia)
115 On Saying the Tridentine Mass
116 On Science Fiction
117 On Secularism
118 On St Paul’s Ministry in Ephesus
119 On St. Jerome (Spiritus Paraclitus)
120 On Summer Reading
121 On Sustainable Development
122 On the 40th Anniversary of the Constitution 'Sacrosanctum Concilium' on the Sacred Liturgy
123 On the 60th Anniversary of Summi Pontificatus
124 On the 6th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
125 On the Acts of the Apostles & Philip
126 On the Apostleship of the Sea
127 On the Art of Celebrating the Eucharistic Liturgy Properly and Adoring the Lord in the Eucharist Devoutly
128 On the Beatific Vision of God (Benedictus Deus)
129 On the Beatification of Mother Mary Helen Mackillop
130 On the Beatitudes
131 On the Bishop, Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World
132 On The Canonization Of First Native American
133 On the CDF Responsum Regarding Ordination of Women
134 On The Celebration Of Mass
135 On the Children's Side
136 On the Christian Burial of the Dead
137 On the Commandments & Keeping the Lord’s Day
138 On the Commandments & The Day of Rest, Prophecy of Freedom
139 On the Concept of Revelation as presented in the Instrumentum Laboris for the Amazon Synod
140 On the Conclusion of the Year of the Common Commemoration of the Reformation
141 On the Correct Formula for Baptism
142 On the Credibility of the Catholic Church
143 On the Creed and Universal Prayer
144 On the Current Norms Governing Exorcism (Inde Ab Aliquot Annis)
145 On the Dangers of 'Parish' Sins
146 On the Day of My Birth and My Baptism
147 On the Defense of Working Rights
148 On The Difficulties With Islam
149 On the Dignity of Human Life and Civic Responsibility
150 On the Ecumenical Movement
151 On the Eucharist in Its Relationship to the Church (Ecclesia de Eucharistia)
152 On the Eucharistic Prayer
153 On the Family (Familiaris Consortio)
154 On the Family and Integration of the Disabled
155 On the Feast of the North American Martyrs
156 On the Gospel & Homily
157 On the Headship of Husbands
158 On the Holy Spirit and Acts of the Apostles
159 On the Immaculate Heart and the People of Russia
160 On the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless
161 On the Jurisdiction of Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters
162 On the Laity (Christifideles Laici)
163 On the Liturgy of the Eucharist
164 On the Liturgy of the Word
165 On the Meaning and Importance of the Nativity Scene
166 On the Mind that Is Catholic
167 On the Morality of Using Some Anti-Covid-19 Vaccines
168 On the Most Holy Rosary (Rosarium Virginis Mariae)
169 On the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes
170 On the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist (Dominicae Cenae)
171 On the Nullity of Anglican Orders
172 On The Occasion of the Eighth Centenary of St. Anthony of Padua's Birth
173 On the Occasion of the Eightieth Anniversary of the Encyclical "Rerum Novarum"
174 On the Origins and Treatment of Homosexuality
175 On the Our Father
176 On the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
177 On the Power, Misuse & Neglect of Liturgical Symbolism
178 On the Prayer of Abraham
179 On the Prayer of David
180 On the Prayer of Moses
181 On the Primary Purpose of Marriage
182 On the Production and the Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
183 On the Promotion of the Study of Latin
184 On the Queenship of Mary
185 On the Question of the True Pope
186 On the Renewal of the Religious Life According to Vatican II
187 On the Restored Order of the Sacraments of Initiation
188 On The Resurrection Of The Dead
189 On the Rite of Institution of Catechists
190 On the Road to Sainthood
191 On the Road!
192 On the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
193 On the Separation of Sense and State: A Clarification for the People of the Church in Northern Colorado
194 On the Shores of the Ganges River
195 On the Symbolism of Holy Doors
196 On the Synod of Bishops (Episcopalis Communio)
197 On the Synodal Process in Germany and the Synod for the Amazon
198 On the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff (Universi Dominici Gregis)
199 On the Virtue of Justice
200 On this Rock I Will Build My Church
201 On Three Ways of Writing for Children
202 On Trial Again
203 On Turning Around
204 On Visiting the Sick
205 On Voting for Pro-Abortion Candidates
206 On Whose Authority?
207 Once Again, Hitler's Pope?
208 Once in a Century: Remembering John Paul II
209 One Cannot Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the Tangible Witness of One's Life
210 One Christian Perspective on Climate Change
211 One Essential Truth: God Is Love
212 One Fearless Voice: The Lion of Munster
213 One Lord and One Church For One World
214 One More Chance
215 One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
216 One-World Church Expected This Year
217 On-Going Marxist March Against the Western Mind, The
218 Ongoing Search For Full Communion
219 Only a Church Which Is Bride, Mother and Servant Can Remain with Jesus
220 Only Christ Can Fulfill Man's Hopes
221 Only Christ Fully Satisfies the Needs of the Human Heart
222 Only Conversion Of Heart Can Banish Threats Of War
223 Only Dialogue Can Make Aspirations for Peace a Reality
224 Only Following Jesus Leads to the New Brotherhood
225 Only From God Does True Revolution Come
226 Only God’s Mercy Can Free Humanity from the Many Forms of Evil
227 Only in Christ Can We Find True Meaning
228 Only Love Can Erase Prejudices
229 Only Man's Sin May Interrupt His Bond with God
230 Only the Church Can Open the Door to the Sacraments
231 Only the Word of God Changes the Human Heart
232 Only Thing Truly Needed: Charity, The
233 Only Those Who Bear Their Yoke Humbly Find Peace
234 Only Those Who Know How to Say "Thank You" Will Experience the Fullness of Joy
235 Ontology of Paintings
236 ontribution of a Catholic University to the Life and Mission of the Church , The
237 Onward to Encounter Jesus
238 ope Meets Clergy in the Shrine of El Quinche , The
239 Open America's Doors To Christ
240 Open Breaches in Walls
241 Open Heart of the Son: Place of Trinity, Source of the Church
242 Open Letter from Bishop Morlino on Protecting Marriage, An
243 Open Letter to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
244 Open Letter to the Government and People of Uganda
245 Open the Doors of Hope to the People of Africa
246 Open to the Spirit, Get to the Essential
247 Open Your Heart to the Holy Spirit
248 Open Your Mind to the Creator's Presence
249 Opening Address To the Council
250 Opening Life to Newness of God
251 Opening of the Nicene Creed, The
252 Opening Our Hearts and Minds to Christ
253 Opening Remarks at Meeting of the Superiors of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
254 Opening Up to God Does Not Detach Us from the World
255 Opera Artis
256 Optatissima Pax (On Prescribing Public Prayers For Social And World Peace)
257 Optime Noscitis (On Episcopal Meetings)
258 Optime Noscitis (On The Proposed Catholic University Of Ireland)
259 Oration Delivered at Ninth Session of the Council of Trent
260 Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans: O.F.M.)
261 Order Of Saint Benedict
262 Order Of The Brothers Of The Most Blessed Virgin Mary Of Mount Carmel (Carmelites: White Friars: O. Carm.)
263 Order of the Most Holy Trinity
264 Ordinary and Extraordinary Means of the Preservation of Life: The Teaching of Moral Tradition
265 Ordinary Time
266 Ordinary Time Workshop
267 Ordinary Ways Of Convert Making, The
268 Ordinatio Sacerdotalis: a definition ex cathedra
269 Ordination to the Priesthood of 15 Deacons of the Diocese of Rome
270 Orestes Brownson . . . On the Conversion of America and Russia
271 Organ Donation: The Inconvenient Truth
272 Organ Transplant and Respect for Human Dignity
273 Oriental Churches: Example of Unity In Fragmented World
274 Orientales Ecclesias (On The Persecuted Eastern Church)
275 Orientales Omnes Ecclesias (On The Reunion Of The Ruthenian Chuch With Rome)
276 Orientalis Ecclesiae (On St. Cyril, Patriarch Of Alexandria)
277 Origen of Alexandria: Life and Work
278 Origen of Alexandria: The Thought
279 Origin of the Family, The
280 Origin of the Hymns of the Liturgy, The
281 Original
282 Origins and Healing of Homosexual Attractions, The
283 Origins and Meaning of the Christian Altar
284 Origins of Ash Wednesday, The
285 Origins of Modern Materialism, The
286 Origins of the Catholic Church
287 ost Sense of Sin in Psychology , The
288 Other Catholics, The
289 Other is a Brother or Sister to Love, The
290 Other Shroud of Christ, The
291 otion of a Right to a 'Good Death' Undermines Society , The
292 Ouija Boards and Tarot Cards
293 Our Actions Are Our Future
294 Our Actions are our Future. Healthy Diets for a #ZeroHunger World
295 Our Baptismal Communion Enables Us to Bear Common Witness to the Faith
296 Our Bodies Will Share in the Resurrection
297 Our Common Search Does Not Distance Us from the Truth
298 Our Common Vision
299 Our Crumbling Civilization
300 Our Deep Communion Has its Source in our Common Faith Sealed by the Gift of Baptism
301 Our Demographic Winter . . . Forty Years After Humanae Vitae
302 Our Duty to Challenge Catholic Politicians Who Support Abortion Rights
303 Our Faith Is a Fighting Faith and a Fearless Faith
304 Our First Right: Religious Liberty
305 Our First, Most Cherished Liberty
306 Our Founding Father
307 Our Gender Is Not an Accident
308 Our God Is the God of Words and of Silence
309 Our God is Word, and at the Same Time, He is the Silence that Listens
310 Our Guardian Angels
311 Our Hearts Must Stay Always With Christ
312 Our Home Will Be a Chapel of Love
313 Our Lady And Islam: Heaven's Peace Plan
314 Our Lady Helps Us Win Our Battles Against Evil
315 Our Lady in Old Irish Folklore and Hymns
316 Our Lady in Russia
317 Our Lady Intended to Remain a Virgin
318 Our Lady of Africa
319 Our Lady of Charity
320 Our Lady of China
321 Our Lady of Divine Love
322 Our Lady of Good Counsel
323 Our Lady of Green Bay
324 Our Lady of Guadalupe
325 Our Lady of Guadalupe
326 Our Lady of Iviron
327 Our Lady of Kursk
328 Our Lady of La Leche
329 Our Lady of Laus Now On a Par with Lourdes
330 Our Lady of Lujan
331 Our Lady Of Pellevoisin
332 Our Lady of Perpetual Help
333 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Icon Has Colorful History
334 Our Lady of Rocamadour
335 Our Lady of the Cape
336 Our Lady of the Catacombs
337 Our Lady of the Eucharist
338 Our Lady of the Philippines
339 Our Lady of the Sioux
340 Our Lady of the Snows
341 Our Lady of Victory, Pray for Us
342 Our Lady of Vladimir
343 Our Lady of Zoce
344 Our Lady, Help of Christians
345 Our Lady's Greatest Priviledge
346 Our Messed-Up, Dog-Loving, Childless Culture
347 Our Mission Is To Bear Witness To Christ in the World
348 Our Mission Is to Encounter the Lord Who Consoles and to Console the People of God
349 Our Moral Morass
350 Our Moral Responsibility as Catholic Citizens
351 Our Most Urgent Task Is to Satisfy the Spiritual Hunger of Our Times
352 Our Needs and Their Fulfillment
353 Our Peculiar Institution: the New Slavery
354 Our Priesthood on the Couch
355 Our Public Schools and Religion
356 Our Savior Is Born to the World!
357 Our Searchings
358 Our Struggle for the Soul of our Nation
359 Our Task: Promote Culture of Dialogue
360 Our Union with Christ Is Mediated By the Sacraments of His Church
361 Our Vision Of Health Must Be Holistic
362 Our Vocation Is to Be Lived in Joy
363 Our Whole Life Should Be An 'Advent'
364 Out of Persecution, Oppression Come Fidelity, Strength
365 Outbound Church with an Outbound Laity, An
366 Outlaw: One Priest in the Underground Chinese Church
367 Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing and Paternal Absence: Trends and Social Effects
368 Outward Penance Aids Us in Our Interior Conversion
369 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace
370 Overcome Racism, Xenophobia Towards Immigrants
371 Overcome the Divorce between Theology and Pastoral Ministry
372 Overcome the Erosion of Faith through Pastoral Outreach
373 Overcoming Pessimism on the Path to Full Christian Unity
374 Overdosing on the Medicine of Mercy
375 Over-Population Cabal, The
376 Overview Of Christian History In Ukraine
377 Overview of Ecumenical Initiatives
378 Overview of Religious History of Syria
379 Overview of the General Catechetical Directory, An
380 Overview of the Third 'Editio Typica' Of The Roman Missal