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Documents by Title: Keyletter "L" - 483 documents

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1 La Pequenita of the Indios
2 Laborem Exercens (On Human Work)
3 Lack of Hope In Life Is the "Dark" Evil of Modern Society
4 Lack of Hope Is the Real Poverty
5 Lack of Job Security Affects Development of Society
6 Lacrimabili Statu (On The Indians Of South America)
7 Laetamur Admodum (Renewing Exhortation For Prayers For Peace For Poland, Hungary, And The Middle East)
8 Laetamur Magnopere
9 Laetitiae Sanctae (Commending Devotion To The Rosary)
10 LaHaying The Rapture On Thick
11 Laicity, Christianity, the West: an Historical Profile
12 Laity In The Liturgy: What Is Their 'Ministeriality'?
13 Laity Should Accept Active Co-Responsibility for the Work of the Church, The
14 Lamentabili Sane -- Syllabus Condemning the Errors of the Modernists
15 Land and the Spirit, The
16 Landscapes of Nothingness
17 Language and its Implications
18 Language In the Roman Rite Liturgy: Latin and Vernacular
19 Language of Beauty
20 Language Of Christian Art, The
21 Language of Love, The
22 Language of the Body & the Mass, The
23 Languages of Biblical Translation, The
24 Large Families Are the Hope of Society
25 Large Family, The
26 Last Ancient Patriarch of Jerusalem: Saint Sophronius, The
27 Last Discourse of St. Oliver Plunket
28 Last Mass of Father Ragheed, a Martyr of the Chaldean Church, The
29 Last Shall Be First, The
30 Last Straw: Quitting the Bishops' Review Board, The
31 Last Supper Sets Mystery of Love Before Us
32 Last Testament of H.M.C.M., Louis XVI
33 Last Vocation - To Grow Old Gracefully, A
34 Last Wall, The
35 Last Will and Testament of Pope John XXIII
36 Latest War Against Marriage, The
37 Latin America Is Truly Blessed with Faith
38 Latin America: Safeguarding Faith and Cultural Dynamism
39 Latin: Vehicle of Unity between Peoples and Cultures
40 Latina Lingua
41 Laudato si'
42 Launch Us on the Adventure of Mercy
43 Launching the Catechism for Australia
44 Launching the Fortnight for Freedom
45 Law & the Gospel of Life
46 Law and Morality in Public Discourse: How Christians Can Rebuild Our Culture
47 Law as a Carrier of Culture, The
48 Law Is Intrinsically Linked to the Essence of Marriage
49 Law Is the Condition of Love
50 Law Must Be Accepted to Be Valid, A
51 Law of the Cross, The
52 Law of the Gift, The
53 Law of the Lord Is Perfect, It Revives the Soul, The
54 Laws Must Support Rights of Family
55 Lay Activity Calls For Greater Presence Of Priests
56 Lay Apostolate Is Distinct and Noble in Its Own Right
57 Lay Catholics in Schools: Witnesses to Faith
58 Lay Mission Is to Imbue the World with Christian Spirit
59 Lay Participation in Church Governance
60 Laying of the Foundation-Stone of a Church, The
61 Layman in the Church, The
62 Layman's View of Layman's Spirituality, A
63 Le Pelerinage De Lourdes (Warning Against Materialism)
64 Le Puy
65 Leaders of Society Must Ensure That People Are Never Objects
66 Learn by Observing the Life of Children
67 Learn from Mary to Recognize the Presence of the Spirit
68 Learn Liturgy Well to Live Fully Every Mass
69 Learn to Love Mary, Our Heavenly Mother
70 Learn to Serve Like Mary
71 Learning the Beatitudes
72 Learning to Leave
73 Learning to Read the Bible
74 Leave Aside Personal Ambitions That Do Much Harm to the Church
75 Leave Behind All Past Wrongs and Wounds, and Build Fellowship with All
76 Lectio Divina: Daily Information for a New Life
77 Led by the Spirit for Mission
78 Left Behind: Any Link With The Early Church
79 Legacy of Teilhard?, The
80 Legal and Sacramental Preparation Needed for Married Couples
81 Legalizing Euthanasia by Omission: And Making It a Doctor's Order
82 Legitimacy of Capital Punishment, The
83 Legitimate Diversity Must Not Divide
84 Leisure as the Basis of Home Life
85 Leisure: The Life and Health of the Soul
86 Lent and Reality
87 Lent and the Family
88 Lent Challenges Our Routine and Sets Us on a Path of Conversion
89 Lent Is a Journey of Hope
90 Lent Is a Journey of Return to God
91 Lent Is a Time for Opening Our Eyes to the Injustices that Stand in the Way of God's Plan
92 Lent Is The Time For A Conversion Along The Path Of Free Gift
93 Lent Rediscovering Our Baptism
94 Lent, A Great Spiritual Retreat Lasting Forty Days
95 Lent, A Time for More Intense Prayer and Penance
96 Lent, A Time to Shoulder Our Christian Responsibilities
97 Lent, Time of Conversion and Reconciliation
98 Lent: a Time for Renewing Faith, Hope and Love
99 Lent: Crossing the Desert, Abandoning Ourselves to God
100 Lent: Experiencing the Regenerating Mercy of God
101 Lent: God Invites Us to Individual Conversion
102 Lenten Music
103 Lenten Penance and the Synodal Journey
104 Lenten Prayer: Restore Us As A Culture of Life, A
105 Lenten Reflection: The Father of Lies. . . and the Triumph of Truth
106 Lenten Workshop, The
107 Leo the Great: A Lion of God
108 Leo XIII Decried the Pernicious Impact of Divorce
109 Leo XIII Knew Socialism Would Fail because It Was Evil
110 Leo XIII: “Taxing the Rich Does Not Help the Poor”
111 Leo XIII: “Without Faith, Liberty Degenerates into License”
112 Leo XIII: A Man of Great Faith & Profound Devotion
113 Leo XIII's Decision on Anglican Orders: The Extrinsic Argument
114 Leo XIII's Decision on Anglican Orders: The Intrinsic Argument
115 Leo’s Guilds a Far Cry from Today’s Unions
116 Leonard Feeney Quarrel and Pius IX on Invincible Ignorance, The
117 Leonardo Boff and Liberation Theology
118 Lepanto, 1571: The Battle that Saved Europe
119 Les Revelations Privees: Quelques Remarques Theologiques
120 Lessons From Our Lady of Knock
121 Lessons In Obedience and God's Will Are Part of Daily Life
122 Let Every Creature Bless the Lord
123 Let Fire of Christ's Love Be Kindled on Earth
124 Let Freedom Ring!
125 Let God Carry Out His Plan
126 Let God Purify Our Hearts & Experience Fullness of Joy
127 Let My People Go: the Catholic Church and Slavery
128 Let No Hatred, No Conflict, No War Be Kindled or Justified in the Name of the World's Great Religions
129 Let the Church Shine in Splendour
130 Let the Lord Make Your Life Into a Gift of Love
131 Let the Risen Christ into Our Lives
132 Let the Vehicles of Hope Never Again Become Vehicles of Death
133 Let The World Praise Faithful God
134 Let Us Allow Ourselves To Be Challenged by the Child in the Manger
135 Let Us Allow Ourselves to Be Shaken, Purified and Consoled
136 Let Us Ask for the Apostolic Strength to Bring the Gospel to Others
137 Let Us Ask for the Grace to Be Amazed
138 Let Us Ask the Lord to Inspire a New Spirit of Harmony and Solidarity Among the Churches
139 Let Us Be "Protectors" of Creation, Not Allowing Omens of Destruction and Death to Accompany Our World's Journey
140 Let Us Be Close to All Families, Especially Those in Difficulty
141 Let Us Celebrate Life!
142 Let Us Draw Courage From Our Crucified & Risen Lord
143 Let Us Entrust This Time to the Maternal Protection of Our Lady
144 Let Us Follow the Light that God Gives
145 Let Us Follow the Path of Serving the Lord
146 Let Us Forgive and Ask Forgiveness!
147 Let us Give Children a Future of Peace
148 Let Us Go For Our People
149 Let Us Go Forward Together to Full Unity!
150 Let us go out to meet Christ the Lord, for he is coming!
151 Let Us Keep Our Gaze Fixed on Jesus
152 Let Us Live What We Celebrate
153 Let Us Look to the New Saints in Light of the Word of God
154 Let Us Love, Not with Words But with Deeds
155 Let Us Move the Accent from Sociological Issues to Faith
156 Let Us Never Tire of Saying "Our Father"
157 Let Us Never Yield to the Temptation of Thinking That We Cannot Be Forgiven
158 Let Us Not "Say" the Rosary
159 Let Us Not Deprive the World of the Proclamation of the Resurrection
160 Let Us Offer the World New Signs of Hope
161 Let Us Open Our Eyes to Our Neighbors Who Are Forgotten and Excluded
162 Let Us Reaffirm Our Faith!
163 Let Us Return with Joy to the Eucharist
164 Let Us Rise with Thomas
165 Let Us Sit at the School of the Holy Spirit
166 Let Us Take Mercy to Every Part of the World
167 Let Us Tirelessly Climb the Mountain of Holiness
168 Let Us Walk Together Free, Obedient, United in the Love of Christ
169 Let Us Work to Build an Integral Humanism
170 Let Yourselves Be Shaped by the Spirit
171 Let’s Invite Him into Our Hearts, to Always Preserve Joy of Christmas
172 Let’s Make a Deal: Catholic Conscience and Compromise
173 Let's Take the First Step
174 Letter En reponse a la demande to presidents of those conferences of bishops petitioning the indult for communion in the hand
175 Letter And Critique On Liturgiam Authenticam
176 Letter Calling for Plenary Council for US Church
177 Letter Calls for New ICEL Statutes
178 Letter Concerning 'Call to Action'
179 Letter Concerning Pilgrimage to the Places Linked to the History of Salvation
180 Letter Concerning the Dogmatic Definition of Mary as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate for the People of God
181 Letter for Holy Thursday 2001
182 Letter for the 15th Centenary of Death of St. John Chrysostom
183 Letter for the Sanctification of the Clergy
184 Letter for Year of Consecrated Life
185 Letter from Bishop Guglielmone to Papal Nuncio
186 Letter from Cardinal Arinze to Bishop Skylstad about Liturgical Translations
187 Letter from Cardinal Ottaviani to His Holiness Pope Paul VI
188 Letter from Confraternity President to Bishop Wilton Gregory
189 Letter from the Australian Bishops to the Catholic people of Australia
190 Letter from the Holy Office Concerning Fr. Leonard Feeney
191 Letter from US Nuncio on Fr. Gobbi
192 Letter from US Nuncio on Fr. Gobbi's "Private Meditations"
193 Letter Granting Indulgence during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
194 Letter of Pope Francis to the People of God
195 Letter of April 19, 1985 to U.S. Bishops Concerning Masonry
196 Letter of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on "The Many Faces of Aids"
197 Letter of Cardinal Ratzinger Regarding Dominus Iesus
198 Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the Faithful for the month of May 2020
199 Letter of the Holy Father to the Bishops for the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
200 Letter of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office
201 Letter of the Superior General of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X
202 Letter on 4th Centenary of Death of St Ignatius
203 Letter on Certain Questions Concerning Eschatology
204 Letter on the Gospel of Work
205 Letter on the Occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
206 Letter on the Occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests 2009
207 Letter on the Year of Faith by Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J.
208 Letter Regarding Female Altar Servers
209 Letter Regarding Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church
210 Letter Regarding Translation of 'Pro Multis'
211 Letter Rejecting ICEL Translation of Rite of Ordination
212 Letter Sent to Bishops with Pre-release Version of Humanae Vitae
213 Letter to the Catholic Church in China
214 Letter to All the Faithful
215 Letter to Bishop David Foley
216 Letter to Bishops on the Minimum Repertoire of Plain Chant (Voluntati Obsequens)
217 Letter to Cardinal Cushing
218 Letter to Cardinal William Henry Keeler on Pro-Life Activities
219 Letter to Catholic Faithful of MN Concerning the Resumption of Public Worship
220 Letter to Clergy Stating Abuse Revelations Are Sign of "Profoundly Spiritual Crisis"
221 Letter to Divine Will Proponents
222 Letter To Eileen Hall
223 Letter to Families
224 Letter to Families
225 Letter to Families, A
226 Letter to Father Edward Schillebeeckx
227 Letter to Neocatechumenal Way
228 Letter to Pastors about "The Golden Compass"
229 Letter to President Bush on the Iraq Situation
230 Letter to President Clinton
231 Letter to Priests 2012
232 Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday, 1996
233 Letter to Priests on Feast of St. John Vianney, the Curé of Ars
234 Letter to Priests on the Eucharist and Pastoral Care of Children
235 Letter to Priests on the Holy Eucharist
236 Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World
237 Letter to the Bishops on the Occasion of the Publication of Summorum Pontificum
238 Letter to the Bishops Regarding the New Revison to the Catechism on the Death Penalty
239 Letter to the Elderly
240 Letter to the Faithful of the Diocese of Fort Worth Regarding Former Cardinal McCarrick and the Protection of Minors
241 Letter to the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Family from Polish Lay Organization
242 Letter To The Romans, A
243 Letter to the Romans, A Living Message for the Church
244 Letter to Thierry Boutet
245 Letter to Women (In Preparation for the Beijing Conference)
246 Letters Concerning the State of the Society of St. Pius X
247 Letters From Life's Other Side
248 Letters to Members of Wisconsin Legislature
249 Levate (On The Afflictions Of Church)
250 Leviticus and the True Sacrifice
251 Lex Natura
252 Liberal Education And The Common Good: The Usefulness Of Useless Things
253 Liberal Myths Have Consequences
254 Liberalism Brings Slavery When It Confuses License with Liberty
255 Liberalism’s Three Assaults
256 Liberating Beauty of Consecrated Life, The
257 Liberating Potential
258 Liberating Truth of Catholic Teaching on Sexual Morality, The
259 Liberation Theology
260 Liberation Theology: A Debate
261 Liberation Theology's Civil War
262 Liberation Theology's Civil War
263 Liberationism for North America
264 Libertas (On The Nature Of Human Liberty)
265 Licensing of Parents: Totalitarianism Reaches For the Whole Human Race
266 Licet Multa (On Catholics In Belgium)
267 Lies Exposed by Photos and Videos
268 Lies of Scientism, The
269 Life and "Crimes" of Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty, The
270 Life and Health in the Third Millennium
271 Life as a Vocation
272 Life Dedicated to God Is Never Spent in Vain, A
273 Life Hidden in Christ Is Living Cross for World
274 Life in the 'Kingdom of Whatever'
275 Life in the Late Republic: The Catholic Role in America after Virtue
276 Life in the Spirit Transcends Even Death
277 Life is a Constant Call to ‘Go Forth’
278 Life Is a Journey That Cannot Be Traveled Alone
279 Life Is Meaningless Without the Cross
280 Life of Heroic Humility and Obedience, A
281 Life of Poverty in Service to the Poor, A
282 Life of San Nicolo Politi, The
283 Life of St. Lucy
284 Life of St. Paul, The
285 Life of the Friars Minor: 'to Observe the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ', The
286 Life Teen Problems Go Beyond the Rubrics
287 Life Without God Undermines the Truth About Man
288 Life: God's Gift that Demands Respect, Care
289 Life-Giving Love in an Age of Technology
290 Lifelong Christian Training Enables Us To Hear The Voice Of Christ The Teacher
291 Life-Long Conversion
292 Lifelong Encounter with Jesus, A
293 Light For The Nations, Glory Of Israel
294 Light from Aquinas
295 Light in the Christmas Season
296 Light of Easter Dispels Darkness of Fear
297 Light of St. Lucy
298 Light of the East (Orientale Lumen), The
299 Light Shines in the Risen Christ
300 Light the Shepherd Children Saw WAs the Son of God, The
301 Light to the Nations: The Meaning and Future of the Catholic Church, A
302 Like a Loving Mother
303 Like Candles, Burn with the Love of Christ
304 Like Elijah, Let’s Persevere in Prayer
305 Like Jesus Christ, Forced to Flee
306 Like Moses, I Am Standing on Sacred Ground
307 Like St Paul, Preach the Gospel to All
308 Like St. Paul, Change Your Life and Become a 'New Creature'
309 Like the Magi May We Dream, Seek and Adore
310 Like the Magi, ‘We Need to Grow in Adoration’
311 Lily and the Cross, The
312 Limitation of Warfare, The
313 Limitations on Dialog and Toleration, The
314 Limiting the Harm Using Proportionate Reasons
315 Lineamenta: Special Assembly for the Middle East
316 Lineamenta: The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church
317 Link between the Protection of Nature and the Building of a Just and Equitable Social Order, The
318 Lion, the Witch, and the Silver Screen, The
319 List of Catechism Changes
320 Listen To and Look At Jesus to Illuminate the Soul
321 Listen to God Without Delay, or Reservation
322 Listen To Good News Of Consolation
323 Listen to the Laity
324 Listen with a Pastoral Heart
325 Listening and Liturgy
326 Listening Heart: Reflections on the Foundations of Law, The
327 Listening to the Cry of the Earth and of the Poor
328 Listening with the Ear of the Heart
329 Listening, Discerning and Living the Call of Lord
330 Litany Before or After Holy Communion
331 Litany of Supplication
332 Litany of the Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart
333 Literary Influence of St. Jerome, The
334 Litteras A Vobis (On The Clergy In Brazil)
335 Little and Great, Noble in Spirit as a King, Simple and Natural as a Peasant
336 Little Murders
337 Little Office of Our Lady, The
338 Little Publisher on the Prairie
339 Liturgiam Authenticam: on the Use of Vernacular Languages in the Publication of the Books of the Roman Liturgy
340 Liturgicae Instaurationes
341 Liturgical Design Consultant Reveals His New Age Religion
342 Liturgical Directives
343 Liturgical Languages
344 Liturgical Matters
345 Liturgical Music and the Restoration of the Sacred
346 Liturgical Renewal -- a sign of the New Springtime of Evangelization?
347 Liturgical Renewal Has Been Run By Sexual Liberationists
348 Liturgical Theology of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, The
349 Liturgical Translation: A Question of Truth
350 Liturgical Year: a Celebration of Christ, The
351 Liturgical-Pastoral Guidelines On the December 14th Fast and Prayer for Peace
352 Liturgy a True School of Prayer
353 Liturgy and ‘Supersessionism’, The
354 Liturgy and Prayer Unite Us to Christ
355 Liturgy of the Hours in Our Lives of Prayer
356 Liturgy of the Hours in the Life of the Parish, The
357 Liturgy of the Hours, The
358 Liturgy Prepares Us to Receive Christ in Holy Communion, The
359 Liturgy Preserves Faith Experience of Generations
360 Liturgy, A School of Prayer, The
361 Liturgy, Authority, and Postmodernity
362 Liturgy, the Church in Total Relationship with Jesus Christ Mediator Dei, The
363 Liturgy: A Gift from Christ through the Church
364 Liturgy: Benedict XVI Brings the Neocatechumenals Back to the Right Way
365 Live and Work in the Synod's Spirit: 'Communion'
366 Live in Faith and in Service
367 Live Lives Enlightened by the Truth of Christ
368 Lives Are Saved, But Some Vaccines Aren't Morally Neutral
369 Living as a Believer in the Nation We Have Now
370 Living Bread Come Down from Heaven!, The
371 Living Faith Transmitted by the Universal Church Is Basis of Dialogue for All Parties
372 Living Icons of the Good Shepherd
373 Living in a Spirit of Truth
374 Living Liturgy for a Living Church, A
375 Living Out Gospel Poverty in an Age of Prosperity
376 Living the Gospel of Life; a Challenge to American Catholics
377 Living the Truth that 'God Loves His People'
378 Living With Faith and Hope After September 11
379 Living within the Truth: Religious Liberty and Catholic Mission in the New Order of the World
380 Local Church of Rome, The
381 Local Churches Have Missionary Task
382 Local Churches Must Incorporate the Patrimony of Faith and Culture of Catholic Immigrants
383 Locating a Tabernacle
384 Logic of Sharing and Not of Profit Is the Ultimate Good
385 Long And Winding Road
386 Look Ahead to the Future Stretching Out Before You
387 Look at Dave Hunt, Leading Anti-Catholic Fundamentalist, A
388 Look for Pastors Not Princes for Episcopacy
389 Look to Heaven for True Justice
390 Look to the Future with Confidence, Relying on God's Fidelity
391 Look To the Future with Faith and Trust
392 Look to the Future With Hope
393 Look to the Future Without Forgetting Glorious Past
394 Look to the Young
395 Look Towards the World to Come
396 Look Up to Jesus, Dare to Set Out and Give Freely
397 Look Upon the World With Eyes of Love
398 Look Your Faithful In the Eyes and Know Them
399 Looking at 'Cybrids', Human-Animal Hybrids
400 Looking at Mental Illness from a Holistic Persepctive
401 Looking Eastward
402 Looking to the East
403 Lord Comes To Judge The Earth, The
404 Lord Crowns the Poor with Salvation, The
405 Lord Descends into Hell, The
406 Lord Enters His Temple, The
407 Lord Has Anointed Me, The
408 Lord Has Exalted These Lowly Ones, The
409 Lord Is Alive!, The
410 Lord Is Close to Each One of Us, The
411 Lord Is Near to Those Who Seek Him, The
412 Lord Is Not Sleeping, The
413 Lord Loves To Be Awaited, The
414 Lord Make Your Promise True: Of Peace There Will Be No End
415 Lord Never Lost Direct Contact with His People, The
416 Lord Reigns From The Cross, The
417 Lord Shall Have Them In Derision, The
418 Lord Solemnly Proclaims His Word, The
419 Lord We Adore Is He Who Washed the Apostles' Feet at the Last Supper, The
420 Lord What Do You Want from My Life?
421 Lord Will Guard You!, The
422 Lord Will Judge With Justice, The
423 Lord, Creator Of The World, Protects His People, The
424 Lord, Give Success to Work of Our Hands
425 Lord’s Birth is the Birth of Peace, The
426 Lord…We Have Accompanied Your Son on the Way of the Cross’
427 Lord's Day Must Be Kept Holy by Participating in Sunday Mass
428 Lord's Day, The
429 Lord's Promise To Remain With Us Is A Beacon Of Light
430 Loss of the Sacred, The
431 Lost Generations
432 Lost in the Forest? Some Books on Ecology
433 Lost In Translation
434 Love and . . . Responsibility?
435 Love and Adore the Eucharist with Faith
436 Love and Responsibility: Avoiding Fatal Attractions
437 Love and Responsibility: Beyond the Sexual Urge
438 Love and Responsibility: The Battle for Purity
439 Love and Serve the Church Like St Joseph
440 Love and Solidarity for the Dying
441 Love and the Common Good
442 Love at the Heart of a Good Confession
443 Love Binds All Christian Communities
444 Love for Jesus and His Church Must Be the Passion of Our Lives!
445 Love for Truth Links the Canonical and Pastoral
446 Love Has Triumphed Over Hatred
447 Love in Christian and Non-Christian Perspectives
448 Love is for Life: Pastoral Letter of the Irish Bishops
449 Love Is Greatest of All the Spirit's Gifts
450 Love Is Incompatible with Idolatry
451 Love Is Shown by Little Things
452 Love Is the Christian Identity
453 Love Is the Meaning of Life
454 Love Is the Only Force That Can Truly Transform the World
455 Love of Christ Urges Us On!, The
456 Love of God and Neighbor Are Inseparable
457 Love Of God And Neighbour Release Power Of Christ
458 Love of Mary Shared by East and West
459 Love One Another as Brothers and Sisters
460 Love Our Lady and Recite the Rosary
461 Love Raises Us Up!
462 Love That Frees The Oppressed From Their Burdens, A
463 Love that Moves the Sun, The
464 Love the Church and Try to Make Her Loved
465 Love the Eucharist, Christ's Gift of Life
466 Love Your Enemies and Pray for Those Who Persecute You
467 Love, Care and Justice Must Be Paramount
468 Lovely Dragon of Choice, The
469 Loving with the Heart and Voice of a Prophet
470 Lovingly Accept Everything God Sends Us
471 Lower Defences and Open Doors
472 Luctuosissimi Eventus (On Prayers For The People Of Hungary)
473 Ludwig Windthorst: Leader of German Catholics
474 Luigi Sturzo: A Prophet for Today
475 Luisa Piccarreta - Status of her Cause
476 Luisa Piccarreta: A Compilation
477 Lumen Caritatis
478 Lumen Fidei
479 Lust and the Tyranny of Niceness
480 Luther Looks at Islam
481 Luther? Not a Reform but a Revolution
482 Lutheranism and Transubstantiation
483 Lux Veritatis (On The Council Of Ephesus)