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Documents by Title: Keyletter "F" - 448 documents

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1 F.I.A.M.C. Statement on the Obama Administration and the Culture of Life
2 Face Of Christ In The Face Of The Church, The
3 Face of Rome, A Mosaic Made Up of Her Inhabitants, The
4 Faced with Challenges, Do Not Observe from Afar
5 Faced with Deflationary Prospects, A New Model of Leadership
6 Facing Down the New Paradigm
7 Facing East
8 Facing the Challenges to Faith in Christ Today: The Dominican Way
9 Facing the Crisis: Some Reflections on the Current Crisis in the Church
10 Facing the Future with Hope and Joy
11 Factors to Consider When Preaching
12 Failing to Stand for Truth On Moral Issues 'Is as Serious as the Sinful Deed'
13 Failure of Darwinism, The
14 Failure Of The Therapeutic: Implications For Society And Church, The
15 Faith ‘at the Service of the Community and of Its Laws’
16 Faith and Art
17 Faith and Baptism Are Way To Salvation
18 Faith and Culture
19 Faith and Fatherland
20 Faith And Hope For An Uncertain Time
21 Faith and Mother’s Milk
22 Faith and Patriotism
23 Faith and Private Judgment
24 Faith and Reason in the Search for Truth
25 Faith and Reason of Father George Lemaître, The
26 Faith and Reason Together in the Thought of Duns Scotus
27 Faith and Revealed Truth (Part I)
28 Faith and the Call for a Human Ecology: The Vocation of the Agricultural Leader
29 Faith and the Full Promise of America
30 Faith and Works: A Biblical Language of Salvation
31 Faith Calls Us to Welcome the Immigrant
32 Faith in a Time of Persecution
33 Faith in Christ Transforms Our Lives, Frees Us from Fear and Fills Us with Hope
34 Faith In God Who Is Love: Latin America's Precious Heritage
35 Faith in Public Life
36 Faith In Public Life . . . Provides A Forum For Dissident Groups
37 Faith in the Divine Initiative - the Human Response
38 Faith Involves the Whole Person
39 Faith Is a Constitutive Reality of the Identity of This Country
40 Faith Is a Copernican Revolution, The
41 Faith Is Not a Mere Cultural Inheritance
42 Faith Is Not an Idea But Life: 2016 Interview with Pope Emeritus Benedict
43 Faith Is Not Decided by Vote
44 Faith Is Not Only Knowledge Committed to Memory, But Truth Lived in Love
45 Faith is the Greatest Gift
46 Faith Is Work of Holy Spirit
47 Faith Knows Because It Is Tied to Love
48 Faith Necessary for Biblical Scholarship
49 Faith Offers Complete Vision of Man
50 Faith Sheds New Light on All Things
51 Faith That Is Not Able to Be Merciful Is Not Faith, A
52 Faith Thought Out and Lived Afresh Will Save Christianity
53 Faith Unbroken: Persecuted Christians in Burma
54 Faith, Obedience and Theology
55 Faithful Are NOT To Use the Orans Posture During the Our Father, The
56 Faithful Citizenship in November and Beyond
57 Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility
58 Faithful for Life
59 Faithful Heralds of the Joy of the Gospel of Marriage
60 Faithful Look to Their Bishops to be Authentic Teachers of the Faith
61 Faithful Renewal: Reflections on Land O’Lakes and Catholic Liberal Education, A
62 Faithful Workers in the Lord's Vineyard
63 Faithfully Following Jesus on the Streets of Our Life
64 Faithfulness and Service: Characteristics of Priests
65 Faithfulness to the Divine Plan in the Transmission of Life
66 Faithfulness, an Expression of the Unique Bond between the Pope and His Direct Collaborators
67 Fall of the Christian West, The
68 Fallacy About Our Brother, Martin Luther
69 False Assumptions and the U.S. Supreme Court
70 False Decretals, The
71 False Prophet, The
72 False Theologies of the 'Spirit of Vatican II' Continue
73 Families an Eloquent Sign of God's Dream
74 Families are the Vast Majority of the People of God
75 Families on Pilgrimage to the House of God
76 Families, an Indispensable Foundation for Society
77 Family - A Community of Love
78 Family - The Mother - 2, The
79 Family Activities for Ordinary Time
80 Family and Demography in Europe
81 Family and Environment - Caring for Our Common Home: The Holistic View of Pope Francis1
82 Family and the Downward Spiral of Poverty, The
83 Family Apostolate Is a Gift and Grace for Priests
84 Family at the Heart of Human Development, The
85 Family Celebration Ideas for Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day
86 Family Creates the Peace of the Human Family, The
87 Family Faced with Death, The
88 Family for the Third Millennium, The
89 Family Is a Community of Love, The
90 Family is Center of God’s Plan, The
91 Family Is Man's Most Important Heritage, The
92 Family Is Setting For Conception, Growth Of Human Person
93 Family Is the Fundamental Locus of the Covenant between the Chruch and God's Creation, The
94 Family Is the Privileged Place For Living and Transmitting the Faith
95 Family Life: A Pilgrimage for Experiencing the Joy of Forgiveness
96 Family Must Be Focus of Pastoral Care
97 Family Saves Us from Fragmentation and Uniformity
98 Family Values Versus Safe Sex
99 Family, Become What You Are!
100 Family, Conduit of Faith, The
101 Family, Dialogue, New Evangelization
102 Family, Live the Joy of Faith!
103 Family, Marriage and De Facto Unions
104 Family, the Closest Hospital, The
105 Family, the Elderly and Intergenerational Dialogue, The
106 Family, the Heart of the Civilization of Love, The
107 Family, Young People In Cities, Are Priorities
108 Family: Become What You Are
109 Family: The Call for its Defense
110 Family-Centered Economy, The
111 Family's Role In The Development Of Society, The
112 Fantasy And The Occult In Children's Literature
113 Farewell Address as McGinley Professor
114 Farewell Address at Nsimalen Airport
115 Farewell Ceremony
116 Farewell Ceremony - International Airport of Damascus
117 Farewell Ceremony at Luanda Airport
118 Farming with Integrity
119 Fascination of Violence, The
120 Fasting Is Prayer of the Body
121 Father as the Source of the Whole Trinity: The Procession of the Holy Spirit in Greek and Latin Traditions, The
122 Father Calls to Eternal Life, The
123 Father Drinan and Attila the Hun
124 Father Embraced Prodigal Son Only When He Returned Home
125 Father Emil Kapaun, Shepherd in Combat Boots
126 Father Lombardi's Address on Catholic Media
127 Father of Orthodoxy, The
128 Father Richard Vosko
129 Father, Forgive Us As We Forgive Others
130 Father’s Presence in the Home, A
131 Fatherly Responsibility and the Sense of Orphanhood in Children
132 Fathers in Faith and Family
133 Father's Love Is Generous and Providential
134 Fathers of East Knew How to Listen to Spirit of God
135 Fathers: In or Out?
136 Fatima 100 Years Later: A Marian Call for the Whole Church
137 Fatima Shrine in Ramabanta
138 Fatima: A Call to Spiritual Arms for the Salvation and Peace of the World
139 Fatima’s Third Secret—More Relevant than Ever?
140 Faustian Cost of Prenatal Testing, The
141 Fausto Appetente Die (On St. Dominic)
142 Favour Tourism That Respects People, Environment
143 Fear Not, for I Am with You: Communicating Hope and Trust in Our Time
144 Fear of the Divine Majesty, The
145 Fearless Defender of Truth
146 Feast Goes On, The
147 Feast of All Saints, The
148 Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
149 Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, The
150 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
151 February 2024 — Overview for the Month
152 Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty
153 Feel Mary's Presence More Intensely
154 Female Religious: The Priority Is Intimacy with Christ
155 Feminine Empathy in Two Daughters of Israel
156 Feminine Genius
157 Feminist Agenda within the Catholic Church, The
158 Feminist Theologian Urges Religious to Find a Way to Weed Out People
159 Feminists Blueprint a New Religion: A Formula for Destruction
160 Fertile Encounter of Faith and Culture, A
161 Fetal Life Must Be Protected and Nurtured
162 Fetal Pain: An Agonizing Reality
163 Fidei Depositum
164 Fidei Donum (On The Present Condition Of The Catholic Missions, Especially In Africa)
165 Fidelis Dispensator et Prudens (For the Management of the Economic Assets of the Holy See)
166 Fidelity and Perseverance: Intertwined Responsibilities
167 Fidelity and Perseverance: Intertwined Responsibilities
168 Fidelity is Change
169 Fidelity Is Possible, Because It Is a Gift
170 Fidelity Is The Best Response To God's Benefits
171 Fidelity of Husband and Wife Stands Like a Solid Rock on Which Children's Trust Rests
172 Fidelity to Christ's Desire for Unity
173 Fidelity to the Gospel in No Way Restricts the Freedom of Others
174 Fidelity to the Law and Scrupulous Respect for the Rights of the Person
175 Fidelity to the Promise of Love
176 Fidentem Piumque Animum (On The Rosary)
177 Fides et Ratio — Faith and Reason
178 Fides per Doctrinam
179 Fifteenth Session of the Council of Trent
180 Fifth Lateran Council
181 Fifth Session of the Council of Trent
182 Fifth Way, Scientism, and Intelligent Design, The
183 Fifty Years Later–Vatican II’s Unfinished Business
184 Fight Against Corruption, The
185 Fight Against Poverty Is Not Only an Economic Problem But Above All a Moral Question, The
186 Fight AIDS With Chastity
187 Fight Evil and Sin with Determination
188 Fight for Dignity
189 Fight for Free, Creative, Participatory and Fraternal Work
190 Fight the Cancer of Corruption and the Exploitation of Labor
191 Fighting a Battle: To Protect Marriage, Family Life
192 Fighting Poverty through Sobriety and Solidarity
193 Fighting Poverty to Build Peace
194 Figure of St. Joseph, The
195 Filioque Controversy, The
196 Fin Dal Principio (On The Education Of The Clergy)
197 Final Communique
198 Final Communique Of The Interdicasterial Meeting Of The American Cardinals And Leadership Of The Bishops' Conference
199 Final Communique: Ethics of Biomedical Research
200 Final Declaration Issued After the General Assembly of the Diocesan Synod of the Catholic Churches of the Holy Land
201 Final Destination of the People of God, The
202 Final Document of the Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment
203 Final List of Propositions for the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
204 Final Report of the 1985 Extraordinary Synod, The
205 Final Report on the Apostolic Visitation of Institutes of Women Religious in the United States of America
206 Final Statement on Dignity of the Dying
207 Final Synod Message on the Word of God
208 Financial Crisis Rooted In Rejection of Ethics
209 Finding Design in Nature
210 Finding God on a Catholic Campus
211 Finding St. Joseph
212 Finding the Right Catholic College
213 Fire and Gratitude
214 Fire Upon the Earth
215 Firemen of Sept. 11 and the Meaning of Masculinity, The
216 First Apology Of Justin, The
217 First Apostolic Blessing "Urbi et Orbi"
218 First Centenary of First American Bishops
219 First Council of Constantinople
220 First Council of Lyons
221 First Council of Nicaea
222 First Holy Years, The
223 First Human Embryo Cloned
224 First Hymn of the Office of Lent
225 First Lateran Council
226 First Liturgical Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene: Witness of Divine Mercy, The
227 First Means of Evangelization Is Witness, The
228 First Message of Benedict XVI with Members of the College of Cardinals
229 First Message of Pope Benedict XVI
230 First Millennium Petrine Ministry
231 First Modernism, The
232 First preach by the way you live: Bishops and the new evangelization
233 First Priests Trained in Russia to be Ordained
234 First Sentence from Prefect Levada Makes the Legion Tremble, The
235 First Session of the Council of Trent
236 Fit for Mission? Schools
237 Fitting Role of Sacred Music in the Holy Liturgy, The
238 Five Books Against Marcion, Book IV, The
239 Five Books Against Marcion, Book V, The
240 Five Books Against Marcion, Books I - III, The
241 Five Don'ts For Dealing With Jehovah's Witnesses
242 Five Hundred Years After St. John Fisher: Benedict’s Ecumenical Initiatives to Anglicans
243 Five Key Points Of Holy See On Holy Land
244 Five Maxims for Living a Devout Life
245 Five Men Linked By a Desire For Holiness
246 Five Myths About the Rapture
247 Five New Mysteries, The
248 Five New Saints for the Church
249 Five Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution, Part I & Part 2
250 Five Remedies Against Sadness
251 Five Ways to Make the Case for God
252 Fleet-Footed Messengers of Hope
253 Flight Into Reality, A
254 Flip Side
255 Flower Theology
256 Flowers for the Fairest
257 Flowing of the Church in Korea the Fruit of the Heroism of the Martyrs
258 Focus on Our Lord's Birth
259 Follow HIm
260 Follow the Good Shepherd
261 Follow the Great Desires of the Heart and Do Not Settle for a Mediocre Life
262 Follow the Path to Christian Unity Without Discouragement
263 Follow The Social Teaching Of The Church. Build The House Of The Nation On Justice, Love And Peace
264 Following Christ Means Complete Commitment to Him
265 Following Christ without Compromise
266 Following Christ, Committed to the Lord and Others
267 Following Holy Week, Holding Our Course
268 Following Jesus Involves a Great Work of Purification
269 Following Jesus Is Learning to Go Out of Ourselves
270 Following Jesus Leaves No Place for Ambition
271 Following Jesus Today: The Church
272 Following the Way of Truth Demands the Unfailing Practice of Justice
273 Food Security Results from Ethic of Solidarity
274 Foolish Galatians
275 For a Metaphysics Open to Faith
276 For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission
277 For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission. Vademecum for the Synod on Synodality
278 For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission
279 For All or For Many?
280 For Effective Contribution Laity Have To Collaborate With Their Pastors
281 For Everyone Who Asks Receives, and the One Who Seeks Finds
282 For Good and Ill: They Slip Past Watchful Dragons
283 For Greater Things You Were Born
284 For Healing, May Each Voice Be Heard
285 For Justice and Reconciliation
286 For love of my brethren and friends, I say: Peace upon you!
287 For the Believer in Christ, There Is Great Hope, and to the Non-Believer There Is a Great Offer
288 For the Cardinal Under Ban, the Quarantine Has Ended
289 For the Centennial of the Birth of Saint Pope John Paul II
290 For the Conclusion of the 'Hungarian Millennium'
291 For the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
292 For the New Millennium: the Society of Catholic Social Scientists
293 For the Poor
294 For the Suffering, Christ Is the Door to Life
295 For This We Stand
296 For Unto Us a Child Is Born, to Us a Son Is Given
297 Force of Law Against the Law of Force, The
298 Forgetting How to Blush
299 Forgive Us Our Trespasses
300 Forgiveness Can Truly Renew the Church and the World
301 Forgiveness Is a Human Right
302 Forgiveness Leads to Reconciliation
303 Formation in an Electronic Age
304 Formation of a Catholic Identity, The
305 Formation of Conscience Guarantees Freedom
306 Formation of Conscience in Fundamental Values
307 Formation of Novices and Seminarians: Nine Signs of Steady Growth
308 Formation of Priests Is a Delicate Mission
309 Formation of Priests: Knowledge and Sanctity, The
310 Formation, Synodal Elections, Catechetics
311 Former Abortionist Urges Use of Political, Spiritual, Muscle
312 Forming a Catholic Conscience
313 Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
314 Forming Disciples for the Third Millennium
315 Formula That Works Is Based on Fidelity to the Church's Magisterium, The
316 Fornication Culture, The
317 Fortitude, the Gift to Overcome Difficult Moments
318 Foster Catholic Education of Youth, Organize Effective Adult Catechesis
319 Foster Christian Culture, Recognize Indissolubility Of Marriage
320 Foster Love of Christ and Church to Spread Truth
321 Foster National Reconciliation After Bloodshed During Civil War
322 Foster Relations and Focus on Individual Care
323 Found Human Rights, Values In Transcendence
324 Foundation and Identity of the Church, The
325 Foundation of Catholic Social Doctrines
326 Foundational Norms for Christian Ethics
327 Four Marks of the Church: The Contemporary Crisis in Ecclesiology, The
328 Four Pillars of Future Priests: Intellectual, Spiritual, Human and Pastoral Formation, The
329 Four Pillars of Life, The
330 Four Priests Of The Word
331 Fourteen Easy Ways to Improve the Liturgy
332 Fourteenth Session of the Council of Trent
333 Fourth Council of Constantinople
334 Fourth Instruction for the Right Application of the Conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy
335 Fourth Lateran Council
336 Fourth Session of the Council of Trent
337 Fr. Alexis Toth, Bishop John Ireland, and the Grace of Reconciliation
338 Fr. Augustine Tolton: America’s First Black Priest
339 Fr. Gruner and His Media Apostolates
340 Fr. Hardon, a 'One Man Army of God'
341 Fr. James Martin and Catholic Belief
342 Fr. John Hardon, discussing the Nazarene by Israel Zolli
343 Fr. John Hardon, S.J.
344 Fr. Lappe's Response to New Boy Scouts
345 Fr. Martin Among the Libertines
346 Fr. McBrien's Interpretation of Benedict XVI is Unhistorical
347 Fr. Richard Rohr Phenomenon, The
348 Fr. Santoro Writes of Vocation to Bridge the West and Mideast
349 Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.
350 Fr. Tony Flannery’s Censure by Vatican Was Necessary!
351 Fr. William G. Most
352 Fr. William J. Bausch: His Chickens Come Home to Roost
353 Fragile Legacy, A
354 Fragments From The Lost Writings Of Irenaeus
355 Fragments Of Clemens Alexandrinus
356 Fragments of Papias From The Exposition Of The Oracles Of The Lord
357 Fragments Of Papias From The Exposition Of The Oracles Of The Lord
358 Fragments Of The Lost Work Of Justin On The Resurrection
359 Francis As the Model of Authentic Church Reform
360 Francis Embodies the Christological Truth at the Root of Human Existence
361 Francis to the Young of Umbria: A Moral Base for Building Solid Families
362 Francis: Enamoured of Christ and an Architect of Peace
363 Franciscan Symbolism
364 Franciscans: Continue to Beautify the Face of the Church
365 Frank Sheed on Church Teachings
366 Frank Talk in the Age of Benedict
367 Fraternal Life in Community
368 Fraternal Reconciliation for Celebrating the Eucharist
369 Fraternity, the Foundation and Pathway to Peace
370 Fraternity, the True Remedy to Crises and Divisions
371 Free from Corruption
372 Free Speech Power Play
373 Freedom Cannot be Sundered from Truth
374 Freedom Is Achieved In Service to Others
375 Freedom Is Born in God's Love, Grows in Charity
376 Freedom Is Not an Opting Out, It Is an Opting In
377 Freedom Is One of America's Most Precious Possessions
378 Freedom of Conscience and of Religion, The
379 Freedom of Speech and Speech for Freedom
380 Freedom of Worship
381 Freedom to Die?
382 Freedom to Love
383 Freemasonry And Christianity: Are They Compatible?
384 Freemasons and Their Craft: What Catholics Should Know
385 Freewheeling "Pluralism," Still OK In Milwaukee?
386 Frei Galvao, the First Brazilian Saint
387 French vs American Models of Freedom and Religion
388 Frequent Confession
389 Frequently Asked Questions About the Shroud
390 Freud or Fraud?
391 Friend of the Court Brief Filled with the U.S. Supreme Court to Support an Appeal in an Assisted-Suicide Case from Washington State
392 Friends of Christ's Cross
393 Friends of Jesus
394 Friendship: A Pillar of Catholic Education
395 From Populorum progressio to Laudato si
396 From Absence to Presence
397 From Bread and Wine to Flesh and Blood
398 From Catholicism to Feminism and Back: An Interview with Lorraine V. Murray
399 From Creed to Screed: How Cafeteria Catholicism Leads to Dissent
400 From Despair To Hope
401 From Estrangement to Celebration
402 From Joseph Smith to Jesus Christ
403 From Many Human Truths to the One Divine Truth
404 From Meddling to Preaching: Three Ways to Expose the Partly Natural Family
405 From Our Lady’s Dowry
406 From Palm Branches to the Wood of the Cross
407 From Past to Present: Religious Life Before and After Vatican II
408 From Saints to Secularists
409 From Subiaco Shines a Beacon of Faith
410 From the Depths of My Heart I Want to Thank God for the Gift of Your Youth in the Church
411 From the Justice of Each Comes Peace for All
412 From the Mail
413 From the Roman Martyrology
414 From the Silence of the Soul United with Christ, to the Silence of God in His Glory
415 From This River Blessed by His Presence, Christ Went Forth to Baptize with Water and the Spirit
416 From Under the Rubble . . . Virtus Versus the Family
417 Fruit of the Spirit, The
418 Fruitful Collaboration between Christians and Muslims
419 Fruits of Evangelization Depend on Faith and Prayer
420 Fulgens Corona (Proclaiming A Marian Year To Commemorate The Centenary Of The Definition Of The Dogma Of The Immaculate Conception)
421 Fulgens Radiatur (On St. Benedict)
422 Full Christian Unity Can Be Achieved
423 Full Commitment of the Catholic University to the Church's Evangelization, A
424 Full Communion Removes Scandal Of Division, Does Not Mean Absorption, Fusion
425 Full Statement of Bishop Walkowiak Concerning Priest Refusing Communion
426 Fullness Of Interpersonal Communication, The
427 Fullness of Life, The
428 Fundamental Agreement Between the Holy See and the State of Israel
429 Fundamental and Irreplaceable Mission of the Family, The
430 Fundamental Importance of Catechesis, The
431 Fundamental Injustices in Our Society
432 Fundamental Option, The
433 Fundamental Task Of The Family Is To Serve Life, The
434 Fundamentally Religious and Catholic
435 Fundamentals of Church Building
436 Funeral Homily for Mary Rose Pilsner
437 Furies of Conscience, The
438 Furthering Jewish-Christian Dialogue
439 Future and a Hope for Europe, A
440 Future Depends on Quality Schools
441 Future More Worthy of the Human Person, A
442 Future of a People Can Never Be Founded on Violence, The
443 Future Of Europe: Political Commitment, Values And Religion...
444 Future of Humanity Lies in Its Ability to Respond to the Hunger and Thirst of Its Brothers and Sisters, The
445 Future of Interreligious Dialogue Lies in Respectful Co-Existence in Diversity, The
446 Future of the Catholic Church in Ireland, The
447 Future Prospects of Marriage, Democracy Go Hand-In-Hand
448 Future You, The