Library: Browse by Title

Documents by Title: Keyletter "C" - 1235 documents

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1 C.S. Lewis on ‘Xmas and Christmas’
2 Call Me Charlie
3 Call No Man Father?
4 Call on Government Leaders to Protect Religious Freedom
5 Call to Communion: Anglicanorum coetibus and Ecclesial Unity, The
6 Call to End Death Penalty
7 Call to Holiness of Homosexual Persons, The
8 Call to Marriage is Woven Deeply into the Human Spirit, The
9 Call to Prayer to Avert "black mass"
10 Call to Vigilance: Pastoral Instruction on New Age, A
11 Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium
12 Called as Peacemakers to Strengthen Communion and Spread Compassion
13 Called by Name
14 Called to Be Catholic: Church in a Time of Peril
15 Called to Be Ministers of Christ Jesus
16 Called to Build the Human Family
17 Called to Compassion and Responsibility: A Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis
18 Called to Live in the Holy Spirit
19 Called to Put Out into the Deep
20 Called to Radiate the Word of Truth
21 Called to Serve Christ in the Sick
22 Called, Like Mary, to Be Filled with God's Word
23 Calling All Christians to the Duty of Evangelizing Culture
24 Calling on Our Better Angels
25 Calvary of Hungary's Cardinal Mindszenty, The
26 Calvin and Calvinism
27 Cameroon Bishops' Statement on AIDS
28 Can a Catholic Vote in Support of Abortion?
29 Can Clergy Sex Offenders Be Helped?
30 Can Contracepting Parents Teach Their Children Chastity?
31 Can Epikeia Be Used in the Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried Faithful?
32 Can Human Cloning Be 'Therapeutic'?
33 Can Infants Be Born Again?
34 Can Outsiders Be Insiders?
35 Can Reform Come?
36 Can Teens Stay Connected Without Losing Touch?
37 Can We Keep Our Churches Catholic?
38 Can We Speak of Repression in the Church?
39 Can You Trust Thomas Merton?
40 Canada, a Penitential Visit 'Like No Other'
41 Candor Lucis Aeternae (Splendor of Light Eternal)
42 Canon Law and Fr. Gruner's Suspension (a divinis)
43 Canon law and Legal Culture in the Centenary of the Codex Iuris Canonici of 1917
44 Canon Law at the Service of Justice and Freedom in the Church as the People of God
45 Canon Law, Vatican II, and Eucharistic Devotion
46 Canonical History of the Lefebvrite Schism, A
47 Canonical status of Rev. Father Tomislav Vlašić, OFM, The
48 Canonization of Bl. Jan Sarkander and Bl. Zdislava of Lemberk Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
49 Canonization of Saints
50 Canonizing Uncle Fred
51 Canons of Friendship, The
52 Canons Regular Of Premontre (Norbertines: Premonstratensians: O. Praem.)
53 Cantate Domino Canticum Novum
54 Canticle in the First Letter of Peter
55 Canticle Of Thanksgiving After Nightmare Of Illness
56 Canticle Uses Language Of Love
57 Capital Punishment
58 Caravaggio: Artist and Scoundrel
59 Cardinal Arinze Denies He Approved U.S. Archbishop Giving Sash Wearing 'Gays' Holy Communion
60 Cardinal Biffi Warns of the Looming Danger of An Eloquent
61 Cardinal Burke Addresses the ‘Dubia’ One Year After Their Publication
62 Cardinal Burke Interview on Synod
63 Cardinal Burke on the Dubia, Malta, Freemasons, Pope Francis, & President Trump
64 Cardinal Burke Statement on Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes
65 Cardinal Caffarra Letter to Pope Francis
66 Cardinal Cañizares on the New Missal Translation
67 Cardinal Dolan's Letter to Bishops Regarding Contraception Mandate
68 Cardinal Edward Cassidy's Letter to the Lutheran World Federation Concerning the Joint Declaration
69 Cardinal Erdo's Introductory Report for the Synod on the Family
70 Cardinal George Letter on the Church's Teaching on Abortion
71 Cardinal Hummes Letter for World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
72 Cardinal Law's Statement Asking for a Moratorium on Pro-Life Demonstrations
73 Cardinal Mahony Wants Liturgy Purged of all European Elements
74 Cardinal Mahony's: Gather Faithfully Together
75 Cardinal Martini Problem for The Church, The
76 Cardinal Martyr of England, The
77 Cardinal Meisner on the Importance of the Document 'Catholics in Political Life'
78 Cardinal Mercier's Letter on Modernism
79 Cardinal Mindszenty: A Man for All Seasons
80 Cardinal Mueller on the New TLM Restrictions
81 Cardinal Müller on the Vatican Reform Plan
82 Cardinal O'Brien Calls on Politicians to Respect Conscience
83 Cardinal O'Connor dies at age of 80
84 Cardinal O'Connor's Response to Violence at Abortion Clinics
85 Cardinal Ouellet Writes Open Letter to Archbishop Viganò
86 Cardinal Pell's Response to the Privileges Committee
87 Cardinal Peter Erdo on the Church in Hungary
88 Cardinal Piacenza on Women Priests, Celibacy & the Power of Rome
89 Cardinal Pujic's Address to the Tenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
90 Cardinal Ratzinger and Revision of Canonical Penal Law
91 Cardinal Ratzinger Answers the Main Objections
Raised Against the Declaration ‘Dominus Iesus’
92 Cardinal Ratzinger Blames Church Crisis on Liturgical Collapse
93 Cardinal Ratzinger On Liturgical Music
94 Cardinal Ratzinger Warns of 'Aggressive Secularism'
95 Cardinal Ratzinger's Remarks Regarding the Lefebvre Schism
96 Cardinal Recollections
97 Cardinal Re's Letter to President of U.S. Episcopal Conference
98 Cardinal Rigali Urges Congress To Respect Conscience Rights
99 Cardinal Rigali's Letter to Congress Regarding FOCA
100 Cardinal Sarah Homily at Ordination
101 Cardinal Sodano Reads a Text on the 'Third Secret'
102 Cardinal Trujillo Interview on Homosexual 'Marriage'
103 Cardinal Wuerl Relatio Post Disceptationen Summary
104 Cardinal Zen on Pope's China Letter
105 Cardinal Zen Speaks Out About the China-Vatican Compromise & His Meeting With the Pope
106 Cardinals are Called to Give their Lives for the Church
107 Cardinals on Trial: John Fisher and Joseph Mindszenty
108 Care Of Souls Is Primary Task Of Bishop, The
109 Care of the Sick and Dying
110 Careerists and Climbers Doing "Great Harm" to the Church
111 Careful Discernment and Formation of Seminarians
112 Careful Selection And Training of Candidates For The States Of Perfection And Sacred Orders
113 Caring for Our Common Home Requires Conversion
114 Caring for Persons in the Persistent Vegetative State
115 Caritas Enterprise: Laborious and Stimulating, The
116 Caritas in Veritate
117 Caritas in Veritate, Abridged
118 Caritas in Veritate: Building A World of Justice and Peace
119 Caritas Internationalis: Witness to Love of God
120 Caritas: Assist In the Mission to Spread the Love of God
121 Caritas: the Practice of Love by the Church as a "Community of Love"
122 Caritate Christi Compulsi (On The Sacred Heart)
123 Caritatis Studium (On The Church In Scotland)
124 Carl Jung's Journey from God
125 Carmelite without a Contemplative Life Is a Lifeless Body, A
126 Carnival and Ashes
127 Carry Christ to the Campus and the World
128 Carry Cross In Triumph, The Proof That God Is Love
129 Carry On The Nation's Reconstruction With Focus On Dignity Of The Person
130 Carry Out Your Global Pastoral Plan 2001-2006 With Missionary Zeal
131 Caryll Houselander and the Flowering of Christ
132 Case Against Same-Sex Marriage, The
133 Case For Earlier Marriage, A
134 Case For Home Education, A
135 Cases Are Not Mathematical
136 Castel Gandolfo: Gardens of the Popes
137 Casti Connubii (On Christian Marriage)
138 Catacombs: Witness To Early Heroism
139 Catechesis Flows from Byzantine Marian Spirituality
140 Catechesis Is the Echo of the Word of God
141 Catechesis of Fasting
142 Catechesis on God the Father (Collection)
143 Catechesis on God the Holy Spirit (Collection)
144 Catechesis on God the Son, Jesus Christ (Collection)
145 Catechesis on Old Age
146 Catechesis on the Angels
147 Catechesis on the Eucharist and the Christian Family
148 Catechesis on the Holy Trinity
149 Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology, A
150 Catechesis on the Letter to the Galatians: 4. The Mosaic Law
151 Catechesis on the Letter to the Galatians: 5. The Propedeutic Value of the Law
152 Catechesis Should Follow Jubilee Return To Confession
153 Catechism by the Catacombs
154 Catechism Is A Sound Tool For Ecclesial Communion
155 Catechist Holds the Memory of God and Revives It in Others, The
156 Catechumens: Keep the Enthusiasm of the Moment You Opened Your Eyes to Faith
157 Cathedral from the Romanesque to the Gothic Architecture: The Theological Background, The
158 Cathedral Is Sign and Call to Communion
159 Cathedral of Chartres, The
160 Catholic Origins of Manliness, The
161 Catholic & Lutheran Common Statement
162 Catholic Action Must Be Family of Families
163 Catholic Action: Learn the Art of True Love
164 Catholic Alternative to Europe’s Social Model, A
165 Catholic and Lutheran Declaration on Justification
166 Catholic Apologist's Scriptural Cheat Sheet, The
167 Catholic Apparitions of Jesus to Blessed Faustina, Crakow, Poland: Devotion to the Divine Mercy
168 Catholic Biblical Scholarship
169 Catholic Bishops Urge Voters to Challenge Attacks on Christian Values "at the Ballot Box"
170 Catholic Campaign for Human Development - 2003 Update
171 Catholic Charities' Slogan . . . Examining Its Left-Wing Roots
172 Catholic Church a Point of Reference in Hungary
173 Catholic Church and Conversion, The
174 Catholic Church and Racial Laws, The
175 Catholic Church Condemns Same Sex Marriage
176 Catholic Church Has A Primary Role In Latin America
177 Catholic Church Has Lost Its Sense of the Sacred, The
178 Catholic Church Has Made No Exception Regarding Abortion Since Ancient Times
179 Catholic Church in Cambodia
180 Catholic Church in the Middle East: Communion and Witness, The
181 Catholic Church Is Deeply Saddened by Any Acts of Anti-Semitism by Christians
182 Catholic Church: The Divinely Ordained Protector of Human Life, The
183 Catholic Church's Fight Against Trafficking & Human Slavery
184 Catholic College Bans Play's Theatrical Production
185 Catholic College, The
186 Catholic Community, Be It ‘Greek’ or ‘Latin’ Is Alive and Active, The
187 Catholic Conspiracy Theories
188 Catholic Contribution to the 12-Step Movement, The
189 Catholic Contribution to Western Law, The
190 Catholic Culture For True Humanism
191 Catholic Doctrine on the Holy Trinity
192 Catholic Duty to Be Pro-life, The
193 Catholic Education and the "Mind of Christ"
194 Catholic Education Must Be Both Education and Catholic
195 Catholic Education Must Transmit the Unbroken Tradition
196 Catholic Encyclopedia: The Rule of St. Benedict
197 Catholic Exegetical Landscape, The
198 Catholic Experience of Small Christian Communities, The
199 Catholic Faith Is Your Vocation
200 Catholic Families And The Education Tax
201 Catholic Family Is the First Bulwark Against the Current Great Apostasy, The
202 Catholic Guide to Great Books and Films about Communism, A
203 Catholic Health Care in Jeopardy
204 Catholic Holocaust of Nagasaki—“Why, Lord?”, The
205 Catholic Identity
206 Catholic Identity and Respect for Other Traditions
207 Catholic Identity In Movements and Communities
208 Catholic Identity in the American Public Arena
209 Catholic Identity of Educational Institutions, The
210 Catholic Institutions Exist for One Reason Only: 'To Proclaim the Gospel'
211 Catholic Institutuions, an Expression of Church Heritage
212 Catholic Lay-Driven Re-evangelization of Western Culture, A
213 Catholic Martyrs of the Holocaust
214 Catholic Means Universal, not Continental
215 Catholic Morality Revisited — and Thrashed
216 Catholic Music: It’s Time to Stop Making Stuff Up
217 Catholic Novelists and Their Readers
218 Catholic Orthodoxy: Antidote Against the Culture of Death
219 Catholic Parochial School Music
220 Catholic Participation to Be Increased
221 Catholic Perspective on Domestic Partnership, A
222 Catholic Physician Talks to Engaged Couples, A
223 Catholic Physician, The
224 Catholic Poem in Time of War: The Lord of the Rings, A
225 Catholic Politicians and Non-Admittance to Holy Communion
226 Catholic Politicians are called to be 'Pro-Life'!
227 Catholic Politicians Criticize Pope: A Response
228 Catholic Politicians Voting for Infanticide or Abortion Up to Birth are “On a Path to Hell”
229 Catholic Practices and Recapturing the Sacred
230 Catholic Presence at the Harare Assembly
231 Catholic Press Exists to Help Bishop's Teaching Mandate
232 Catholic Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, The
233 Catholic Religion Proved By Protestant Bible
234 Catholic Response to Demonic Seductions, A
235 Catholic Response to Feel-Good Religion, The
236 Catholic Response to Scandal
237 Catholic Scholars Take Stand Opposing the Common Core
238 Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, The
239 Catholic School, The
240 Catholic Schools and the New Evangelization – ‘A most valuable resource’ (Pope Francis)
241 Catholic Schools and Universities Must Not Be isolated and Must Engage in Dialogue with Contemporary Culture
242 Catholic Schools Deserve Equal Recognition
243 Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Madison Will Not Adopt the Common Core State Standards
244 Catholic Schools in the Republic of Ireland: A Position Paper
245 Catholic Shrines Hard Hit by Tsunami in Asia
246 Catholic Social Doctrine Begins with Subsidiarity
247 Catholic Social Teaching is "a Work in Progress"
248 Catholic Social Teaching: A Beacon and Leaven for Europe
249 Catholic Social Teaching: It’s Time to End the Misrepresentations
250 Catholic Social Thought And American Civilization
251 Catholic Teaching regarding the Legitimacy of Neurological Criteria for the Determination of Death
252 Catholic Universities and Their Catholic Identity
253 Catholic Universities: Lead Students to Light of the World
254 Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium (Part I), The
255 Catholic Vision Of Frank Capra, The
256 Catholic vs. Secular Classical Education: What’s the Difference?
257 Catholic? Prove It?
258 Catholicae Ecclesiae (On Slavery In The Missions)
259 Catholicism
260 Catholicism and Buddhism: Incompatibilities in Love
261 Catholicism And Democracy
262 Catholicism and Global Institutions: It’s Time for a Rethink
263 Catholicism and the Bourgeois Mind
264 Catholicism Exegesis Today: An Interview with Albert Vanhoye
265 Catholicism Under Attack
266 Catholicism vs. Freemasonry—Irreconcilable Forever
267 Catholicity of 12-Step Programs, The
268 Catholic-Lutheran Joint Declaration, The
269 Catholic-Muslim Statement on Dialogue
270 Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue: Light and Shadows, The
271 Catholics and Freemasonry
272 Catholics and Organ Donation
273 Catholics and Orthodox Defending Christian Values
274 Catholics and Orthodox: Dialogue on Question of Primacy
275 Catholics and Socialism
276 Catholics and the "Fourth Estate"
277 Catholics and the Cult of Fun
278 Catholics and the Freemason 'Religion'
279 Catholics and the Modern Mentality
280 Catholics and the Next America
281 Catholics and the Sexual Revolution
282 Catholics Give the Best Parties
283 Catholics in Arab Regions: Builders of Peace and Justice
284 Catholics in Bangladesh: Foster Unity and Peace
285 Catholics in Political Life
286 Catholics in the Public Square – Revised 4th Edition
287 Catholics Must Face Squarely the Dire Threat to Religious Liberty
288 Catholics of Viet Nam Pay Homage to Our Lady of La Vang, The
289 Catholics Owe Unconditional Obedience Only to God Alone
290 Catholics Supporting the Denial of 'Nutrition and Hydratiion' are not in Communion With the Church
291 Catholics United on Brain Death and Organ Donation: A Call to Action
292 Catholics, Protestants, and History
293 Catholics, Secularists, and Civil Society
294 Causality of Form, The
295 Cause of Unity Is Not an Optional Undertaking, The
296 Causing Animals Needless Suffering Is Contrary To Human Dignity
297 Caves of Covadonga, The
298 CDF Commentary on Artificial Hydration and Nutrition
299 CDF Tasks Are Linked to the Mission of the Pope
300 Celebrate and Serve Life!
301 Celebrate the Family
302 Celebrating 125 years of Faith in Action: Witnessing to the 'Yes' of Jesus Christ
303 Celebrating Christmas: with the Accent on Christ
304 Celebrating Corpus Christi
305 Celebrating Mercy with Believers of Other Religions
306 Celebrating the Immense Gift of the Lord Jesus
307 Celebrating the Sign of the Oil of Gladness
308 Celebrating the Spirit of the Liturgy
309 Celebrating the Year of Saint Paul June 28, 2008 – June 29, 2009
310 Celebration of Mass Ad Orientem in a Parish Setting
311 Celebration of the Eucharist, The
312 Celebration of the Pope's Sixty Years as a Priest
313 Celibacy Dates Back to the Apostles
314 Celibacy in the First Two Centuries
315 Celibacy: Beware of Quick-Fix Solutions
316 Celtic Spirits, The
317 Centenary of the Birth of Maria Montessori
318 Center Community Life on the Eucharist and Practice Authentic Solidarity
319 Center For Action and Contemplation, The
320 Center of Concern—Another Bernardin Legacy, The
321 Centering Prayer Meets the Vatican
322 Centesimus Annus (On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum)
323 Centrality of Truth in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger, The
324 Century after Rahner, The
325 Certainty of Being Heard, The
326 Chaldean Bishops: Facing Ordeals Alongside Their Faithful
327 Challenge All Forms of Injustice
328 Challenge for Believers Today Is to Help Europe Return to Its Christian Origins
329 Challenge of Chastity, The
330 Challenge of Secularism, The
331 Challenge to the Privy Council (Campion's "Brag")
332 Challenge Young People to Become Involved in the Life of the Church
333 Challenges of Secularism, Unbelief and Religious Indifference
334 Challenges Our Children Face, The
335 Change Idea: Older Citizens As Resource, Not Burden
336 Change the Future of Migration: Invest in Food Security and Rural Development
337 Changing Our Culture with the Fire of Faith
338 Changing Times
339 Chant Leaves the Ivory Tower
340 Chant Resources for Parishes
341 Chant: Music for the Few? Or the Many?
342 Chapter Eight – The Internalization of Music
343 Chapter Five – Poetry and Beauty
344 Chapter Four - Creative Intuition and Poetic Knowledge
345 Chapter Nine – The Three Epiphanies of Creative Intuition
346 Chapter One - Poetry, Man, and Things
347 Chapter Seven – Poetic Experience and Poetic Sense
348 Chapter Six – Beauty and Modern Painting
349 Chapter Three - The Preconscious Life of the Intellect
350 Chapter Two - Art as a Virtue of the Practical Intellect
351 Character & Circumstance
352 Character Education in Adolescence
353 Character Education Walks Again!
354 Character Formation
355 Character of Jesus Christ, The
356 Characteristics of the Ministers of the Church, The
357 Charisms and Their Action in the Christian Community
358 Charisms Are a Way of Growing in Faith, The
359 Charitable Acts Make Christ's Gospel More Credible
360 Charitas (On The Civil Oath In France)
361 Charitate Christi (Extending Jubilee To The Entire Church)
362 Charity and Family: the Keys to Ecumenical Collaboration
363 Charity Exceeds Philanthropy by 'Showing' Christ
364 Charity Is Principal Strength and Guide of the Church
365 Charity Is Response to God's Call to Love
366 Charity of Pope Pius XII, The
367 Charity Work As an Expression of Evangelical Love
368 Charity, Christian Anthropology, and New Global Ethics
369 Charity, Clarity, and Their Opposite
370 Charity, Integral Development and Communion
371 Charity: Soul of the Mission
372 Charity: the Soul of Missionary Activity
373 Charles Borromeo and Catholic Tradition Regarding the Design of Catholic Churches
374 Charles Borromeo: Hero of Reform
375 Charles de Foucauld, Model Of Adoration And Dialogue
376 Charlie Gard in a System of Death
377 Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
378 Charter of the Rights of the Family
379 Chastity and Modesty
380 Chastity: A Pastoral Letter
381 Chesterton and the New Pagans
382 Chesterton, Kossovo of the Serbians, and the Vocation of the Christian Nation
383 Chesterton: Christian Response to Nietzsche
384 Chicago Catholics Acclaim Papal Pick
385 Chief Person Responsible for the Work of Evangelization, The
386 Chief Rabbi's Conversion, The
387 Chief Task Facing Your Churches Is a Renewed Proclamation of the Gospel
388 Child Born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem Was Born for Everyone, The
389 Child Dignity in the Digital World
390 Child Migrants, the Vulnerable and the Voiceless
391 Child Molestation by Homosexuals and Heterosexuals
392 Child Sex Tourism
393 Child Slaves for Sport
394 Child: State Property?, The
395 Child-Centred Education
396 Children and the Cinema
397 Children and the Media: A Challenge for Education
398 Children Are Supreme Gift of Married Life
399 Children Can Partake in Plan of God’s Creation
400 Children Have a Right to a Secure Future
401 Children of Nietzsche, The
402 Children of the Reformation
403 Children: A Gift from God that Opens Up the Future
404 Children: a Message of Life and Hope
405 Child's Dream, A
406 Chile: Illuminate All Areas of Life with the Light of Faith
407 China Agreement: Beijing, Rome, and the Church’s Liberty, The
408 China Has Always Been a Great Country
409 China: Twenty Million Communists at Prayer
410 China: Where Past and Present Meet
411 China's First Saint
412 Chinese Cardinal Ignatius Kung Pin-mei Dies in Stamford, USA
413 Chinese Connection, The
414 Chirograph for New Statute of Institute for Works of Religion
415 Chivalry of St. Joseph, The
416 Choose Democratic Options That Guarantee Fundamental Human Rights
417 Choose the Way of Democracy
418 Chosen, The
419 Christ alive today: Always helps begin anew
420 Christ and Reconciliation
421 Christ and the Church
422 Christ and the Church: Triumphant, Suffering and Militant
423 Christ Became Obedient Unto Death
424 Christ Child, Sign Of Peace And Freedom, The
425 Christ Converts Our Hearts to Love Others
426 Christ enters into culture and brings it the gift of purification and fullness
427 Christ Frees Us from the "Old Yeast" of Sin
428 Christ Gives Us the Certainty of Our Own Resurrection
429 Christ Has Conquered Evil Fully and Finally
430 Christ Has Won a Splendid Victory!
431 Christ in Common Law
432 Christ Inescapable
433 Christ invites you to share His joy and find happiness in loving others
434 Christ Is Answer to Human Pain
435 Christ Is Calling You to Serve His Truth
436 Christ Is Centre of Human History
437 Christ Is Cornerstone of Catholic Pedagogy
438 Christ Is Door That Leads Into Salvation
439 Christ Is Europe's Source of New Culture
440 Christ Is Mediator and Fullness of Revelation
441 Christ Is Our Advocate, Awaiting and Defending Us
442 Christ Is Our Firm Hope
443 Christ Is Reassuring and Humble, As Well As Powerful, Mighty
444 Christ Is Risen and Romania with Him
445 Christ Is the Answer to the Enigma of Suffering and Death
446 Christ Is the Day
447 Christ Is the Hand that God Extends to Humanity
448 Christ Lives in His Church
449 Christ Made Himself Poor for You (Message for Lent 2008)
450 Christ My Hope Is Arisen!
451 Christ Reveals Man to Himself
452 Christ Says To All: Go and Sin No More
453 Christ Speaks to Us
454 Christ Suffers With Us, In This Painful Moment
455 Christ the Divine Exorcist
456 Christ the King Is Lord of the World and History
457 Christ the Light Makes Unity Possible
458 Christ the Mediator: a Biblical Study
459 Christ the Savior
460 Christ the Source of Resurrection and Life
461 Christ the Vine: a Theological Exposition of John 15:1-8
462 Christ Wanted One Church Open to Everyone
463 Christ Wants Your Communities to Be Victorious Over Sin and Division
464 Christ Was Born for Our Salvation
465 Christ, Faith, and the Challenge of Cultures
466 Christ, Pantokrator
467 Christ, the Bread of Hope and Peace
468 Christ, the True Life of Every Soul
469 Christendom's Great Defeat
470 Christi Matri (On Prayers To Mary For Peace)
471 Christi Nomen (On Propagation Of The Faith And Eastern Churches)
472 Christian Also Prays through Deeds, A
473 Christian Anthropology and Homosexuality
474 Christian Asceticism: Breaking Consumerism's Destructive Hold
475 Christian Churches
476 Christian Commitment Is Not Philanthropy
477 Christian Communities, Help the Families of Sick Children
478 Christian Community Must Visit the Elderly, Help Them to Serve
479 Christian Conscience on the Critical List
480 Christian Contemplation Does Not Mean to Forget Earth
481 Christian Day, A
482 Christian Faith Is Not An Idea But A Life, The
483 Christian Faith Is the Only Valid and the Only God-Willed Religion, The
484 Christian Faith Opposes an Attitude of Resignation
485 Christian Families: Salt and Leaven of Faith in Daily Life
486 Christian Families: Schools of Obedience and Freedom
487 Christian Family Is Good News For Third Millennium
488 Christian Family, The
489 Christian Family: Good News, The
490 Christian Freedom Leads to Welcoming People and Cultures
491 Christian Greatness Lies Not in Domination but in Service
492 Christian Heritage: Europe's Cultural, Spiritual Resource
493 Christian Hope
494 Christian Hope and False Idols
495 Christian Hope is the Expectation of the Resurrection
496 Christian Hope, Rooted in God, Is Our Anchor
497 Christian Hope, Wellspring of Mutual Help and Consolation
498 Christian Hope: Enemies in Hope
499 Christian Humanism Shapes Secular Disciplines
500 Christian Knows Where Christ's Wounds Are, The
501 Christian Life Is a Journey of Following Jesus Christ
502 Christian Life Is Humble Service of Neighbor
503 Christian Life, a Love Story With God
504 Christian Liturgy as ‘Sacrifice of Praise’ in the Epistle to the Hebrews, The
505 Christian Marriage
506 Christian Marriage: a Covenant of Love and Life
507 Christian Meaning Of Light, The
508 Christian Morality and Scientific Humanism
509 Christian Optimism and God's Logic
510 Christian Optimism: See A Loving Father At Work
511 Christian Personalism Protects Human Conception
512 Christian Prayer
513 Christian Rabbi, The
514 Christian Response to Modern Atheism
515 Christian Social Manifesto, The
516 Christian Solidarity Is a Leaven for Hope
517 Christian Soul: Biological Engineering, Communications
518 Christian Spouses, Be Faithful to Your Vocation
519 Christian Truth Spreads by Conviction not Coercion
520 Christian Understanding of the Human Person, The
521 Christian Unity a Priority
522 Christian Unity Requires Individual Conversion
523 Christian Valor Amidst Pagan Persecution
524 Christian Values Continue to Mould European Civilization
525 Christian Values Will Never Be Eradicated
526 Christian View of Sex: a Time for Apologetics, Not Apologies, The
527 Christian Wisdom about Money
528 Christian Women's Declaration, A
529 Christian, Surname: Belonging to the Church
530 Christianae Reipublicae (On The Dangers Of Anti-Christian Writings)
531 Christianity
532 Christianity and Asian Spiritual Insight
533 Christianity and Sex
534 Christianity Has Deeply Marked Culture of Peoples
535 Christianity in American Political Life
536 Christianity, a Dynamic Principle of Progress
537 Christianity, Enlightenment Liberalism, and the Quest for Freedom
538 Christianity's Transforming Spirit
539 Christian-Muslim Relations in the Middle East
540 Christians Are Called To Be Witnesses of Prayer
541 Christians Are Coming Back to Arabia – Fourteen Centuries after Mohammed, The
542 Christians Called to Safeguard God's Presence
543 Christians' Firm Hope in the Resurrection
544 Christians Have Been United in Suffering
545 Christians in Islamic Countries
546 Christians in Islamic Lands
547 Christians in the Holy Land in Crisis
548 Christians Must Promote the Dignity of Women
549 Christians Must Protect All Life
550 Christians Must Share Treasury of Truth with the World
551 Christians Must Unite to Render Valid Witness of Christ
552 Christians Need to Understand Their Faith in Order to Help Others to God
553 Christians Slam 'Homophobia' Resolution
554 Christians Turn Our Gaze to Christ Crucified
555 Christians, Islam and the Future of Europe
556 Christmas Address to the Roman Curia
557 Christmas an Invitation to Adore the Son of God
558 Christmas Books to Share during Advent - Part One
559 Christmas Gifts Are a Reminder of Jesus
560 Christmas Incorporates Mystery of Easter
561 Christmas Invites Us to Dialogue, Unity, Peace
562 Christmas Letter from Fr. Michael
563 Christmas Midnight Mass - Holy Father's Homily
564 Christmas Novena Prayer
565 Christmas Radio Message
566 Christmas Statement by Jerusalem Patriarch
567 Christmas Tree: Legends, Traditions, History, The
568 Christmas Workshop
569 Christmas: Feast of Restored Creation
570 Christmas: Opportunity to Reflect on Meaning of Existence
571 Christopher Dawson and the History We Are Not Told
572 Christopher Dawson on 19th Century Critics of Liberalism
573 Christopher Dawson: Prophet at Harvard
574 Christ's Birth Is the Source of Hope
575 Christ's Blood, Source of Salvation
576 Christ's Divinity Proved by the JW Bible
577 Christ's Image Shines in Every Human Being
578 Christ's Message Is Mercy
579 Christ's Passion Reveals Glory of the Trinity
580 Christ's Precious Gift to His Church
581 Christ's Resurrection Was A Concrete Event
582 Christ's Temptations and Ours
583 Church - Prepared for in the Old Covenant, The
584 Church "Makes" Christians, and Christians "Make" the Church, The
585 Church Advances Between the Cross and the Resurrection, The
586 Church Advances Jewish Intellectuals during the Rise of Racism
587 Church Always Calls for Human Dignity to Be Protected, The
588 Church and Illegal Immigration, The
589 Church and Internet
590 Church and Man's Rights, The
591 Church And Racism, The
592 Church And State
593 Church and State Must Serve the Common Good
594 Church and State Today: What Belongs to Caesar, and What Doesn't
595 Church and the Catholic, The
596 Church and the Citizen, The
597 Church And The Jews In The Middle Ages, The
598 Church and the Native Americans: The Real Story, The
599 Church and the New Age Movement, The
600 Church and the Scandal of Sexual Abuse, The
601 Church and the World Await Your Prophecy, Closeness and Hope, The
602 Church and Torture, The
603 Church and World Need the Witness of the Consecrated Life
604 Church as a Home, The
605 Church Asks Pardon for Her Members' Sins
606 Church Awaits a Renewal and Rebirth of Consecrated Life, The
607 Church Becomes Fully Visible in the Liturgy, The
608 Church Believes in Cures That Don't Sacrifice Life
609 Church Bells
610 Church Building and Participation in the Paschal Mystery: Assessing the NCCB Document Built of Living Stones
611 Church Building and Participation in the Paschal Mystery: Assessing the NCCB Document 'Built of Living Stones'
612 Church Building: The Highest Form Of Architecture, The
613 Church Cannot Allow Any Confusion, The
614 Church Cannot Be Locked within Itself, The
615 Church Cannot Remain Indifferent to the Widening Gap in Health Care, The
616 Church Canonizes Wife, Mother, and Physician
617 Church Charity Mandates 'Full' Info on Condoms
618 Church Commemorates Thousand-Year Old Roots
619 Church Compositions Without Liturgical Foundation, Part One
620 Church Compositions Without Liturgical Foundation, Part Two
621 Church Crisis Is a Crisis of Parish Life
622 Church Does Not Abandon Those Who Fall into the Vortex of Drug Abuse, The
623 Church Does Not Exist for Her Own Sake, The
624 Church Does Not Impose But Freely Proposes the Faith
625 Church Engages History and Culture To Transform Them with the Gospel
626 Church Exists to Evangelize, The
627 Church Expects Mature Fruits of Communion and Commitment
628 Church Fights AIDS with Truth and True Love, The
629 Church Grew in Understanding of Mary's Role
630 Church Has Always Shown Preference for Sick and Suffering
631 Church Has an Important Role in Reconciliation in Rwanda, The
632 Church Has Benefited From French Christianity
633 Church Has Confidence in the Young, The
634 Church Has Special Preference for Those Who Live and Work at Sea, The
635 Church Heeds the Lessons of the Ages, The
636 Church in Africa Amid Her Tribulation, Light of the World
637 Church in Africa In Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace, The
638 Church in Austria Faces Important Issues
639 Church in Brazil: Importance of New Evangelization
640 Church in Germany Needs to Become Ever More Missionary
641 Church in Ghana Is Called to Shine Forth as a 'Beacon of Hope', The
642 Church in Italy Is Strongly Linked to the Soul of the Country, The
643 Church in Korea is Young and Dynamic, The
644 Church in Poland Must Reach Out to the Peripheries, The
645 Church in Puglia: A Bridge Between Peoples and Cultures
646 Church in the Wilderness, The
647 Church in Vietnam Isn't Afraid, But the Communist Regime Is, The
648 Church Is "For the World" Not Against It, The
649 Church Is a Family among Families, The
650 Church Is Always In a State of Pentecost, The
651 Church is Always in Need of Renewal — Ecclesia Semper Reformanda , The
652 Church is Built on Peter's Faith and Fidelity
653 Church Is Built on the Eucharist
654 Church Is Called To Be Above Tribal and Cultural Connotations, The
655 Church Is Called To Be Versatile and Creative in Her Witness to the Gospel, The
656 Church is Called to Establish the Kingdom of Life, The
657 Church is Called to Offer Witness of Communion
658 Church Is Called to Proclaim and Bear Witness to the Welcome of Migrants, The
659 Church Is Called to Seek Out Those Who Have Gone Astray, The
660 Church Is for Everyone, The
661 Church Is God's Call To Be Part of His Family, The
662 Church Is Holy, and Open to All, Not Only the Pure, The
663 Church Is Humanity's Ally, The
664 Church is Neighbor to the Rejected
665 Church Is Not a Political Party but a Moral Entity Which Sides with Freedom, The
666 Church Is Not Just Another NGO, The
667 Church Is One for All, and Cannot Be Privatized by Any Group, The
668 Church Is Our Home, The
669 Church Is Rejuvenated by Motherhood, The
670 Church Is Rooted in the Apostles But Looks to the Future, The
671 Church Is the Church of Martyrs, The
672 Church Is the Community that Listens to the Lord with Faith and Love, The
673 Church Is the Place Where Faith Is Transmitted, The
674 Church Is To Serve, To Love, and To Believe In Humanity, The
675 Church Learned and the Revolt of the Scholars, The
676 Church Lives and Grows, The
677 Church Music
678 Church Must Address the Role of Women, The
679 Church Must Face Challenge of Sects Throughout Latin America
680 Church Must Learn to Cope with Computer Culture, The
681 Church Must Not Be Insular, The
682 Church Must Not Fear Persecutions but Trust in the Presence of God, The
683 Church Must Not Renounce Her Missionary Role, The
684 Church Must Offer Maternal Love
685 Church Must Preach Truth and Justice, The
686 Church Must Remind Everyone of Human Person's Inalienable Dignity
687 Church Need Fear Only the Sin of Her Members, The
688 Church Needs Fearless 'Prophets'
689 Church Needs Freedom, Creativity and Dialogue, The
690 Church Needs the Contemplative Vocation, The
691 Church Needs Us to Build Peace with Our Works, The
692 Church of Christ and the Catholic Church, The
693 Church of Love Is Also the Church of Truth, The
694 Church of Mary in Nagasaki, The
695 Church on the Path to the Kingdom of Heaven, The
696 Church Presents Mary as 'Ever Virgin', The
697 Church Proclaims Love of God the Father
698 Church Proclaims Mary 'Mother of God'
699 Church Proposes a System of Justice that Aims to Full Rehabilitation of Wrongdoers, The
700 Church Reaches Out to Many of Her Children to Meet Their Legitimate Desire for Justice, The
701 Church Receives the Truth as a Gift from God, The
702 Church Recognizes Self-Defense As A Natural Right, The
703 Church Resplendent in Christ, The
704 Church Roles and Church Dissent
705 Church Separated from Her Bishop Is an Ailing Church, A
706 Church Shares Young People's Thrist for Values, The
707 Church Suffering in the Diocese of Bossangoa, Central African Republic
708 Church Teaching and Civic Responsibility
709 Church Teachings and the 'Delayed Personhood' Ruse
710 Church that Defies Throwaway Culture with the Embrace of the Young and the Elderly, A
711 Church that Engages in Sociology, The
712 Church Venerates Fathers of East and West
713 Church Vs. the Culture — The Score Thus Far, The
714 Church Was Catholic from the Very First Moment, The
715 Church Weddings: Obligation to Faith or Family?
716 Church Will Take No Step Backwards In Sanctions Against Child Abusers, The
717 Church without Frontiers, Mother to All
718 Church, a Bride Adorned for Her Husband, The
719 Church, A Community Committed to Christ's Charity, The
720 Church, by Virtue of Her Mission, Is Not Linked to Any Political System, The
721 Church, from the very Beginning…was Catholic!, The
722 Church, Mother of Vocations, The
723 Church, Music, Interpreters: A Necessary Dialogue
724 Church, Teacher of Prayer, The
725 Church, the Airwaves and the Internet, The
726 Church, the People of God, Should Keep the Door Open, The
727 Church, Universal and Missionary, Cannot Be Wrapped Up in Herself, The
728 Church: Evangelize and Care for the Sick in Body and Spirit
729 Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, The
730 Church: People of God, Body of Christ, Communion, The
731 Church’s Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition, The
732 Church’s Very Nature Requires Unity
733 Churches Must Live Deeply Their Identity as Disciples of Jesus Christ
734 Churches of Rome: Christianity's First Cathedral
735 Church-Family of God in Africa, The
736 Church's "Common Doctor": Thomas Aquinas and the Contemporary Catholic University, The
737 Churchs Educational Mission Itself Must Continually be Reinvigorated, Reinforced and Restarted, The
738 Church's Evolving View on the Death Penalty, The
739 Church's Forgiveness Must Be as Limitless as God's Mercy
740 Church's Liturgy Goes Beyond Conciliar Reform
741 Church's Mission in Africa Depends on Formation Given to Evangelizers
742 Church's Mission Is Still Only Beginning
743 Church's Position on the Transmission of Life, The
744 Church's Prayer for Peter, The
745 Church's Preferential Love for the Poor, The
746 Church's Ritual Texts Must Be Freed, The
747 Church's Social Doctrine: A Guide to Unmasking the Idol of Money, The
748 Church's Strategy to Help Women of the Street
749 Church's Thanksgiving Day, The
750 Church's Welfare Demands Careful Selection of Priesthood Candidates
751 Church's Whole Life and Mission Depend on the Holy Spirit, The
752 Ci Riesce
753 Cinema: Communicator of Culture and of Values
754 Circular Letter Containing Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Clerics
755 Circular Letter on the Ritual Expression of the Gift of Peace at Mass
756 Circular Letter to Bishops on the Bread and Wine for the Eucharist
757 Circular Letter: Doctrinal Declarations by Bishops' Conferences
758 Cistercian Order Of The Common Observance
759 Citadel of Prayer and Marian Piety, A
760 City Upon a Hill: Augustine, John Winthrop and the Soul of the American Experiment Today, A
761 Civilian Population Suffers The Consequences Of Illicit Trade In Light Weapons And Small Arms
762 Civilization and Culture at War
763 Civilization in Crisis
764 Claims of the Gospel of Judas , The
765 Claims of the Primacy and the Costly Call to Unity, The
766 Clarification About the Meaning of Fidelity to the Supreme Pontiff, A
767 Clarification Concerning Status of Catholics Becoming Freemasons
768 Clarification of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Vassula Ryden
769 Clarifications on the New "Oremus Et Pro Iudaeis"
770 Clarifying the Confusion on Confirmation
771 Class Clowns
772 Classical Moment, The
773 Clearing Away the Barriers: Preaching to Young Adults Today
774 Clement of Alexandria
775 Clement Of Rome, The First Epistle of Clement To The Corinthians
776 Clergy abuse cases present challenges for Church leaders
777 Clergy Educators Must Lead by Example
778 Clerical Abuse Is ‘Predominately Homosexual Behavior’
779 Climate Change and New Evidence from Science, Engineering, and Policy
780 Cloistered Nuns Are Called to Great Humanity
781 Cloning Is Not the Issue
782 Cloning, Stem Cell Research and Some Historic Parallels
783 Cloning: When Word Games Kill
784 Close Bond Between Canon Law and Church Life
785 Close Bond Exists Between Eucharist and Penance, A
786 Close by the Incurable Sick Person and Dying: Scientific and Ethical Aspects
787 Closer Look at Centering Prayer, A
788 Closer Look at Centering Prayer, A
789 Closer Look at Charismatic Renewal, A
790 Closing Message of Vatican Council II
791 Clothed With The Sun
792 Cluniac Reform, The
793 CMA Issues Open Letter to Catholic Organizations
794 Coat of Arms of His Holiness, Benedict XVI, The
795 Coeducation Revisited for the 21st Century
796 Coercively "Tolerant"
797 Cohabitation -- a Compilation
798 Cohabitation and Marriage: How Are They Related?
799 Cohabitation Before Marriage
800 Cohabitation Fails As a Test For Marriage
801 Cohabitation: Response Over Reaction
802 Cold War Against the Spirit
803 Colgone's 'Rich Legacy of Saints' Inspires Young People and the World
804 Collaboration between Christian Community and Family
805 Collection of Documents by Pope Benedict XVI about St. Paul
806 Collection of Documents by Pope Benedict XVI about St. Peter
807 Collection of Documents Concerning the Norms for Televised Masses in the Diocese of Birmingham, AL, A
808 Collection of Messages of Pope Saint John XXIII, A
809 College of Cardinals Traces Its Roots to Middle Ages
810 Collegial Union, Collegial Affection Needed To Fulfil Pastoral Mission
811 Cologne
812 Colorful Multitudes Flock to Santiago De Compostela
813 Coloring Outside the Lines
814 Columbia: A Nation Blessed In Many Ways
815 Columbus and the Beginning of the World
816 Combat Faith: A Spirituality for This Present Age
817 Combat the Structural Causes of Poverty
818 Combat Uncertainty and Isolation
819 Combatant Human Slaves
820 Combating Relativism With Mercy: A Battle Plan
821 Combining Charity and Justice in Serving Others
822 Come Again?
823 Come, Let Us Walk Together!
824 Comforter of the Afflicted, The
825 Coming Latino Catholic Majority, The
826 Coming Of The Kingdom Demands Generous Cooperation
827 Coming Out of Sodom
828 Coming Soon to Your Parish
829 Commandments Are an Invitation, The
830 Commandments Are the Path to Freedom, The
831 Commandments Indicate the Boundary of Life, The
832 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
833 Commemoration of the Feast of St. Patrick
834 Commentary on Mass Facing the Altar (Ad Orientem)
835 Commentary on the Address of Pope John Paul II to the XVIII International Congress of the Transplantation Society, A
836 Commentary on the Document: Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church
837 Commentary on the General Directory For Catechesis
838 Commentary on the Industrial Areas Foundation, A
839 Commentary on the Norms For Communion Under Both Species In Latin Church
840 Commentary on the Profession of Faith
841 Commentary on the Stabat Mater
842 Commentary on the U.S. Catholic Conference, A
843 Commentary: The Relationship Between Men and Women
844 Comments of the Holy See on the Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
845 Comments on the Notification Regarding Certain Writings of Father Marciano Vidal, C.Ss.R.
846 Commissum Divinitus (On Church And State)
847 Commitment from Everyone Is Needed to Achieve Peace
848 Commitment to Building a World More Worthy of Mankind
849 Commitment to Christian Unity Is a Task for Everyone
850 Commitment to Promoting Women's Dignity
851 Committed To Building Civilization of Love
852 Common Benefits
853 Common Commitment to Support Families, A
854 Common Core Standards: Reference Not Replacement for Catholic School Standards
855 Common Core’s Substandard Writing Standards
856 Common Declaration
857 Common Declaration
858 Common Declaration of Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby
859 Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and His Beatitude Christodoulos
860 Common Declaration Signed in the Vatican by Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Bartholomew I
861 Common Good in the Digital Age, The
862 Common Word between Us and You, A
863 Communicate the Gospel Clearly and Courageously
864 Communicate the Joy of the Gospel with Witness
865 Communicate the Joy of the Gospel With Witness
866 Communicating Information to the Incurably Sick
867 Communicating the Family: A Privileged Place of Encounter with the Gift of Love
868 Communication and Mercy: A Fruitful Encounter
869 Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter
870 Communications Media At The Service Of Peace
871 Communications Media: At the Service of Understanding Among Peoples, The
872 Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God
873 Communion in the Word through Mary
874 Communion in time: Tradition
875 Communion of Saints: St. Robert Bellarmine on the Mystical Body of Christ
876 Communion of the Holy: True Consolation of Our Faith, The
877 Communion Requires Preserving The Deposit Of Faith, Unity With Pope, Bishops
878 Communion, Service, Mercy
879 Communique Concerning Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo
880 Communique Concerning Founder of Legionaires of Christ
881 Communique on Motu Proprio on Criminal Law Matters
882 Communique Regarding Legislation for Prevention & Countering of Illegal Activities in the Financial & Monetary Sectors
883 Communique Regarding the Lisbon Declaration on Youth
884 Community Dimension of Forgiveness of Sins, The
885 Community: Context and Fruit of Chastity
886 Communium Interpretes Doloraum (An Appeal For Prayers For Peace)
887 Communium Rerum (On St. Anselm Of Aosta)
888 Compassion Is a Keyword in the Gospel
889 Compellling Proposals for Young People
890 Compendium of Pope Benedict XVI's Addresses for the Year of Faith
891 Compendium of Pope Benedict XVI's Addresses on Medieval Theologians
892 Compendium of Pope Benedict XVI's Addresses on the Apostles
893 Compendium of Pope Benedict XVI's Addresses on the Church Fathers
894 Compendium of Pope Benedict XVI's Addresses on Women of Faith
895 Compendium of Pope Benedict XVI's Catechesis on Prayer
896 Compendium of Pope Francis' Addresses for the Year of Faith
897 Compendium of the Documents of Vatican II
898 Compendium of the Letter of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI to the Catholic Church in China
899 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Eight
900 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Eleven
901 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Five
902 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Four
903 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Nine
904 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter One
905 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Seven
906 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Six
907 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Ten
908 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Three
909 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Twelve
910 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Chapter Two
911 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Conclusion
912 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Index of References and Footnotes
913 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Introduction
914 Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Table of Contents
915 Compendium Should Contain Basic Elements of Faith
916 Compilation of Documents Regarding the Year for Priests
917 Compilation of Websites and Articles for the Year of Faith
918 Compilation on Common Core Standards
919 Compilation on Small Christian Communities
920 Compilation on Thomas Groome
921 Complementarity between Man and Woman, The
922 Complementarity of Man and Woman Helps Us Understand the Divine Mystery
923 Complementary Norms for the Apostolic Constitution "Anglicanorum coetibus"
924 Complementary Norms of the Apostolic Constitution “Anglicanorum coetibus”
925 Complete My Joy
926 Complex Relationship between Scripture and Tradition, The
927 Concentrate On The Relationship Of Love With Christ
928 Concentrated on a Single Word: Father
929 Concept of Divine Justice in Hebrew Thought, The
930 Conception in a Test-Tube
931 Concerning New Opinions, Virtue, Nature and Grace, with Regard to Americanism (Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae)
932 Concerning the Reception of Holy Communion by Divorced and Remarried Members of the Faithful
933 Concerning the Reply of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the Teaching Contained in the Apostolic Letter "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis"
934 Concert in Honor of the Holy Father
935 Conciliar Documents: A Compass to Guide the Ship of the Church
936 Conciliar Tradition of the American Hierarchy, The
937 Concilio Constantinopolitano I, A
938 Conclusions of Episcopal Assembly on Word of God
939 Conclusions of the Eighteenth Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
940 Conclusions of the International Congress of European Pro-Life Movements in Granada
941 Conclusions of the Meeting of Politicians and Legislators of the Americas
942 Conclusions of the Second Meeting of European Politicians and Legislators on Human Rights and Rights of the Family
943 Conclusions of Theological-Pastoral Congress
944 Conclusions on Migration to and From Islamic Countries
945 Condemnation of Jansenism, The
946 Condemning the Errors of Martin Luther (Exsurge Domine)
947 Condemning the Errors of Miguel de Molinos (Coelestis Pastor)
948 Conditions for a Just War
949 Conditions of A Just War
950 Conditions Outlined For Transplants To Humans Of Animal Organs
951 Conduct Research with Personal Integrity
952 Confession and Psychiatry
953 Confession Before First Communion (Sanctus Pontifex)
954 Confession Comeback
955 Confession Is an Experience of Love and Mercy, Not a Sentencing Court
956 Confession Is for the Courageous
957 Confession Must be Humble, Complete and Accompanied by Firm Purpose of Amendment
958 Confession Witness, Love: Keys to Ecumenical Dialogue
959 Confession, Persecution and Prayer
960 Confessors Carry the 'Message of Reconciliation'
961 Confessors: Open A "Dialogue of Salvation" with Penitents
962 Confirmation at the Age of Reason
963 Confirmation of the Good Choice, The
964 Confirmation Perfects Baptismal Grace
965 Confirmation Seals Us with Gift of the Spirit
966 Confirmation, the Second Sacrament of Christian Initiation
967 Conforming Our Lives to the Lord
968 Confraternities: Popular Schools of Living Faith
969 Confrontation Between our Freedom and the Snares of the Evil One, The
970 Confronting the Devil's Power
971 Congregation for the Causes of Saints, The
972 Congregation for the Clergy, The
973 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Issues Press Release on Ryden Notification
974 Congregation for the Faith, Priority to Christian Unity
975 Congregation of Bishops Document Repealing Excommunications of SSPX
976 Congregation Publishes New Rite of Exorcism
977 Connection between the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Priesthood
978 conomy and the Election , The
979 Conquer Evil by Growing in God's Love
980 Conquering by the Cross: Jesus' Love Wins All
981 Conscience
982 Conscience and the Dictatorship of Relativism
983 Conscience and the Obedience of Faith
984 Conscience, Coercion, and Healthcare
985 Conscience, Freedom, and the “Law of Graduality” at the Synod on the Family
986 Conscience: “The Aboriginal Vicar of Christ”
987 Consciences Must Be Formed to Discern the Objective Moral law
988 Consecrated Life
989 Consecrated Life - the Right Fit
990 Consecrated Life (Vita Consecrata), The
991 Consecrated Life and Its Role in the Church and in the World, The
992 Consecrated Life Expresses Superabundance of Divine Love
993 Consecrated Life Is of Benefit to the Whole Church
994 Consecrated Life is Rooted in Baptism
995 Consecrated Life Is the "Gospel" for Today's World
996 Consecrated Life Must Be Close to the People
997 Consecrated Life Renewed in Encounter with Jesus
998 Consecrated Life within the Church, a Testimony to Christ, Yesterday, Today and Forever
999 Consecrated Life, A Sign of the Church's Vitality
1000 Consecrated Life: Light, Prophecy, Wisdom of the Church
1001 Consecrated Men and Women: Do Not Join Prophets of Doom
1002 Consecrated People Proclaim that God Is the Lord of Life
1003 Consecrated People, "Specialists" in Listening to God
1004 Consecrated People: Respond Faithfully to the Call of the Spirit
1005 Consecrated Persons And Their Mission In Schools
1006 Consecrated Persons Must Guide People to Jesus and Let Themselves Be Guided by Him
1007 Consecrated to Christ: How the 'Vowed Life' Builds Up the Church
1008 Consecrated Virginity: A Luminous and Fruitful Charism
1009 Consecration Calls For Conversion, Social Change
1010 Consecration of all Individuals and Peoples of the World
1011 Consecration of Bishop Bill Wright
1012 Consecration of May 13, 1982 of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
1013 Consecration of the Church and World to the Blessed Virgin Mary
1014 Consequences Would Desecrate the Future of Humankind
1015 Consider the Ethical and Spiritual Quality of Life in all its Phases
1016 Considerations Concerning the Response to Legislative Proposals on the Non-Discrimination of Homosexual Persons
1017 Considerations for an Ethical Discernment Regarding Some Aspects of the Present Economic-Financial System
1018 Considerations on the Issue of Human Cloning
1019 Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons
1020 Consistent Witness to the Gospel of Life
1021 Consistent Witness to the Moral Teaching of the Gospel
1022 Consolation
1023 Consolidating A Culture of Acceptance for Sick People
1024 Constant Union with God ensures Fruitful Ministry
1025 Constanti Hungarorum (On The Church In Hungary)
1026 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium)
1027 Constructing History by Uniting Faith and Culture
1028 Constructive Dialogue with All, Closeness to the Poor and Assitance to Imigrants
1029 Consueverunt Romani
1030 Contemplate Jesus in Suffering Brothers
1031 Contemplate the Face of Christ in the Sick
1032 Contemplate The Mystery Of The Incarnation
1033 Contemplating the Face of the Risen Lord
1034 Contemplation and Controversy
1035 Contemplation Involves Surrender To Primacy Of Grace
1036 Contemplation of Christ Does Not Distance Us from Reality
1037 Contemporary Culture War In America: Whither Natural Law, Catholic Style?, The
1038 Contemporary Dating as Serial Monogamy
1039 Contemporary Family Law: Divorcing Marriage from Children
1040 Contemporary Music in Church?
1041 Contending with Escalating Christianophobia
1042 Contested Will
1043 Continence Deepens Personal Communion
1044 Continence Frees one from Inner Tension
1045 Continence Protects the Dignity of the Conjugal Act
1046 Continent Death: Euthanasia in Europe
1047 Continue Along the Path to Evangelical Perfection
1048 Continue Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue Undiscouraged
1049 Continue Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims
1050 Continue Evangelizing In And Through The Media
1051 Continue Reflection On Allied Human Rights Issues
1052 Continue the Tradition of Social Catholicism
1053 Continue to Seek Only the Will of God
1054 Continue to Write the Gospel with the Works of Mercy
1055 Continue Your Patient, Determined Dialogue with the Public Authorities
1056 Continue Your Service of Christian Charity, Condemning All That Tramples Human Dignity
1057 Continuing Vitality of Church's Missionary Impulse
1058 Contra doctrinam
1059 Contra Spiritum Mundi: Heroic Womanhood and the Culture of Life
1060 Contraception — the Bitter Pill
1061 Contraception and Abortion
1062 Contraception And The War Within The Self
1063 Contraception Misconception, The
1064 Contraception: a Challenge to Catholic Preaching
1065 Contraception: Fatal to the Faith
1066 Contraception: Why Not?
1067 Contraception: Why Not? (revised)
1068 Contraceptive Emotional and Personality Damage in Women
1069 Contraceptive Mentality, The
1070 Contrast of Call To Action vs. Church Teaching, The
1071 Contribute to National Reconciliation and Foster Interreligious Dialogue against Extremism
1072 Contribute to Research, Teaching and Social Promotion
1073 Conversion & the Psychology of Change
1074 Conversion of England
1075 Conversion of Hearts and Minds to Christ
1076 Conversion of Hearts, the Only Way to Peace
1077 Conversion of Ireland, The
1078 Conversion of Minds and Effective, not just Theoretical, Solidarity Are Essential
1079 Conversion That Starts with Mercy, A
1080 Convert & Turn Yourselves into Human Justice & Prepare for Divine Judgment
1081 Conviviality, a Thermometer for Measuring the Health of Family Relationships
1082 Convocatio, Communio, Missio: God's Word Spoken, Lived and Shared
1083 Cooperation between Science, Faith Benefits Humanity
1084 Cooperation Can Overcome The Problem Of Hunger
1085 Cooperative Model of Work Inspired by Social Doctrine of Church
1086 Copacabana Patroness of Bolivia
1087 Coping with the Millennium Bug: An action plan for Parishes
1088 Copyright, a Moral Problem
1089 Cor Orans
1090 Co-Responsibility for Public Policy
1091 Cornwell’s Cheap Shot at Pius XII
1092 Cornwell’s Hoax
1093 Cornwell's Pope: 'A Nasty Caricature of a Noble and Saintly Man'
1094 Correctio Filialis de Haeresibus Propagatis
1095 Corruption is Greater Evil than Sin
1096 Corruption of Children's Literature (Even in Catholic Schools), The
1097 Corruption of the Science of Human Embryology, The
1098 Cost is too High; the Loss is too Great, The
1099 Cost of Contraception and the Joy of the Gospel of Life, The
1100 Cost of Control: Steve Mosher's Book Explodes the Myth of Overpopulation, The
1101 Cost of Loving God, The
1102 Council and the Catechism: Anniversaries to Mark with a “Year of Faith”, The
1103 Council of Basel
1104 Council of Chalcedon
1105 Council of Constance
1106 Council of Ephesus
1107 Council of Orange
1108 Council of Trent
1109 Council's Teaching on Mary is Rich and Positive
1110 Counsel the Doubtful and Instruct the Ignorant
1111 Counsel to Teaching Sisters
1112 Counsels For Seminarians
1113 Countdown to 2000: Get Ready for Y2K
1114 Counter Relativism with Fundamental Truths
1115 Counteract Growth Of The Religious Sects By Emphasizing The Centrality Of The Eucharist
1116 Counterfeit Mysteries of the Occult, The
1117 Countering the Eclipse of Sin in Marriage Preparation
1118 Country Grows when Its Cultural Components Are in Dialogue, A
1119 Courage Should Be a Much Greater Hope in Action
1120 Courage Speaks Louder Than Divisions
1121 Courage to be Catholic, The
1122 Courage to Go Forth
1123 Courage to Take a Risk for God's Promise, The
1124 Courageous Defender of Ukrainian Values
1125 Courageously Preach the Truth Without Yielding to Compromise
1126 Courageously Resist Anything that Could Destroy or Undermine Peace
1127 Course in Miracles, A
1128 Court Rulings Cannot Negate the Law of God
1129 Court-Ordered Death of Terri Schiavo, The
1130 Covenant Theology of Sex, A
1131 Cover Letter from Cardinal Ratzinger to Bishops' Conference Presidents
1132 Covid 19 Vaccine: Confusion, Difficulties, Dangers, The
1133 COVID Vaccines at Notre Dame
1134 Covid Vaccines: ‘The Ends Cannot Justify the Means’
1135 Cowan's 'Five Ways to Make the Case for God'
1136 Crash Course on the Crusades
1137 Crash Course on the Crusades, A
1138 Create a Culture of Encounter
1139 Create Christian Vision Of Person In Communications
1140 Create Special Programmes For Native Vocations Without Causing Discrimination
1141 Create The International Common Good Of Health
1142 Created World Exists for New Life in Christ
1143 Creation and Evolution: To the Debate as It Stands
1144 Creation Must Be Administered for Good of All
1145 Creation Must Be Dwelling Place of Peace
1146 Creative Fidelity Needed to Confront Modern Challenges
1147 Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry
1148 Creative Men Open to the Holy Spirit
1149 Creative Unity of Faith and Understanding, The
1150 Credibility of the Church's Message Is Linked to Credibility of Her Ministers
1151 Credible Signs of Christ Alive: Case Studies from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
1152 Credo of the People of God, The
1153 Cremation
1154 Cremation: Ashes to Ashes
1155 Crescent And The Gun, The
1156 Crib Can Help Us, The
1157 Crises of Law
1158 Crisis a Time of Testing and Renewal
1159 Crisis Has Worsened the "Allergy" to Solidarity, The
1160 Crisis in Vocations? What Crisis?
1161 Crisis of Confidence and Essential Value
1162 Crisis of Faith and the Eucharist
1163 Crisis of Faith, The
1164 Crisis of Meaning Proves the Encyclical's Timeliness
1165 Critical Review of Some Best-Selling Textbooks in Catholic Social Teaching, A
1166 Critical Thinking and the Culture of Skepticism
1167 Critical Thinking for Christians
1168 Critique of Cardinal Kasper's Speech on Marriage
1169 Critique of Contemporary Art, A
1170 Critique of Renew 2000 Leader's Manual
1171 Critique of Talking about Touching, A
1172 Critique of the Instrumentum Laboris for the Amazon Synod, A
1173 Croatia Has Borne Heroic Witness to Christ
1174 Croatian Bishops: Workers for Reconciliation and Peace
1175 Cross and the Resurrection Are Inseparable, The
1176 Cross Illumines All Human Life, The
1177 Cross Is Victory and Salvation, The
1178 Cross of Christ Is a Source of Peace, The
1179 Cross of Christ Is Guarantee of Victory
1180 Cross of Christ is the World's Hope, The
1181 Cross of Christ, a Beacon of Hope, The
1182 Cross Warns Reason Against Self-Sufficiency
1183 Cross: Path of Life and Salvation, The
1184 Crucified One, Source of Hope, The
1185 Cruelty toward Animals
1186 Crumbling Foundations: Why the Family Unit Is Crucial to Civilization
1187 Crusade of Prayer and Fasting, A
1188 Crusades: A Response to Islamic Jihad, The
1189 Cry of Children, The
1190 Cry of Suffering, The
1191 Cry of the Poor, The
1192 Cuba and the World Need Change
1193 Cuba: A Country in Chains
1194 Cuban Church Called to Offer the Only True Hope: Christ
1195 Cuban people need you, The
1196 Cubans need contact with others
1197 Culmination of John Paul II's Pontificate, The
1198 Cult of Naturalism, The
1199 Cult Suicide Exposes Deep Troubles of Church in Uganda
1200 Cultivate a Renewed Vision of Consecrated Life
1201 Cultivate Prayer Life, Not Activism
1202 Cultivate the Rich Heritage of Faith
1203 Cultural and Political Impotence of Catholics in Contemporary American Life, The
1204 Cultural and Social Importance of Activity of Laity
1205 Cultural Heritage an Important Contribution to Faith
1206 Cultural Primacy of Plausibility and Inculturation of Our Beliefs, The
1207 Culture and Holiness: a Winning Combination
1208 Culture and the Fundamental Ethics of Human Life
1209 Culture Needs Women's Genius
1210 Culture of Salus and Welcome in the Service of Man and the Planet, The
1211 Culture of Care as a Path to Peace, A
1212 Culture of Death and Its Deep-Rooted Effects on Women
1213 Culture of Divorce, Culture of Death
1214 Culture of Equality is Urgently Needed Today
1215 Culture Of Peace Needs New Language, New Gestures Of Brotherhood
1216 Culture of Waste Treats Persons As If They Were Garbage
1217 Culture Promotes Authentic Humanism
1218 Culture, Transformation, and Law
1219 Cum Multa (On Conditions In Spain)
1220 Cum Nuper (On Care For Clerics)
1221 Cum Primum (On Civil Obedience)
1222 Cum Primum (On Observing Canonical Sanctions)
1223 Cum Religiosi (On Catechesis)
1224 Cum Sancta Mater Ecclesia (Pleading For Public Prayer)
1225 Cum Summi (Proclaiming A Universal Jubilee)
1226 Cup of Christ, The
1227 Cure of Ars, The
1228 Curing Illness Must Not Involve Suppressing Human Life
1229 Current Doctrinal Relevance Of The CCC
1230 Curse of Wrong Alternatives, The
1231 Custodi Di Quella Fede (On Freemasonry)
1232 Custodians of Doctrine, Champions of Justice and Charity
1233 Cycling through time on the Camino de Santiago
1234 Cyprus: Portrait of a Christianity Obliterated
1235 Cyril and Methodius: Perennial Example of Inculturation