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Documents by Title: Keyletter "A" - 510 documents

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1 Abandoning Latin Changed Liturgical Music … for the Worse
2 Abandonment Is the Greatest Hardship
3 Abandonment Is the Worst Affliction for the Elderly
4 Abide in God and Keep His Commandments
5 Abiding in Peace
6 Abiding Significance of Gnosticism, The
7 Abortifacient Vaccines: Technological Update, Hazards, And Pro-Life Appraisal
8 Aborting The Church: Frances Kissling & Catholics For A Free Choice
9 Abortion & Breast Cancer Link -- What the Experts Say
10 Abortion And Breast Cancer
11 Abortion and Limbo
12 Abortion and the Unborn Baby: the Painful Truth
13 Abortion in America: Legal & Unsafe
14 Abortion, Bishops, Eucharist, and Politicians: A Question of Communion
15 Abortion, Pederasty, Child Murder Share The Same Roots
16 Abortion: Correct Application of Natural Law Theory
17 Abortion: One Cannot Do Away With a Human Being, Even If Small, to Resolve a Problem
18 Abortion: Unmasking the Demon
19 Abortion-Linked Vaccines: A Moral Analysis with Michael Pakaluk and Jay Richards [transcript]
20 About Last Night
21 About Those Unthinking, Backward Catholics
22 Abraham's Hope Against All Hope
23 Abstaining from Meat on Fridays Encouraged
24 Absurdity of Catholics for Choice, The
25 Accept Help, Save the Family
26 Accept Others As Christ Accepted Us
27 Accept the call to be virtuous, for happiness is achieved by sacrifice
28 Acceptance Remarks: "The Canterbury Award"
29 Accompany Your Proclamation with the Eloquence of Gestures
30 Accompanying Life: New responsibilities in the Technological Era
31 According to Scripture
32 Accountability for Sex Abuse Victims
33 Accuracy of Scripture, The
34 Acerba Animi (On Persecution Of The Church In Mexico)
35 Acerbo Nimis (On Teaching Christian Doctrine)
36 Achieve Your Pastoral Initiatives In the Light of Holiness
37 Achieving a Happy Marriage
38 Achieving Social Development for All
39 Act According to Truth and Conscience
40 Act of Adoration, An
41 Act of Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
42 Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
43 Act of Dedication of the Human Race, An
44 Act of Entrustment to the Blessed Virgin Mary
45 Act with Integrity, Honesty, and Do Not Be Afraid to Love
46 Action Must Be Educational and Political
47 Action Must Be United with Words
48 Action Needed to Heal Our Wounded Humanity
49 Action Presupposes Contemplation
50 Active Apostles of the New Evangelization
51 Activist Judge Greer Plays 'God' as Arbiter of Life and Death
52 Ad Apostolorum Principis (On Communism And The Church In China)
53 Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum (Appealing for Peace)
54 Ad Caeli Reginam (On Proclaiming The Queenship Of Mary)
55 Ad Catholici Sacerdotii (On The Catholic Priesthood)
56 Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum (On The Immaculate Conception)
57 Ad Extremas (On Seminaries For Native Clergy)
58 Ad Limina Address to Bishops of Baltimore and Washington in 2004
59 Ad Limn Address to the Bishops of the Church in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Alaska
60 Ad Petri Cathedram (On Truth, Unity And Peace)
61 Ad Salutem (On St. Augustine)
62 Ad Sinarum Gentem (On The Supranationality Of The Church)
63 Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life (Perfectae Caritatis)
64 Addendum of the General Catechetical Directory
65 Additional Note from the Secretariat of State on the SSPX
66 Address at Farewell Ceremony at Stará Ruzyn?do International Airport
67 Address at Inaugural Session of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean
68 Address at Meeting with Representatives of Other Religions
69 Address at Williams-Brice Stadium
70 Address by Pope Pius XII on 'Bad Reading', An
71 Address of Benedict XVI at Nsimalen International Airport of Yaounde
72 Address Of His Beatitude Teoctist
73 Address of John Paul II on April 13, 1985
74 Address of John Paul II To His Beatitude Christodoulos
75 Address of John Paul II to Members of the Australian Conference of Bishops
76 Address of John Paul II To the Catholic Bishops of Greece
77 Address of John Paul II to the International Congress on Organ Transplants
78 Address of John Paul II to the Members of the Scotus Commission
79 Address of May 31, 1954 on the Authority of the Church in Temporal Matters
80 Address of November 2, 1954 on the Authority of the Church in Temporal Matters
81 Address of Pope Francis at Meeting with Civil Authorities in Paraguay
82 Address of Pope Francis at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito
83 Address Of Pope John Paul II
84 Address of Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the Exchange of Greetings with the Diplomatic Corps
85 Address on Bees
86 Address on John Paul II on Breastfeeding
87 Address on Receiving US Ambassador to the Vatican Linda Bogs
88 Address On the Spiritual Exercises
89 Address the Great Challenges That Mark the Post-Modern Age
90 Address to Artists
91 Address to French Ambassador to the Holy See
92 Address to Hindu and Muslim Leaders
93 Address to Italian Artists: the Function of Art
94 Address to Midwives on the Nature of Their Profession
95 Address to New Ambassador of Germany
96 Address to Participants of the Symposium on the Participation of the Laity in the Priestly Ministry
97 Address to Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
98 Address to the Australian Catholic Students Association
99 Address to the Bishops of Sudan on Their 'Ad Limina' Visit
100 Address to the Bishops of Switzerland
101 Address to the Diplomatic Corps
102 Address to the Diplomatic Corps
103 Address to the Diplomatic Corps 2005
104 Address To The Greeks
105 Address to the Italian Episcopal Conference
106 Address to the Pontifical Academy for Life
107 Address to the Roman Rota — Presume the Validity of a Marriage
108 Address to the United Nations General Assembly
109 Address to World Summit on Food Security
110 Address to Youth in Rome Prison
111 Address Upon Arrival in Cairo
112 Address Upon Arrival in Mexico City
113 Adequate Preparation for Marriage
114 Adiutricem (On The Rosary)
115 Administering Justice in the Church
116 Admission To The Eucharist In Situations Of Pastoral Necessity
117 Adoption Is 'A Concrete Way of Love'
118 Adora Patrem In Spiritu Et Veritate
119 Adoration
120 Adoration, Reparation, Spiritual Motherhood for Priests
121 Adultery Is Killing the American Family
122 Advancing the Culture of Life in Hope and With Obedience
123 Advent Invites Us to Perceive the Presence of God
124 Advent Workshop
125 Advent Wreath, The
126 Advent Wreath: Prayers and Explanation
127 Advent: A Cry of Hope of the Church and the Just
128 Advent: Awaiting God's Justice
129 Aeterna Dei Sapientia (On St Leo The Great)
130 Aeterni Patris (On The Restoration Of Christian Philosophy)
131 Affari Vos (On The Manitoba School Question)
132 Affectionate Witness for the Church in China, An
133 Affirm Christ's Paschal Victory
134 Affirm Peace, Human Dignity and Denouce All Violence in the Name of Religion
135 Affirm The Spiritual Unity Of The Nation
136 Affirmation of the Church’s Teaching on the Gift of Sexuality
137 Affirmation!
138 Afraid of change? More myths of 1968
139 Africa a Great Store of Vitality for the Future
140 Africa and the World Need the Lord's Healing Touch
141 Africa Can Become the Continent of Hope
142 Africa Is the Continent of Hope
143 Africa Needs Harmony and Unity
144 Africa Surprises Us
145 Africa, From Algiers to Basutoland
146 Africa: An Enormous Spiritual 'Lung' for Humanity
147 Africae Munus
148 African Heritage at Constant Risk of Destruction
149 African Values Are Not on Sale
150 After Much Study, a Miracle
151 After the Vows: What Same-Sex Proponents Need to Know
152 After-Birth Abortion Still Kills People
153 Against Heresies Book I
154 Against Heresies Book II
155 Against Heresies Book III
156 Against Heresies Book IV
157 Against Heresies Book V
158 Against the Indiscriminate Exploitation of the Earth
159 Against the Tide: Marriage Is Not Impossible
160 Against You Alone Have I Sinned
161 Age of Patrology, The
162 Agents of Change
163 Aid To Meditation: Word Of God, Praise, Prayer
164 AIDS and Responsible Procreation in the Light of Humanae Vitae
165 AIDS and the News Media
166 AIDS Has Become Economic Problem
167 AIDS, Condoms and Sex Education
168 ailure of Liberal Catholicism – Parts 1 & 2 , The
169 Aim of Ecumenism Is the Unity of Divided Christians, The
170 Air of Appointments in the Curia – With a Gust of New Culture, An
171 Albania, Example of Resurgence of the Church
172 Albanian Bishops: Face Problems of the Church Together
173 Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Modern Day Prophet, Moral Crusader, Critic of Both West and East
174 Alexis de Tocqueville, Subsidiarity, and Clericalism
175 Alfred Noyes
176 All Are Called to Build God's Kingdom
177 All Are Called To Witness To Christ In World
178 All Believers Have Right to Receive Catholic Doctrine in its Integrity
179 All Church Governance Must Foster Communion and Mission
180 All Creation Will Be 'Recapitulated' in Christ
181 All God's People Must be Involved in the Vast Work of Evangelization
182 All Graces? A Study of the Title ‘Mary Mediatrix of All Graces’
183 All Hallows' Eve
184 All Is Grace
185 All Is Possible When We Rely on Christ
186 All Love Is Meant to Be Faithful, Generous and Fruitful
187 All Mothers Are Alike—Save One
188 All Must Strive for Goal of Full Unity
189 All Nations Shall Come And Adore You, O Lord
190 All of Us Are Judged by What We Do
191 All Peoples Praise God's Faithful Love
192 All Salvation History Leads to Christ
193 All Souls' Day
194 All the Baptized Are Called to Mission
195 All The Baptized Have Duty To Seek Full Unity
196 All the Ends of the Earth Will See the Salvation of Our God
197 All True Marriage Is a Gift
198 Allatae Sunt (On The Observance Of Oriental Rites)
199 All-Caring State, The
200 Alliance Between Generations Must Be Found Again
201 Alliance of Generations Is Indispensable
202 Alliance of Narcissus and Leviathan, The
203 Allocution to the Fathers of Families
204 Allow Each Person to Live in a Dignified Manner
205 Allow Me To Profess Before You With Humility And Pride The Faith Of Christians
206 Almighty God, Omniscient Lord, Loving Shepherd
207 Almsgiving, an Essential Aspect of Mercy
208 Alpha and Omega: Reconciling Science and Faith
209 Alpha and the 'New Evangelization'
210 Alpha Course—an Evaluation, The
211 Altar and the Confessional, The
212 Altar Rail Returning to Use
213 Altar Service Is A True Holy Service
214 Alvaré at Family Conference: "The Family Provides Ample Homework on the Give and Take of Love"
215 Always Be Men of Hope
216 Always Be Motivated by Deep Apostolic and Missionary Zeal
217 Always Live Among the Faithful
218 Always Our Children: Pastoral Message to Parents of Homosexual Children and Suggestions for Pastoral Ministers
219 Always remember that 'healing ultimately comes from the Most High'
220 amaging Culture of Silence , The
221 Amantissimi Redemptoris (On Priests And The Care Of Souls)
222 Amantissimus (On The Care Of The Churches)
223 Amazement at What God Has Accomplished – “The Almighty Has Done Great Things for Me…”
224 Amazon: New Paths for the Church and for Integral Ecology, The
225 Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology
226 Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology
227 Amazonia: New Pathways for the Church and for an Integral Ecology
228 Amazonia: New Pathways for the Church and for An Integral Ecology
229 Ambrose Autpert Discovered the Church's True Face
230 Amen to That!
231 Amendment 2 and the Exploitation of Woman
232 Amendment No. 2 and Safeguarding the Sanctity of Marriage
233 America Magazine Spreads Disinformation About Church's Position
234 America, Resist the Culture of Death and Stand Firmly on the Side of Life
235 American Catholics and the Spanish Civil War
236 American Catholics As Cultural Protestants
237 American Century, The
238 American Culture and the Problem of Divorce
239 American Education: Beyond Frankfurt and Dewey
240 American Election and its Influences On the Underground Roman Catholic Church in China, The
241 American Priest at the End of the Earth, An
242 Americanism, Then and Now: Our Pet Heresy
243 Americans Have Always Been a People of Hope
244 Americans Must Be Light of the World
245 Americans' Right to Worship Is Being Denied by Governments. I Won't Be Silent Anymore.
246 America's Educational Crisis--A Christian Response
247 America's Seminaries: a House Built on Sand
248 ames of Pastoral Workers, Priests, Men and Women Religious and Lay Catholics Killed During 2010 , The
249 Amid Pandemic, We Need to Learn Again the Art of Contemplation
250 Amity No Substitute for the Whole Truth
251 Among Christians, Unity Is Always Greater than Conflict
252 Among The Rights Of The Child, The Right To Life Is The First
253 Anatomy of Sacred Art: Parts I and II, The
254 Anchor the Heart in Heaven
255 Ancient and Fragile Churches
256 Ancient Tradition of Clerical Celibacy, The
257 And God Saw that It Was Good
258 And the Light Shone in the Darkness
259 And the Two Become One Flesh
260 And the Word Became Print
261 And the Word Was Made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us
262 And With Muslims?
263 Andrew, the Protoclete
264 Angel at the Door, An
265 Angelic Nature and Its Operation, The
266 Angels
267 Angels — Morning Stars of Creation, The
268 Angels and Their Names
269 Angels: Large Part of the Gospel and Sign of God's Presence
270 Angelus and Regina Caeli
271 Angelus Message for Feast of St. Stephen 2003
272 Anglican Bishops on Marriage and Birth Control
273 Anglican Right, The
274 Anglican-Catholic Relations: the Quest for Unity
275 Anglicanorum Coetibus
276 Angola: Continue Peace-Building and Reconstruction
277 Animals in the Psalter
278 Annex to the Catholic & Lutheran Common Statement
279 Anni Sacri (On Combating Atheistic Propaganda Throughout The World)
280 Anniversary of Human Rights Declaration Is an Appeal for each State to Examine Its Conscience
281 Announce the Beauty of God
282 Announce the Primacy of God without Compromise
283 Annual Plenary Indulgence In Co-Cathedrals
284 Annulment Mentality: What You Can Do About It, The
285 Annulment Nation
286 Annum Sacrum (On Consecration To The Sacred Heart)
287 Annus Iam Plenus (On Children of Central Europe)
288 Anointed with the Oil of Gladness
289 Anointing of the Sick: Sacrament of God's Compassion towards Human Suffering
290 Another Reckoning
291 Anselm Agonistes: the Dilemma of a Benedictine Made Bishop
292 Answer to What about 'Going-Steady'?, The
293 Answering Questions And Charges
294 Answering Scandal With Personal Holiness
295 Anthropological and Ethical Thoughts on Whether Domestic Partnerships Should Have Same Legal Status as the Family
296 Anti-Architecture And Religion
297 Anti-Catholicism on the Internet
298 Anti-Catholicism: Politically Correct Bigotry of 1990's America
299 Antichrist in the Scriptures
300 Antichrist, The
301 Antiquity of the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, The
302 Anti-Science? Pro-Life Dream Team Confronts Embryonic Stem-Cell Juggernaut
303 Anti-Semitism is not Christian
304 Anti-terrorism Measures Must Not Jeopardize Human Rights
305 Any Friend of God is a Friend of Mine
306 Anyone among You Who Aspires to Greatness Must Serve the Rest
307 Aphraates, "the Sage"
308 Apocalypse Not
309 Apologetic of Hope, An
310 Apologetics in the Second Century
311 Apologetics: Forgotten Science, Lost Art
312 Apology Apologeticum
313 Apostle of Devotion to His Most Precious Blood: St. Gaspar del Bufalo
314 Apostle Paul Helps Us to Make this Journey Together, The
315 Apostles and Servants Open to the Surprises of God
316 Apostles Dispense Grace of God's Pardon
317 Apostles' Experience of the Risen Christ Is Entirely Credible, The
318 Apostles Peter and Paul Stand Before Us as Witnesses, The
319 Apostleship of Prayer - April Intentions
320 Apostleship of Prayer: Efficacious Means of Apostolate, The
321 Apostolate of Suffering and Reparation Was Call Given to Bl. Anna Schaffer, German Laywoman
322 Apostolate of the Family Will Bring Inestimable Benefits to the Church and Society as a Whole, The
323 Apostolate of Women, The
324 Apostolic Brief on the Beatification of Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer
325 Apostolic Constitution on Penance (Paenitemini)
326 Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia: a theological critique and Letter to Cardinal Sodano, The
327 Apostolic Fraternity that United the First Disciples Today Unites Our Churches, The
328 Apostolic Journey to Brazil
329 Apostolic Journey to Cyprus
330 Apostolic Journey to France
331 Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan, An
332 Apostolic Journey to Germany
333 Apostolic Journey to Lebanon
334 Apostolic Journey to Madrid
335 Apostolic Journey to Malta
336 Apostolic Journey to Mexico and to the Republic of Cuba
337 Apostolic Journey to Portugal
338 Apostolic Journey to Portugal
339 Apostolic Journey to the United Kingdom
340 Apostolic Journey to the United States of America
341 Apostolic Letter for the 1,700th Anniversary of the Baptism of the Armenian People
342 Apostolic Letter for the 350th Anniversary of the Union of Uzhorod
343 Apostolic Letter Instituting the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for Matrimonial and Family Science
344 Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II for the Fourth Centenary of the Union of Brest
345 Apostolic Letter on Ecclesia Dei
346 Apostolic Letter on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone
347 Apostolic Letter Proclaiming St. John of Avila a Doctor of the Church
348 Apostolic Letter Regarding the Office of Dean of the College of Cardinals
349 Apostolic Letter Spiritus Domini
350 Apostolic Letter to Prevent and Combat Corruption in Public Contracts of the Holy See
351 Apostolic Pardon Brings Total Forgiveness Before Death
352 Apostolic See As the Cathedra of Truth, The
353 Apostolic Succession: Spiritual and Historical Tie to Christ
354 Apostolic Tradition of the Church, The
355 Apostolic Visit to Croatia
356 Apostolic Visit to the Czech Republic
357 Apostolic Zeal Is the 'Very Oxygen' of Christian Life
358 Apostolica Constitutio (On Preparation For The Holy Year)
359 Apostolicae Nostrae Caritatis (Urging Prayers For Peace)
360 Apostolos Suos - on the Theological and Juridical Nature of Episcopal Conferences
361 Apparitions True and False
362 Appeal Of Mormonism, The
363 Appeal to Prayer
364 Appeal, An
365 Appendix: Painting and Reality
366 Appetente Sacro (On The Spiritual Advantages Of Fasting)
367 Application of Aequitas Et Epikeia to the Divorced and Remarried, The
368 Apply The Church's Social Teaching To The World Of Work
369 Applying St. Benedict's Rule to Fatherhood and Family Life
370 Appointment Troubling On Both a Personal and a Policy Level
371 Approach This Mystery of Love with Wonder, Discretion and Tenderness
372 Approach to the New Age, An
373 Appropriateness of the Title of Holy Father, The
374 Approval of the General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the New General Roman Calendar (Mysterii paschalis)
375 Approving the New Statutes of the Financial Intelligence Authority
376 April 2024 — Overview for the Month
377 Aquinas vs. Intelligent Design
378 Arcanum (On Christian Marriage)
379 Archbishop Addresses Questions that Earlier Column Raised
380 Archbishop Annibale Bugnini
381 Archbishop Broglio's Statement on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
382 Archbishop Burke's Address to National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
383 Archbishop Chaput on Notre Dame and the Issues that Remain
384 Archbishop Chaput's Homily at His Installation Mass
385 Archbishop Chaput's Homily: National Closing Mass of the Fortnight for Freedom
386 Archbishop Coakley's Response to Viganó Testimony
387 Archbishop Cordileone Letter to the Faithful on the Testimony of Archbishop Viganò
388 Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters
389 Archbishop Donoghue Offers Eucharistic Statement
390 Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen — Author, Orator and Missionary
391 Archbishop Gadecki's Intervention at the 6th General Session of the Synod of Bishops
392 Archbishop Jose Gomez’s October 10 Intervention at Synod of Bishops
393 Archbishop Lefebvre and Canons 1323:4° and 1324 §1:5°
394 Archbishop Levada: Call Your Office!
395 Archbishop Longley's Statement on Anglican Spouses of Catholics Receiving Communion
396 Archbishop Martin Lauds Land-Mine Treaty
397 Archbishop Myers Statement on a Proposed Course on Same-Sex Marriage
398 Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, the new 'John Fisher'
399 Archbishop Renato Martino's Address to the United Nations Conference on Population
400 Archbishop Renato Martino's Statement
401 Archbishop Sample's Pastoral Letter on the Abuse Crisis
402 Archbishop Urges San Francisco to Ease Restrictions
403 Archbishop Vigneron's response to statement from Archbishop Viganò
404 Archbishop Weakland’s Perplexing Pilgrimage
405 Ardent Prayer: a Fervent Cry for Peace and Reconciliation
406 Are All Revealed Truths in Sacred Scripture?
407 Are Jesus and Buddha Brothers?
408 Are Passions Good?
409 Are the Gospels Myth?
410 Are There Lessons for Today in Twelfth-Century Sacred Music?
411 Are we Getting it Right? The State of Women’s Studies Department
412 Are We Living in Apocalyptic Times?
413 Are You Being Targeted For Euthanasia
414 Are You Ready to Change the World?
415 Argentina: Extensive and Incisive Evangelization
416 Arguing Against Physician Assisted Suicide
417 Argument for Arguing Well, An
418 Arian Heresy Revisited, The
419 Arise! Go from Your Country
420 Arise, Rejoice, God Is Calling You
421 Ark of the Covenant, The
422 Arrival of Relic of St. Francis Xavier
423 Art & Liturgy: the Splendor of Faith
424 Art and Prayer
425 Art and Religion
426 Art as a Manifestation of the Spirit
427 Art of Dying Well, The
428 Art of Pastoral Translation at the Service of Communion, The
429 Art of Spiritual Direction, The
430 Art Of Trinitarian Prayer, The
431 Art Through the Eyes of Faith
432 Article signed by Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo & Bishop Elio Sgreccia concerning Truth and the Meaning of Human Sexuality
433 Artificial Intelligence at Heart of Epochal Change
434 Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: It Is Time to Take a Stand
435 Artistic Creation Opens Human Minds to the Transcendent
436 Artistic Heritage Has Evangelizing Role
437 Artist's Intention, The
438 Aruba, the Caribbean Paradise, Is Proud of Its Catholic Roots
439 As Long As I Have Breath Within Me I Shall Cry Out: 'Peace, In The Name Of God'
440 As Pontiff, I Hope that Dialogue Will Lead Us to "Build Bridges" between Persons
441 As The Family Goes, So Goes The World
442 As the Third Millenium Draws Near (Tertio Millennio Adveniente)
443 As We Prepare to Live the Mystery of Our Redemption
444 As We Work For Full Communion, Let Us Do Together We What Do Not Have To Do Separately
445 Ascension Invites Us to a Profound Communion with Jesus, The
446 Ascent or Descent? Wonder or Horror?
447 ase for Catholic Shakespeare , The
448 Ash Wednesday
449 Ash Wednesday Emphasizes That Life Is a Pilgrimage
450 Asia’s Love For the Mother
451 Asian Youth! Wake up!
452 Asians Have To Evangelize Asians, Be In Dialogue With Ancient Cultures
453 Asking the Holy Spirit for Unity of the Church
454 Assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti, The
455 Assent To Christ's Truth In Its Fullness Is Goal Of Ecumenism
456 Assessing Vatican II: A Response to My Critics
457 Assessment of Present Day Catechesis, An
458 Assisi Shrines Receive New Impetus
459 Assisi: Religion Can Never Be Justification for Violence
460 Assist the Church's Rebirth in Your Countries
461 Assumption of Our Lady, The
462 At Historic 1990 Meeting, the Pope Was Able To Embrace His Ukrainian Brothers
463 At Home: Lent and Easter
464 At the Crossroads
465 At the Door of Mercy
466 At the End of the Year of Faith
467 At the Heart of Benedict XVI's Teaching to Present the Salvific Truth of Jesus Christ to the Mindset of Our Times
468 At the Heart of It All: An Anthropological Vision of Gaudium et Spes, Humanae Vitae and Deus Caritas Est
469 At the Origins of Humanitarian Law: the Attitude of the Holy See
470 At the School of the Saintly Traveller, We Learn How to be Pilgrims
471 At the Service of the Mysteries of Christ
472 At University: Increase Knowledge, Deepen Faith
473 Attempted Ordinations to the Priesthood
474 Attitudes During Liturgical Prayer
475 Au Milieu Des Sollicitudes (On The Church And State In France)
476 Audience with God in Your Parish
477 Audience: The Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry
478 August 2024 — Overview for the Month
479 Augustine and Isocrates
480 Augustine of Hippo (Augustinum Hipponensem)
481 Augustine, A Model for Dialogue between Reason and Faith
482 Augustissimae Virginis Mariae (On The Confraternity Of The Holy Rosary)
483 Auschwitz the Christian and the Council
484 Auspicato Concessum (On St. Francis of Assisi)
485 Auspicia Quaedam (On Public Prayers For World Peace And Solution Of The Problem Of Palestine)
486 Auspicia Quedam
487 Austria without a Vibrant Christian Faith Would No Longer Be Austria, An
488 Authentic Christians and Excellent Journalists
489 Authentic Consolation
490 Authentic Disciples and Missionaries of Christ
491 Authentic Happiness Lies in Embracing God's Will for Us
492 Authentic Law Is Inseparable from Justice
493 Authentic Witnesses to Jesus Christ In All Situations
494 Authority and Obedience Rooted in Christ
495 Authority And The Authorship Of Scripture, The
496 Authority of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae, The
497 Authority Of The Pope, The
498 Avery Dulles's Long Road To Rome
499 Avoid All 'Careerism' and Be Models of Holiness for Your Priests
500 Avoid Punishment that Debases Human Dignity of Prisoners
501 Avoid Temptation To Manipulate Human Beings
502 Avoid the Scandal of Being "Airport Bishops"
503 Avoid the Sins of the Media
504 Avoiding the Next Tsunami
505 Awake, and Christ Shall Give You Light!
506 Awake, Like the Shepherds, to the Message of God
507 Awake, O Sleeper, and Arise From the Dead, and Christ Shall Give You Light
508 Awaken in Your People a Deep Desire for Holiness and Renewal
509 ay the Mass Changed, How it Happened and Why -- Part I , The
510 Ayn Rand: Another Architect of the Culture of Death