Library: Browse by Title
Documents by Title: Keyletter "A" - 510 documents
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1 | Abandoning Latin Changed Liturgical Music … for the Worse |
2 | Abandonment Is the Greatest Hardship |
3 | Abandonment Is the Worst Affliction for the Elderly |
4 | Abide in God and Keep His Commandments |
5 | Abiding in Peace |
6 | Abiding Significance of Gnosticism, The |
7 | Abortifacient Vaccines: Technological Update, Hazards, And Pro-Life Appraisal |
8 | Aborting The Church: Frances Kissling & Catholics For A Free Choice |
9 | Abortion & Breast Cancer Link -- What the Experts Say |
10 | Abortion And Breast Cancer |
11 | Abortion and Limbo |
12 | Abortion and the Unborn Baby: the Painful Truth |
13 | Abortion in America: Legal & Unsafe |
14 | Abortion, Bishops, Eucharist, and Politicians: A Question of Communion |
15 | Abortion, Pederasty, Child Murder Share The Same Roots |
16 | Abortion: Correct Application of Natural Law Theory |
17 | Abortion: One Cannot Do Away With a Human Being, Even If Small, to Resolve a Problem |
18 | Abortion: Unmasking the Demon |
19 | Abortion-Linked Vaccines: A Moral Analysis with Michael Pakaluk and Jay Richards [transcript] |
20 | About Last Night |
21 | About Those Unthinking, Backward Catholics |
22 | Abraham's Hope Against All Hope |
23 | Abstaining from Meat on Fridays Encouraged |
24 | Absurdity of Catholics for Choice, The |
25 | Accept Help, Save the Family |
26 | Accept Others As Christ Accepted Us |
27 | Accept the call to be virtuous, for happiness is achieved by sacrifice |
28 | Acceptance Remarks: "The Canterbury Award" |
29 | Accompany Your Proclamation with the Eloquence of Gestures |
30 | Accompanying Life: New responsibilities in the Technological Era |
31 | According to Scripture |
32 | Accountability for Sex Abuse Victims |
33 | Accuracy of Scripture, The |
34 | Acerba Animi (On Persecution Of The Church In Mexico) |
35 | Acerbo Nimis (On Teaching Christian Doctrine) |
36 | Achieve Your Pastoral Initiatives In the Light of Holiness |
37 | Achieving a Happy Marriage |
38 | Achieving Social Development for All |
39 | Act According to Truth and Conscience |
40 | Act of Adoration, An |
41 | Act of Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
42 | Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
43 | Act of Dedication of the Human Race, An |
44 | Act of Entrustment to the Blessed Virgin Mary |
45 | Act with Integrity, Honesty, and Do Not Be Afraid to Love |
46 | Action Must Be Educational and Political |
47 | Action Must Be United with Words |
48 | Action Needed to Heal Our Wounded Humanity |
49 | Action Presupposes Contemplation |
50 | Active Apostles of the New Evangelization |
51 | Activist Judge Greer Plays 'God' as Arbiter of Life and Death |
52 | Ad Apostolorum Principis (On Communism And The Church In China) |
53 | Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum (Appealing for Peace) |
54 | Ad Caeli Reginam (On Proclaiming The Queenship Of Mary) |
55 | Ad Catholici Sacerdotii (On The Catholic Priesthood) |
56 | Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum (On The Immaculate Conception) |
57 | Ad Extremas (On Seminaries For Native Clergy) |
58 | Ad Limina Address to Bishops of Baltimore and Washington in 2004 |
59 | Ad Limn Address to the Bishops of the Church in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Alaska |
60 | Ad Petri Cathedram (On Truth, Unity And Peace) |
61 | Ad Salutem (On St. Augustine) |
62 | Ad Sinarum Gentem (On The Supranationality Of The Church) |
63 | Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life (Perfectae Caritatis) |
64 | Addendum of the General Catechetical Directory |
65 | Additional Note from the Secretariat of State on the SSPX |
66 | Address at Farewell Ceremony at Stará Ruzyn?do International Airport |
67 | Address at Inaugural Session of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean |
68 | Address at Meeting with Representatives of Other Religions |
69 | Address at Williams-Brice Stadium |
70 | Address by Pope Pius XII on 'Bad Reading', An |
71 | Address of Benedict XVI at Nsimalen International Airport of Yaounde |
72 | Address Of His Beatitude Teoctist |
73 | Address of John Paul II on April 13, 1985 |
74 | Address of John Paul II To His Beatitude Christodoulos |
75 | Address of John Paul II to Members of the Australian Conference of Bishops |
76 | Address of John Paul II To the Catholic Bishops of Greece |
77 | Address of John Paul II to the International Congress on Organ Transplants |
78 | Address of John Paul II to the Members of the Scotus Commission |
79 | Address of May 31, 1954 on the Authority of the Church in Temporal Matters |
80 | Address of November 2, 1954 on the Authority of the Church in Temporal Matters |
81 | Address of Pope Francis at Meeting with Civil Authorities in Paraguay |
82 | Address of Pope Francis at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito |
83 | Address Of Pope John Paul II |
84 | Address of Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the Exchange of Greetings with the Diplomatic Corps |
85 | Address on Bees |
86 | Address on John Paul II on Breastfeeding |
87 | Address on Receiving US Ambassador to the Vatican Linda Bogs |
88 | Address On the Spiritual Exercises |
89 | Address the Great Challenges That Mark the Post-Modern Age |
90 | Address to Artists |
91 | Address to French Ambassador to the Holy See |
92 | Address to Hindu and Muslim Leaders |
93 | Address to Italian Artists: the Function of Art |
94 | Address to Midwives on the Nature of Their Profession |
95 | Address to New Ambassador of Germany |
96 | Address to Participants of the Symposium on the Participation of the Laity in the Priestly Ministry |
97 | Address to Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura |
98 | Address to the Australian Catholic Students Association |
99 | Address to the Bishops of Sudan on Their 'Ad Limina' Visit |
100 | Address to the Bishops of Switzerland |
101 | Address to the Diplomatic Corps |
102 | Address to the Diplomatic Corps |
103 | Address to the Diplomatic Corps 2005 |
104 | Address To The Greeks |
105 | Address to the Italian Episcopal Conference |
106 | Address to the Pontifical Academy for Life |
107 | Address to the Roman Rota — Presume the Validity of a Marriage |
108 | Address to the United Nations General Assembly |
109 | Address to World Summit on Food Security |
110 | Address to Youth in Rome Prison |
111 | Address Upon Arrival in Cairo |
112 | Address Upon Arrival in Mexico City |
113 | Adequate Preparation for Marriage |
114 | Adiutricem (On The Rosary) |
115 | Administering Justice in the Church |
116 | Admission To The Eucharist In Situations Of Pastoral Necessity |
117 | Adoption Is 'A Concrete Way of Love' |
118 | Adora Patrem In Spiritu Et Veritate |
119 | Adoration |
120 | Adoration, Reparation, Spiritual Motherhood for Priests |
121 | Adultery Is Killing the American Family |
122 | Advancing the Culture of Life in Hope and With Obedience |
123 | Advent Invites Us to Perceive the Presence of God |
124 | Advent Workshop |
125 | Advent Wreath, The |
126 | Advent Wreath: Prayers and Explanation |
127 | Advent: A Cry of Hope of the Church and the Just |
128 | Advent: Awaiting God's Justice |
129 | Aeterna Dei Sapientia (On St Leo The Great) |
130 | Aeterni Patris (On The Restoration Of Christian Philosophy) |
131 | Affari Vos (On The Manitoba School Question) |
132 | Affectionate Witness for the Church in China, An |
133 | Affirm Christ's Paschal Victory |
134 | Affirm Peace, Human Dignity and Denouce All Violence in the Name of Religion |
135 | Affirm The Spiritual Unity Of The Nation |
136 | Affirmation of the Church’s Teaching on the Gift of Sexuality |
137 | Affirmation! |
138 | Afraid of change? More myths of 1968 |
139 | Africa a Great Store of Vitality for the Future |
140 | Africa and the World Need the Lord's Healing Touch |
141 | Africa Can Become the Continent of Hope |
142 | Africa Is the Continent of Hope |
143 | Africa Needs Harmony and Unity |
144 | Africa Surprises Us |
145 | Africa, From Algiers to Basutoland |
146 | Africa: An Enormous Spiritual 'Lung' for Humanity |
147 | Africae Munus |
148 | African Heritage at Constant Risk of Destruction |
149 | African Values Are Not on Sale |
150 | After Much Study, a Miracle |
151 | After the Vows: What Same-Sex Proponents Need to Know |
152 | After-Birth Abortion Still Kills People |
153 | Against Heresies Book I |
154 | Against Heresies Book II |
155 | Against Heresies Book III |
156 | Against Heresies Book IV |
157 | Against Heresies Book V |
158 | Against the Indiscriminate Exploitation of the Earth |
159 | Against the Tide: Marriage Is Not Impossible |
160 | Against You Alone Have I Sinned |
161 | Age of Patrology, The |
162 | Agents of Change |
163 | Aid To Meditation: Word Of God, Praise, Prayer |
164 | AIDS and Responsible Procreation in the Light of Humanae Vitae |
165 | AIDS and the News Media |
166 | AIDS Has Become Economic Problem |
167 | AIDS, Condoms and Sex Education |
168 | ailure of Liberal Catholicism – Parts 1 & 2 , The |
169 | Aim of Ecumenism Is the Unity of Divided Christians, The |
170 | Air of Appointments in the Curia – With a Gust of New Culture, An |
171 | Albania, Example of Resurgence of the Church |
172 | Albanian Bishops: Face Problems of the Church Together |
173 | Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Modern Day Prophet, Moral Crusader, Critic of Both West and East |
174 | Alexis de Tocqueville, Subsidiarity, and Clericalism |
175 | Alfred Noyes |
176 | All Are Called to Build God's Kingdom |
177 | All Are Called To Witness To Christ In World |
178 | All Believers Have Right to Receive Catholic Doctrine in its Integrity |
179 | All Church Governance Must Foster Communion and Mission |
180 | All Creation Will Be 'Recapitulated' in Christ |
181 | All God's People Must be Involved in the Vast Work of Evangelization |
182 | All Graces? A Study of the Title ‘Mary Mediatrix of All Graces’ |
183 | All Hallows' Eve |
184 | All Is Grace |
185 | All Is Possible When We Rely on Christ |
186 | All Love Is Meant to Be Faithful, Generous and Fruitful |
187 | All Mothers Are Alike—Save One |
188 | All Must Strive for Goal of Full Unity |
189 | All Nations Shall Come And Adore You, O Lord |
190 | All of Us Are Judged by What We Do |
191 | All Peoples Praise God's Faithful Love |
192 | All Salvation History Leads to Christ |
193 | All Souls' Day |
194 | All the Baptized Are Called to Mission |
195 | All The Baptized Have Duty To Seek Full Unity |
196 | All the Ends of the Earth Will See the Salvation of Our God |
197 | All True Marriage Is a Gift |
198 | Allatae Sunt (On The Observance Of Oriental Rites) |
199 | All-Caring State, The |
200 | Alliance Between Generations Must Be Found Again |
201 | Alliance of Generations Is Indispensable |
202 | Alliance of Narcissus and Leviathan, The |
203 | Allocution to the Fathers of Families |
204 | Allow Each Person to Live in a Dignified Manner |
205 | Allow Me To Profess Before You With Humility And Pride The Faith Of Christians |
206 | Almighty God, Omniscient Lord, Loving Shepherd |
207 | Almsgiving, an Essential Aspect of Mercy |
208 | Alpha and Omega: Reconciling Science and Faith |
209 | Alpha and the 'New Evangelization' |
210 | Alpha Coursean Evaluation, The |
211 | Altar and the Confessional, The |
212 | Altar Rail Returning to Use |
213 | Altar Service Is A True Holy Service |
214 | Alvaré at Family Conference: "The Family Provides Ample Homework on the Give and Take of Love" |
215 | Always Be Men of Hope |
216 | Always Be Motivated by Deep Apostolic and Missionary Zeal |
217 | Always Live Among the Faithful |
218 | Always Our Children: Pastoral Message to Parents of Homosexual Children and Suggestions for Pastoral Ministers |
219 | Always remember that 'healing ultimately comes from the Most High' |
220 | amaging Culture of Silence , The |
221 | Amantissimi Redemptoris (On Priests And The Care Of Souls) |
222 | Amantissimus (On The Care Of The Churches) |
223 | Amazement at What God Has Accomplished – “The Almighty Has Done Great Things for Me…” |
224 | Amazon: New Paths for the Church and for Integral Ecology, The |
225 | Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology |
226 | Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology |
227 | Amazonia: New Pathways for the Church and for an Integral Ecology |
228 | Amazonia: New Pathways for the Church and for An Integral Ecology |
229 | Ambrose Autpert Discovered the Church's True Face |
230 | Amen to That! |
231 | Amendment 2 and the Exploitation of Woman |
232 | Amendment No. 2 and Safeguarding the Sanctity of Marriage |
233 | America Magazine Spreads Disinformation About Church's Position |
234 | America, Resist the Culture of Death and Stand Firmly on the Side of Life |
235 | American Catholics and the Spanish Civil War |
236 | American Catholics As Cultural Protestants |
237 | American Century, The |
238 | American Culture and the Problem of Divorce |
239 | American Education: Beyond Frankfurt and Dewey |
240 | American Election and its Influences On the Underground Roman Catholic Church in China, The |
241 | American Priest at the End of the Earth, An |
242 | Americanism, Then and Now: Our Pet Heresy |
243 | Americans Have Always Been a People of Hope |
244 | Americans Must Be Light of the World |
245 | Americans' Right to Worship Is Being Denied by Governments. I Won't Be Silent Anymore. |
246 | America's Educational Crisis--A Christian Response |
247 | America's Seminaries: a House Built on Sand |
248 | ames of Pastoral Workers, Priests, Men and Women Religious and Lay Catholics Killed During 2010 , The |
249 | Amid Pandemic, We Need to Learn Again the Art of Contemplation |
250 | Amity No Substitute for the Whole Truth |
251 | Among Christians, Unity Is Always Greater than Conflict |
252 | Among The Rights Of The Child, The Right To Life Is The First |
253 | Anatomy of Sacred Art: Parts I and II, The |
254 | Anchor the Heart in Heaven |
255 | Ancient and Fragile Churches |
256 | Ancient Tradition of Clerical Celibacy, The |
257 | And God Saw that It Was Good |
258 | And the Light Shone in the Darkness |
259 | And the Two Become One Flesh |
260 | And the Word Became Print |
261 | And the Word Was Made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us |
262 | And With Muslims? |
263 | Andrew, the Protoclete |
264 | Angel at the Door, An |
265 | Angelic Nature and Its Operation, The |
266 | Angels |
267 | Angels — Morning Stars of Creation, The |
268 | Angels and Their Names |
269 | Angels: Large Part of the Gospel and Sign of God's Presence |
270 | Angelus and Regina Caeli |
271 | Angelus Message for Feast of St. Stephen 2003 |
272 | Anglican Bishops on Marriage and Birth Control |
273 | Anglican Right, The |
274 | Anglican-Catholic Relations: the Quest for Unity |
275 | Anglicanorum Coetibus |
276 | Angola: Continue Peace-Building and Reconstruction |
277 | Animals in the Psalter |
278 | Annex to the Catholic & Lutheran Common Statement |
279 | Anni Sacri (On Combating Atheistic Propaganda Throughout The World) |
280 | Anniversary of Human Rights Declaration Is an Appeal for each State to Examine Its Conscience |
281 | Announce the Beauty of God |
282 | Announce the Primacy of God without Compromise |
283 | Annual Plenary Indulgence In Co-Cathedrals |
284 | Annulment Mentality: What You Can Do About It, The |
285 | Annulment Nation |
286 | Annum Sacrum (On Consecration To The Sacred Heart) |
287 | Annus Iam Plenus (On Children of Central Europe) |
288 | Anointed with the Oil of Gladness |
289 | Anointing of the Sick: Sacrament of God's Compassion towards Human Suffering |
290 | Another Reckoning |
291 | Anselm Agonistes: the Dilemma of a Benedictine Made Bishop |
292 | Answer to What about 'Going-Steady'?, The |
293 | Answering Questions And Charges |
294 | Answering Scandal With Personal Holiness |
295 | Anthropological and Ethical Thoughts on Whether Domestic Partnerships Should Have Same Legal Status as the Family |
296 | Anti-Architecture And Religion |
297 | Anti-Catholicism on the Internet |
298 | Anti-Catholicism: Politically Correct Bigotry of 1990's America |
299 | Antichrist in the Scriptures |
300 | Antichrist, The |
301 | Antiquity of the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, The |
302 | Anti-Science? Pro-Life Dream Team Confronts Embryonic Stem-Cell Juggernaut |
303 | Anti-Semitism is not Christian |
304 | Anti-terrorism Measures Must Not Jeopardize Human Rights |
305 | Any Friend of God is a Friend of Mine |
306 | Anyone among You Who Aspires to Greatness Must Serve the Rest |
307 | Aphraates, "the Sage" |
308 | Apocalypse Not |
309 | Apologetic of Hope, An |
310 | Apologetics in the Second Century |
311 | Apologetics: Forgotten Science, Lost Art |
312 | Apology Apologeticum |
313 | Apostle of Devotion to His Most Precious Blood: St. Gaspar del Bufalo |
314 | Apostle Paul Helps Us to Make this Journey Together, The |
315 | Apostles and Servants Open to the Surprises of God |
316 | Apostles Dispense Grace of God's Pardon |
317 | Apostles' Experience of the Risen Christ Is Entirely Credible, The |
318 | Apostles Peter and Paul Stand Before Us as Witnesses, The |
319 | Apostleship of Prayer - April Intentions |
320 | Apostleship of Prayer: Efficacious Means of Apostolate, The |
321 | Apostolate of Suffering and Reparation Was Call Given to Bl. Anna Schaffer, German Laywoman |
322 | Apostolate of the Family Will Bring Inestimable Benefits to the Church and Society as a Whole, The |
323 | Apostolate of Women, The |
324 | Apostolic Brief on the Beatification of Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer |
325 | Apostolic Constitution on Penance (Paenitemini) |
326 | Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia: a theological critique and Letter to Cardinal Sodano, The |
327 | Apostolic Fraternity that United the First Disciples Today Unites Our Churches, The |
328 | Apostolic Journey to Brazil |
329 | Apostolic Journey to Cyprus |
330 | Apostolic Journey to France |
331 | Apostolic Journey to Georgia and Azerbaijan, An |
332 | Apostolic Journey to Germany |
333 | Apostolic Journey to Lebanon |
334 | Apostolic Journey to Madrid |
335 | Apostolic Journey to Malta |
336 | Apostolic Journey to Mexico and to the Republic of Cuba |
337 | Apostolic Journey to Portugal |
338 | Apostolic Journey to Portugal |
339 | Apostolic Journey to the United Kingdom |
340 | Apostolic Journey to the United States of America |
341 | Apostolic Letter for the 1,700th Anniversary of the Baptism of the Armenian People |
342 | Apostolic Letter for the 350th Anniversary of the Union of Uzhorod |
343 | Apostolic Letter Instituting the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for Matrimonial and Family Science |
344 | Apostolic Letter of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II for the Fourth Centenary of the Union of Brest |
345 | Apostolic Letter on Ecclesia Dei |
346 | Apostolic Letter on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone |
347 | Apostolic Letter Proclaiming St. John of Avila a Doctor of the Church |
348 | Apostolic Letter Regarding the Office of Dean of the College of Cardinals |
349 | Apostolic Letter Spiritus Domini |
350 | Apostolic Letter to Prevent and Combat Corruption in Public Contracts of the Holy See |
351 | Apostolic Pardon Brings Total Forgiveness Before Death |
352 | Apostolic See As the Cathedra of Truth, The |
353 | Apostolic Succession: Spiritual and Historical Tie to Christ |
354 | Apostolic Tradition of the Church, The |
355 | Apostolic Visit to Croatia |
356 | Apostolic Visit to the Czech Republic |
357 | Apostolic Zeal Is the 'Very Oxygen' of Christian Life |
358 | Apostolica Constitutio (On Preparation For The Holy Year) |
359 | Apostolicae Nostrae Caritatis (Urging Prayers For Peace) |
360 | Apostolos Suos - on the Theological and Juridical Nature of Episcopal Conferences |
361 | Apparitions True and False |
362 | Appeal Of Mormonism, The |
363 | Appeal to Prayer |
364 | Appeal, An |
365 | Appendix: Painting and Reality |
366 | Appetente Sacro (On The Spiritual Advantages Of Fasting) |
367 | Application of Aequitas Et Epikeia to the Divorced and Remarried, The |
368 | Apply The Church's Social Teaching To The World Of Work |
369 | Applying St. Benedict's Rule to Fatherhood and Family Life |
370 | Appointment Troubling On Both a Personal and a Policy Level |
371 | Approach This Mystery of Love with Wonder, Discretion and Tenderness |
372 | Approach to the New Age, An |
373 | Appropriateness of the Title of Holy Father, The |
374 | Approval of the General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the New General Roman Calendar (Mysterii paschalis) |
375 | Approving the New Statutes of the Financial Intelligence Authority |
376 | April 2024 — Overview for the Month |
377 | Aquinas vs. Intelligent Design |
378 | Arcanum (On Christian Marriage) |
379 | Archbishop Addresses Questions that Earlier Column Raised |
380 | Archbishop Annibale Bugnini |
381 | Archbishop Broglio's Statement on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" |
382 | Archbishop Burke's Address to National Catholic Prayer Breakfast |
383 | Archbishop Chaput on Notre Dame and the Issues that Remain |
384 | Archbishop Chaput's Homily at His Installation Mass |
385 | Archbishop Chaput's Homily: National Closing Mass of the Fortnight for Freedom |
386 | Archbishop Coakley's Response to Viganó Testimony |
387 | Archbishop Cordileone Letter to the Faithful on the Testimony of Archbishop Viganò |
388 | Archbishop Cordileone’s Response to Speaker Pelosi’s Comments About Pro-Life Voters |
389 | Archbishop Donoghue Offers Eucharistic Statement |
390 | Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen — Author, Orator and Missionary |
391 | Archbishop Gadecki's Intervention at the 6th General Session of the Synod of Bishops |
392 | Archbishop Jose Gomez’s October 10 Intervention at Synod of Bishops |
393 | Archbishop Lefebvre and Canons 1323:4° and 1324 §1:5° |
394 | Archbishop Levada: Call Your Office! |
395 | Archbishop Longley's Statement on Anglican Spouses of Catholics Receiving Communion |
396 | Archbishop Martin Lauds Land-Mine Treaty |
397 | Archbishop Myers Statement on a Proposed Course on Same-Sex Marriage |
398 | Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, the new 'John Fisher' |
399 | Archbishop Renato Martino's Address to the United Nations Conference on Population |
400 | Archbishop Renato Martino's Statement |
401 | Archbishop Sample's Pastoral Letter on the Abuse Crisis |
402 | Archbishop Urges San Francisco to Ease Restrictions |
403 | Archbishop Vigneron's response to statement from Archbishop Viganò |
404 | Archbishop Weakland’s Perplexing Pilgrimage |
405 | Ardent Prayer: a Fervent Cry for Peace and Reconciliation |
406 | Are All Revealed Truths in Sacred Scripture? |
407 | Are Jesus and Buddha Brothers? |
408 | Are Passions Good? |
409 | Are the Gospels Myth? |
410 | Are There Lessons for Today in Twelfth-Century Sacred Music? |
411 | Are we Getting it Right? The State of Women’s Studies Department |
412 | Are We Living in Apocalyptic Times? |
413 | Are You Being Targeted For Euthanasia |
414 | Are You Ready to Change the World? |
415 | Argentina: Extensive and Incisive Evangelization |
416 | Arguing Against Physician Assisted Suicide |
417 | Argument for Arguing Well, An |
418 | Arian Heresy Revisited, The |
419 | Arise! Go from Your Country |
420 | Arise, Rejoice, God Is Calling You |
421 | Ark of the Covenant, The |
422 | Arrival of Relic of St. Francis Xavier |
423 | Art & Liturgy: the Splendor of Faith |
424 | Art and Prayer |
425 | Art and Religion |
426 | Art as a Manifestation of the Spirit |
427 | Art of Dying Well, The |
428 | Art of Pastoral Translation at the Service of Communion, The |
429 | Art of Spiritual Direction, The |
430 | Art Of Trinitarian Prayer, The |
431 | Art Through the Eyes of Faith |
432 | Article signed by Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo & Bishop Elio Sgreccia concerning Truth and the Meaning of Human Sexuality |
433 | Artificial Intelligence at Heart of Epochal Change |
434 | Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: It Is Time to Take a Stand |
435 | Artistic Creation Opens Human Minds to the Transcendent |
436 | Artistic Heritage Has Evangelizing Role |
437 | Artist's Intention, The |
438 | Aruba, the Caribbean Paradise, Is Proud of Its Catholic Roots |
439 | As Long As I Have Breath Within Me I Shall Cry Out: 'Peace, In The Name Of God' |
440 | As Pontiff, I Hope that Dialogue Will Lead Us to "Build Bridges" between Persons |
441 | As The Family Goes, So Goes The World |
442 | As the Third Millenium Draws Near (Tertio Millennio Adveniente) |
443 | As We Prepare to Live the Mystery of Our Redemption |
444 | As We Work For Full Communion, Let Us Do Together We What Do Not Have To Do Separately |
445 | Ascension Invites Us to a Profound Communion with Jesus, The |
446 | Ascent or Descent? Wonder or Horror? |
447 | ase for Catholic Shakespeare , The |
448 | Ash Wednesday |
449 | Ash Wednesday Emphasizes That Life Is a Pilgrimage |
450 | Asia’s Love For the Mother |
451 | Asian Youth! Wake up! |
452 | Asians Have To Evangelize Asians, Be In Dialogue With Ancient Cultures |
453 | Asking the Holy Spirit for Unity of the Church |
454 | Assassination of Shahbaz Bhatti, The |
455 | Assent To Christ's Truth In Its Fullness Is Goal Of Ecumenism |
456 | Assessing Vatican II: A Response to My Critics |
457 | Assessment of Present Day Catechesis, An |
458 | Assisi Shrines Receive New Impetus |
459 | Assisi: Religion Can Never Be Justification for Violence |
460 | Assist the Church's Rebirth in Your Countries |
461 | Assumption of Our Lady, The |
462 | At Historic 1990 Meeting, the Pope Was Able To Embrace His Ukrainian Brothers |
463 | At Home: Lent and Easter |
464 | At the Crossroads |
465 | At the Door of Mercy |
466 | At the End of the Year of Faith |
467 | At the Heart of Benedict XVI's Teaching to Present the Salvific Truth of Jesus Christ to the Mindset of Our Times |
468 | At the Heart of It All: An Anthropological Vision of Gaudium et Spes, Humanae Vitae and Deus Caritas Est |
469 | At the Origins of Humanitarian Law: the Attitude of the Holy See |
470 | At the School of the Saintly Traveller, We Learn How to be Pilgrims |
471 | At the Service of the Mysteries of Christ |
472 | At University: Increase Knowledge, Deepen Faith |
473 | Attempted Ordinations to the Priesthood |
474 | Attitudes During Liturgical Prayer |
475 | Au Milieu Des Sollicitudes (On The Church And State In France) |
476 | Audience with God in Your Parish |
477 | Audience: The Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry |
478 | August 2024 — Overview for the Month |
479 | Augustine and Isocrates |
480 | Augustine of Hippo (Augustinum Hipponensem) |
481 | Augustine, A Model for Dialogue between Reason and Faith |
482 | Augustissimae Virginis Mariae (On The Confraternity Of The Holy Rosary) |
483 | Auschwitz the Christian and the Council |
484 | Auspicato Concessum (On St. Francis of Assisi) |
485 | Auspicia Quaedam (On Public Prayers For World Peace And Solution Of The Problem Of Palestine) |
486 | Auspicia Quedam |
487 | Austria without a Vibrant Christian Faith Would No Longer Be Austria, An |
488 | Authentic Christians and Excellent Journalists |
489 | Authentic Consolation |
490 | Authentic Disciples and Missionaries of Christ |
491 | Authentic Happiness Lies in Embracing God's Will for Us |
492 | Authentic Law Is Inseparable from Justice |
493 | Authentic Witnesses to Jesus Christ In All Situations |
494 | Authority and Obedience Rooted in Christ |
495 | Authority And The Authorship Of Scripture, The |
496 | Authority of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae, The |
497 | Authority Of The Pope, The |
498 | Avery Dulles's Long Road To Rome |
499 | Avoid All 'Careerism' and Be Models of Holiness for Your Priests |
500 | Avoid Punishment that Debases Human Dignity of Prisoners |
501 | Avoid Temptation To Manipulate Human Beings |
502 | Avoid the Scandal of Being "Airport Bishops" |
503 | Avoid the Sins of the Media |
504 | Avoiding the Next Tsunami |
505 | Awake, and Christ Shall Give You Light! |
506 | Awake, Like the Shepherds, to the Message of God |
507 | Awake, O Sleeper, and Arise From the Dead, and Christ Shall Give You Light |
508 | Awaken in Your People a Deep Desire for Holiness and Renewal |
509 | ay the Mass Changed, How it Happened and Why -- Part I , The |
510 | Ayn Rand: Another Architect of the Culture of Death |