Library: Browse by Author
Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "M" - 242 authors
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1 | Madden, Thomas F. |
2 | Madden, James D. |
3 | Madden, Bishop Denis J. |
4 | Madrid, Patrick |
5 | Magister, Sandro |
6 | Magistris, Bishop Luigi De |
7 | Maguire, Mary B. |
8 | Mahoney, Daniel J. |
9 | Mahony, Cardinal Roger |
10 | Maier, Francis X. |
11 | Mainwaring, Doug |
12 | Maj, Fr. Jozef M. (S.J.) |
13 | Malec, Karen |
14 | Malley, Elaine |
15 | Mallon, John |
16 | Malone, Mons. Richard |
17 | Malone, Bishop Richard J. |
18 | Maloof, Allen |
19 | Malooly, Bishop W. Francis |
20 | Mamberti, Archbishop Dominique |
21 | Mancini, Ignazio |
22 | Mangan, Msgr. Charles |
23 | Mango, Dr. Philip |
24 | Manion, Christopher |
25 | Mankowski, Fr. Paul |
26 | Manlio, Sodi (S.D.B.) |
27 | Manning, Bishop Kevin |
28 | Manning, Archbishop, Cardinal Henry Edward |
29 | Mannion, Msgr. M. Francis |
30 | Manno, Mike |
31 | Marchetti-Selvaggiani, Cardinal F. |
32 | Marchetto, Archbishop Agostino |
33 | Marchione, Sr. Margherita (M.P.F.) |
34 | Marcin, Prof. Raymond B. |
35 | Marcion Of Smyrna |
36 | Marconi, Nazareno |
37 | Marcuzzi, Fr. Piero Giorgio (S.D.B.) |
38 | Margerie, Fr. Bertrand de (S.J.) |
39 | Mariapa, Clency |
40 | Marie-Simon-Pierre |
41 | Marini, Archbishop Piero |
42 | Maritain, Jacques |
43 | Mark |
44 | Markey, Barbara |
45 | Marks, Frederick W. |
46 | Maronite Monks of Adoration |
47 | Marquardt, Elizabeth |
48 | Marra, Dr. William A. |
49 | Marshall, Maryann |
50 | Marshall, Paul |
51 | Marshall, Robert G. |
52 | Marshner, Connie |
53 | Marshner, Dr. William H. |
54 | Martens, Kurt |
55 | Martin, Archbishop Eamon |
56 | Martin, Ralph (S.T.D.) |
57 | Martin, Rev. William J. |
58 | Martin, Archbishop Diarmuid |
59 | Martin, Nancy Cecilia |
60 | Martin, Regis (S.T.D.) |
61 | Martinez, Fred |
62 | Martinez, Archbishop Luis M. |
63 | Martino, Prof. Alba Dini |
64 | Martino, Bishop Joseph F. |
65 | Martino, Cardinal Renato R. |
66 | Martins, Cardinal Jose Saraiva |
67 | Martndale, C.C. (S.J.) |
68 | Mason, Colin |
69 | Massachusetts Catholic Conference |
70 | Matano, Bishop Salvatore R. |
71 | Mathetes |
72 | Mattei, Giampaolo |
73 | Matulich, Loretta (Ph.D.) |
74 | Mauceri, Joseph M. (M.D.) |
75 | Maurer, Daniel (C.J.D.) |
76 | Maurer, Karl |
77 | Mawdsley, James |
78 | Maximilian, Sr. Joseph Mary (FTI) |
79 | Maximus of Turin |
80 | Maximus the Confessor |
81 | May, Dr. William E. |
82 | Mazurczak, Filip |
83 | Mazza, Michael J. |
84 | Mazzoleni, Danilo |
85 | McAfee, Fr. Franklyn |
86 | McAlister, Mary E. (Esq.) |
87 | McBride, Fr. Alfred (O. Praem.) |
88 | McCaffrey, Rev. P. F. (O.C.C.) |
89 | McCarrick, Cardinal Theodore |
90 | McCarthy, John F. |
91 | McCarthy, Msgr. Robert J. |
92 | McCarthy, Fr. Peter T. |
93 | McCarthy, Msgr. John H. |
94 | McCloskey, Fr. C. John (III) |
95 | McDermott, Fr. John M. (S.J.) |
96 | McDonald, Matt |
97 | McDonald, Archbishop Kevin |
98 | McGarrigle, Francis J. (S.J.) |
99 | McGinn, Fr. John T. (C.S.P.) |
100 | McGovern, Thomas |
101 | McGrath, Sean |
102 | McGurn, William |
103 | McHugh, Paul |
104 | McHugh, Bishop James T. |
105 | McHugh, J. A. (O.P., S.T.M., Litt.,D.) |
106 | McInerny, D. Q. |
107 | McInerny, Ralph |
108 | McKeegan, Terrence (J.D.) |
109 | McKeegan, Maura Roan |
110 | McKenna, Fr. Stephen |
111 | McKeown, Bishop Donal |
112 | McKinnon, James |
113 | McKnight, Bishop W. Shawn (S.T.D.) |
114 | McLenaghen, Fr. James |
115 | McMahon, Msgr. Kevin |
116 | McManaman, Douglas P. |
117 | McManus, Bishop Robert J. (STD) |
118 | McNabb , Vincent (O.P.) |
119 | McNally, Edward J. (S.J.) |
120 | McNamara, Denis |
121 | McNamara, Robert F. (M.A., S.T.L.) |
122 | McSheffery, Rev. Daniel F. |
123 | Meade, Mary |
124 | Meconi, David (S.J.) |
125 | Medaille, John C. |
126 | Medroso, Bishop Leonardo Yuzon |
127 | Meehan, Mary |
128 | Meilaender, Gilbert |
129 | Meisner, Cardinal Joachim |
130 | Melito of Sardis |
131 | Melvin, Edward J. |
132 | Members of the U.S. House of Representatives |
133 | Mendoza, Rev. Gerald (O.P.) |
134 | Meng, Barbara |
135 | Menocal, Serafin G. |
136 | Menzies, Henry Hardinge (AIA) |
137 | Mercier, Desire Joseph |
138 | Mersch, Fr. Emile (S.J.) |
139 | Metcalf, Geoff |
140 | Metts, Sarah |
141 | Meyer, Fr. R. J. (S.J.) |
142 | Meyer |
143 | Meyer, Stephen C. |
144 | Mibelli, Joseph F. |
145 | Miceli, Fr. Vincent P. (S.J.) |
146 | Michael of the Heart of Jesus |
147 | Michaeline, Sister M. (O.S.F.) |
148 | Michalski, Dan |
149 | Michel, Virgil (OSB) |
150 | Middendorf, Elaine |
151 | Middleton, Barbara |
152 | Miesel, Sandra |
153 | Migliore, Archbishop Celestino |
154 | Migliorino, Monica M. |
155 | Milan, Wil |
156 | Miller, Rev. Donald F. (C.Ss.R.) |
157 | Miller, Rev. John H. (C.S.C., S.T.D.) |
158 | Miller, Rev. Frederick L. (STD) |
159 | Miller, Charles E. (C.M.) |
160 | Miller, Archbishop J. Michael (C.S.B.) |
161 | Miller, Jennifer Gregory |
162 | Miller, Michael J. (M.Phil., M.A. Theol.) |
163 | Miller, Fr. Frederick L. |
164 | Mills, David |
165 | Milward, P. (S.J.) |
166 | Milward, Peter C. (S.J.) |
167 | Mindszenty, Cardinal Joseph |
168 | Mindszenty Report |
169 | Minihan, Fr. Joseph |
170 | Minto, Dr. Andrew L. |
171 | Miola, Robert |
172 | Miralles, Msgr. Antonio |
173 | Mirus, Thomas |
174 | Mirus, Jeffrey A. (Ph.D.) |
175 | Misago, Bishop Augustin |
176 | Mockaitis, Timothy |
177 | Moczar, Diane |
178 | Mohler, Albert |
179 | Moloney, Daniel P. |
180 | Monda, Andrea |
181 | Monni, Mons. Piero |
182 | Monselice, Dom Pietro Leone |
183 | Montagna, Diane |
184 | Montalvo, Archbishop Gabriel |
185 | Monti, James |
186 | Montrose, Bishop Donald (D.D.) |
187 | Moore, Susan Reibel |
188 | Moore, Charles E. |
189 | Moore, Rev. Thomas Verner (O.S.B.) |
190 | Morabito, Stella |
191 | Moraczewski, Rev. Albert |
192 | Moraglia, Francesco |
193 | Morandi, Archbishop Giacomo |
194 | More, St. Thomas |
195 | Moreau, Theresa Marie |
196 | Moreno, Fr. Antonio (O.P.) |
197 | Moreno, Pedro A. |
198 | Morlino, Bishop Robert C. |
199 | Morresi, Assuntina |
200 | Morris, Michael |
201 | Morris, Fr. Michael |
202 | Morriss, Frank |
203 | Morrissey, Stephen J. |
204 | Morrow, Jeffrey L. |
205 | Morrow, Fr. Thomas |
206 | Morse, Jennifer Roback (Ph.D) |
207 | Morse, George "Pat" |
208 | Morson, Gary Saul |
209 | Mosebach, Martin |
210 | Moseley, Annabelle |
211 | Mosher , Steven W. |
212 | Mosher, Steven W. |
213 | Most, Fr. William G. |
214 | Mostert, Mark P. |
215 | Mother Angelica |
216 | Mother Teresa of Calcutta |
217 | Moxon, Archbishop David |
218 | Moynihan, Carolyn |
219 | Moynihan, Robert |
220 | Muench, Bishop Aloisius J. (D.D.) |
221 | Mugavero, Bishop John |
222 | Muldoon, Shena |
223 | Mullan, Dermott J. |
224 | Mullarkey, Maureen |
225 | Müller, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig |
226 | Mulloy, John J. |
227 | Mundy, Gerald T. |
228 | Murphy, Bishop William |
229 | Murphy, John L. |
230 | Murphy, Austin G. |
231 | Murray, John Andrew |
232 | Murray , Bishop Donal |
233 | Murray OP, Fr. Paul |
234 | Murry, Bishop George V. (S.J., Ph.D.) |
235 | Muslim Leaders |
236 | Muslim Relgious Leaders |
237 | Musser, Benjamin Francis (O.F.M.) |
238 | Musurillo, Fr. Herbert (S.J.) |
239 | Mutiso-Mbinda, Mons. John |
240 | Myers, Edith |
241 | Myers, Archbishop John Joseph |
242 | Myers, Rev. Rawley (Ph.D.) |