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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "M" - 242 authors

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1 Madden, Thomas F.
2 Madden, James D.
3 Madden, Bishop Denis J.
4 Madrid, Patrick
5 Magister, Sandro
6 Magistris, Bishop Luigi De
7 Maguire, Mary B.
8 Mahoney, Daniel J.
9 Mahony, Cardinal Roger
10 Maier, Francis X.
11 Mainwaring, Doug
12 Maj, Fr. Jozef M. (S.J.)
13 Malec, Karen
14 Malley, Elaine
15 Mallon, John
16 Malone, Mons. Richard
17 Malone, Bishop Richard J.
18 Maloof, Allen
19 Malooly, Bishop W. Francis
20 Mamberti, Archbishop Dominique
21 Mancini, Ignazio
22 Mangan, Msgr. Charles
23 Mango, Dr. Philip
24 Manion, Christopher
25 Mankowski, Fr. Paul
26 Manlio, Sodi (S.D.B.)
27 Manning, Bishop Kevin
28 Manning, Archbishop, Cardinal Henry Edward
29 Mannion, Msgr. M. Francis
30 Manno, Mike
31 Marchetti-Selvaggiani, Cardinal F.
32 Marchetto, Archbishop Agostino
33 Marchione, Sr. Margherita (M.P.F.)
34 Marcin, Prof. Raymond B.
35 Marcion Of Smyrna
36 Marconi, Nazareno
37 Marcuzzi, Fr. Piero Giorgio (S.D.B.)
38 Margerie, Fr. Bertrand de (S.J.)
39 Mariapa, Clency
40 Marie-Simon-Pierre
41 Marini, Archbishop Piero
42 Maritain, Jacques
43 Mark
44 Markey, Barbara
45 Marks, Frederick W.
46 Maronite Monks of Adoration
47 Marquardt, Elizabeth
48 Marra, Dr. William A.
49 Marshall, Maryann
50 Marshall, Paul
51 Marshall, Robert G.
52 Marshner, Connie
53 Marshner, Dr. William H.
54 Martens, Kurt
55 Martin, Archbishop Eamon
56 Martin, Ralph (S.T.D.)
57 Martin, Rev. William J.
58 Martin, Archbishop Diarmuid
59 Martin, Nancy Cecilia
60 Martin, Regis (S.T.D.)
61 Martinez, Fred
62 Martinez, Archbishop Luis M.
63 Martino, Prof. Alba Dini
64 Martino, Bishop Joseph F.
65 Martino, Cardinal Renato R.
66 Martins, Cardinal Jose Saraiva
67 Martndale, C.C. (S.J.)
68 Mason, Colin
69 Massachusetts Catholic Conference
70 Matano, Bishop Salvatore R.
71 Mathetes
72 Mattei, Giampaolo
73 Matulich, Loretta (Ph.D.)
74 Mauceri, Joseph M. (M.D.)
75 Maurer, Daniel (C.J.D.)
76 Maurer, Karl
77 Mawdsley, James
78 Maximilian, Sr. Joseph Mary (FTI)
79 Maximus of Turin
80 Maximus the Confessor
81 May, Dr. William E.
82 Mazurczak, Filip
83 Mazza, Michael J.
84 Mazzoleni, Danilo
85 McAfee, Fr. Franklyn
86 McAlister, Mary E. (Esq.)
87 McBride, Fr. Alfred (O. Praem.)
88 McCaffrey, Rev. P. F. (O.C.C.)
89 McCarrick, Cardinal Theodore
90 McCarthy, John F.
91 McCarthy, Msgr. Robert J.
92 McCarthy, Fr. Peter T.
93 McCarthy, Msgr. John H.
94 McCloskey, Fr. C. John (III)
95 McDermott, Fr. John M. (S.J.)
96 McDonald, Matt
97 McDonald, Archbishop Kevin
98 McGarrigle, Francis J. (S.J.)
99 McGinn, Fr. John T. (C.S.P.)
100 McGovern, Thomas
101 McGrath, Sean
102 McGurn, William
103 McHugh, Paul
104 McHugh, Bishop James T.
105 McHugh, J. A. (O.P., S.T.M., Litt.,D.)
106 McInerny, D. Q.
107 McInerny, Ralph
108 McKeegan, Terrence (J.D.)
109 McKeegan, Maura Roan
110 McKenna, Fr. Stephen
111 McKeown, Bishop Donal
112 McKinnon, James
113 McKnight, Bishop W. Shawn (S.T.D.)
114 McLenaghen, Fr. James
115 McMahon, Msgr. Kevin
116 McManaman, Douglas P.
117 McManus, Bishop Robert J. (STD)
118 McNabb , Vincent (O.P.)
119 McNally, Edward J. (S.J.)
120 McNamara, Denis
121 McNamara, Robert F. (M.A., S.T.L.)
122 McSheffery, Rev. Daniel F.
123 Meade, Mary
124 Meconi, David (S.J.)
125 Medaille, John C.
126 Medroso, Bishop Leonardo Yuzon
127 Meehan, Mary
128 Meilaender, Gilbert
129 Meisner, Cardinal Joachim
130 Melito of Sardis
131 Melvin, Edward J.
132 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives
133 Mendoza, Rev. Gerald (O.P.)
134 Meng, Barbara
135 Menocal, Serafin G.
136 Menzies, Henry Hardinge (AIA)
137 Mercier, Desire Joseph
138 Mersch, Fr. Emile (S.J.)
139 Metcalf, Geoff
140 Metts, Sarah
141 Meyer, Fr. R. J. (S.J.)
142 Meyer
143 Meyer, Stephen C.
144 Mibelli, Joseph F.
145 Miceli, Fr. Vincent P. (S.J.)
146 Michael of the Heart of Jesus
147 Michaeline, Sister M. (O.S.F.)
148 Michalski, Dan
149 Michel, Virgil (OSB)
150 Middendorf, Elaine
151 Middleton, Barbara
152 Miesel, Sandra
153 Migliore, Archbishop Celestino
154 Migliorino, Monica M.
155 Milan, Wil
156 Miller, Rev. Donald F. (C.Ss.R.)
157 Miller, Rev. John H. (C.S.C., S.T.D.)
158 Miller, Rev. Frederick L. (STD)
159 Miller, Charles E. (C.M.)
160 Miller, Archbishop J. Michael (C.S.B.)
161 Miller, Jennifer Gregory
162 Miller, Michael J. (M.Phil., M.A. Theol.)
163 Miller, Fr. Frederick L.
164 Mills, David
165 Milward, P. (S.J.)
166 Milward, Peter C. (S.J.)
167 Mindszenty, Cardinal Joseph
168 Mindszenty Report
169 Minihan, Fr. Joseph
170 Minto, Dr. Andrew L.
171 Miola, Robert
172 Miralles, Msgr. Antonio
173 Mirus, Thomas
174 Mirus, Jeffrey A. (Ph.D.)
175 Misago, Bishop Augustin
176 Mockaitis, Timothy
177 Moczar, Diane
178 Mohler, Albert
179 Moloney, Daniel P.
180 Monda, Andrea
181 Monni, Mons. Piero
182 Monselice, Dom Pietro Leone
183 Montagna, Diane
184 Montalvo, Archbishop Gabriel
185 Monti, James
186 Montrose, Bishop Donald (D.D.)
187 Moore, Susan Reibel
188 Moore, Charles E.
189 Moore, Rev. Thomas Verner (O.S.B.)
190 Morabito, Stella
191 Moraczewski, Rev. Albert
192 Moraglia, Francesco
193 Morandi, Archbishop Giacomo
194 More, St. Thomas
195 Moreau, Theresa Marie
196 Moreno, Fr. Antonio (O.P.)
197 Moreno, Pedro A.
198 Morlino, Bishop Robert C.
199 Morresi, Assuntina
200 Morris, Michael
201 Morris, Fr. Michael
202 Morriss, Frank
203 Morrissey, Stephen J.
204 Morrow, Jeffrey L.
205 Morrow, Fr. Thomas
206 Morse, Jennifer Roback (Ph.D)
207 Morse, George "Pat"
208 Morson, Gary Saul
209 Mosebach, Martin
210 Moseley, Annabelle
211 Mosher , Steven W.
212 Mosher, Steven W.
213 Most, Fr. William G.
214 Mostert, Mark P.
215 Mother Angelica
216 Mother Teresa of Calcutta
217 Moxon, Archbishop David
218 Moynihan, Carolyn
219 Moynihan, Robert
220 Muench, Bishop Aloisius J. (D.D.)
221 Mugavero, Bishop John
222 Muldoon, Shena
223 Mullan, Dermott J.
224 Mullarkey, Maureen
225 Müller, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig
226 Mulloy, John J.
227 Mundy, Gerald T.
228 Murphy, Bishop William
229 Murphy, John L.
230 Murphy, Austin G.
231 Murray, John Andrew
232 Murray , Bishop Donal
233 Murray OP, Fr. Paul
234 Murry, Bishop George V. (S.J., Ph.D.)
235 Muslim Leaders
236 Muslim Relgious Leaders
237 Musser, Benjamin Francis (O.F.M.)
238 Musurillo, Fr. Herbert (S.J.)
239 Mutiso-Mbinda, Mons. John
240 Myers, Edith
241 Myers, Archbishop John Joseph
242 Myers, Rev. Rawley (Ph.D.)