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Authors by Lastname: Keyletter "B" - 201 authors

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1 Bachiochi, Erika
2 Badde, Christina
3 Badejo, Bishop Emmanuel
4 Baier, David (O.F.M.)
5 Baker, Andrew R.
6 Baker, Bob
7 Baker, Bishop Robert J.
8 Balasuriya, Fr. Tissa
9 Baldisseri, Cardinal Lorenzo
10 Balestrero, Mons. Ettore
11 Ball, Ann
12 Bandas, Rudolph G.
13 Bandmüller, Cardinal Walter
14 Bandow, Doug
15 Barbarin, Cardinal Philippe
16 Barile, Rev. Riccardo
17 Barnabas the Apostle
18 Barnay, Sylvie
19 Barr, Stephen M.
20 Barrack, Martin K.
21 Barragan, Cardinal Javier Lozano
22 Barreiro, Msgr. Ignacio
23 Barrett, Joseph
24 Barry, Rev. Garrett F. (O.M.I., J.C.D.)
25 Bartholome, The Most Reverend Peter W. (D.D.)
26 Bartholomew (I)
27 Baruzzini, Michael
28 Basil
29 Baskerville, Stephen
30 Bastien, Richard
31 Batule, Robert
32 Baum, William Wakefield
33 Baumstein, Paschal (O.S.B.)
34 Bazzett, Mary
35 Beabout, Gregory R.
36 Beale, Stephen
37 Beaumont, John
38 Beckman, Fr. Joseph F.
39 Beckman, Kathleen
40 Bede the Venerable
41 Bedoyere, Michael de la
42 Beeman, Patrick C.
43 Behe, Michael J.
44 Beiter, Isaiah (O.P.)
45 Bell, Joan Andrews
46 Bellieni, Carlo
47 Bellini, Phillip
48 Bellitto, Christopher
49 Belloc, Hilaire
50 Bemis, James
51 Benedict XII
52 Benedict XIV
53 Benedict XV
54 Benedict XVI
55 Benedictine Monks of Buckfast Abbey
56 Benedictine Nuns at S. Maria di Rosano
57 Benkovic, Johnnette S.
58 Bennett, Laraine
59 Bennett, Art
60 Bennett, Gordon
61 Bennett, Isaiah
62 Benofy, Susan
63 Bentoglio, Fr. Gabriele F.
64 Benvenuti, Prof. Paolo
65 Bequette, John P.
66 Berbusse, Fr. Edward J. (S.J.)
67 Berg, Fr. Thomas (Ph.D.)
68 Berger, Florence
69 Bergoglio, Cardinal Jorge Mario
70 Bergquist, Lars
71 Bernadine of Siena
72 Bernard of Clairvaux
73 Bernardelli, Giorgio
74 Bernardin, Cardinal Joseph
75 Berquist, Laura
76 Berti, Enrico
77 Bertolone, Fr. Vincenzo (S.d.P.)
78 Bertone, Cardinal Tarcisio
79 Bessette, Joseph M.
80 Bethell, Tom
81 Bettinelli, Domenico (Jr.)
82 Bevilacqua, Cardinal Anthony
83 Biccini, Gianluca
84 Biferali, Micaela
85 Biffi, Fr. Inos
86 Biffi, Fr. Inos
87 Biffi, Cardinal Giacomo
88 Billy, Dennis J. (C.SS.R.)
89 Birzer, Bradley J.
90 Bisconti, Fabrizio
91 Bishop, Jonathan
92 Bishops' Commissions for Indigenous Peoples and for Social Welfare
93 Bishops' Conference of Camaroon
94 Bishops' Conference of Scotland
95 Bishops' Conferences of Europe
96 Bishops of Belgium
97 Bishops of China
98 Bishops of Kansas
99 Bishops of Kenya
100 Bishops of Liberia and Sierra Leone
101 Bishops of Liguria
102 Bishops of Maryland
103 Bishops of the Church in the Americas
104 Bishops of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
105 Bishops of Vietnam
106 Bishops of Zambia
107 Bishops' Pro-Life Activities Committee
108 Bissonette, Very Rev. James
109 Blair, Bishop Leonard P.
110 Blakey, G. Robert
111 Blanchette, Olivia A. (S.J.)
112 Blankenhorn, Fr. Bernhard (OP)
113 Blet, Fr. Pierre (S.J.)
114 Block, Stephanie
115 Blonigen, Frederick
116 Boat, Fr. William
117 Boccardi, Mons. Leo
118 Boffetti, Jason
119 Bogdanocwicz, Sister Joseph Andrew (OP)
120 Bogle, Joanna
121 Bogle, James
122 Boland, Fr. Edward G.
123 Bole, William
124 Bolen, Fr. John
125 Bonacci, Mary Beth
126 Bonanate, Mariapia
127 Bonaventure
128 Boniface VIII
129 Bonilla, Angela D.
130 Bonnici, John S.
131 Bonny, Fr. Johan
132 Bonta, Steve
133 Borraccino, Manuela
134 Borst, William A. (Ph.D.)
135 Bottum, Joseph
136 Bourdier, Fr. Felix (TODC)
137 Bowman, Matt
138 Boyd, Jay
139 Boyle, Stephen
140 Bozanic, Cardinal Josip
141 Bozell, L. Brent (III)
142 Bracy , Deacon Barth E.
143 Bradley, Rev. Robert I. (S.J.)
144 Bradley, Gerald V.
145 Braine, David
146 Brandmüller, Cardinal Walter
147 Brankin, Fr. Anthony
148 Braz, Prefect João
149 Brennan, Bishop Denis
150 Brennan, Jane
151 Brennan, Phil
152 Brincard, Henri
153 Brinker, Jennifer
154 Brinker, Dr. Francis
155 Brinkman, Very Reverend Barry E. (J.C.L.)
156 Brinkmann, Susan
157 Britt, Rev. Matthew (O.S.B.)
158 Brock, Michael L.
159 Broglio, Archbishop Timothy (J.C.D.)
160 Broom, Fr. Ed (OMV)
161 Brossman, Miriam (M.D.)
162 Browder, Sue Ellin
163 Brown, Michael H.
164 Brown, Peter
165 Brown, Frank
166 Brown, Fr. Stephen J. (S.J.)
167 Brown, Harold O.J.
168 Browne, Rev. P. W. (D.D., Ph.D.)
169 Brownson, Dr. Orestes A.
170 Bruehl, Charles (D.D.)
171 Brugger, E. Christian
172 Bruguès, Archbishop-Bishop emeritus Jean-Louis (o.p.)
173 Brumley, Mark
174 Brummond, Michael
175 Brunett, Archbishop Alexander J.
176 Brungardt, Bishop John B.
177 Brusher, Joseph
178 Bruskewitz, Bishop Fabian W.
179 Buchanan, Patrick J.
180 Buckley, Fr. James (F.S.S.P.)
181 Budnik, Mary Ann
182 Budziszewski, J.
183 Buechlein, Archbishop Daniel M. (O.S.B.)
184 Buisson, Justine Krug
185 Bunson, Matthew
186 Bunson, Margaret
187 Buono , Anthony
188 Burbidge, Bishop Michael F.
189 Burger, John
190 Buri, John (Ph.D.)
191 Burke, Msgr. Cormac
192 Burke, Cardinal Raymond L. (D.D., J.C.D.)
193 Burke, Very Rev. John J. (C.S.P.)
194 Burkey, Blaine (O.F.M.Cap.)
195 Burleigh, Anne Husted
196 Bush, President George W.
197 Butler, Alban
198 Butler, Sr. Sara
199 Bux, Msgr. Nicola
200 Byrne, Paul A. (MD)
201 Byrne, Paul A. (M.D.)