what 'preventive medicine' prevents

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Nov 01, 2010

Thanks to ObamaCare, all American taxpayers will soon be paying for contraceptives, whether they use them or not. Contraception, you see, is a method of avoiding a serious illness.

That’s not a terribly flattering way to be described, is it? I was once a serious illness. You were, too.

"There is clear and incontrovertible evidence that family planning saves lives and improves health," said obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. David Grimes, an international family planning expert who teaches medicine at the University of North Carolina.

Dr. Grimes is not counting the lives lost to abortifacient contraceptives. He continues: "Spacing out children allows for optimal pregnancies and optimal child rearing. Contraception is a prototype of preventive medicine."

Again, not very flattering, especially to children whose arrival was a “happy surprise” for Mom and Dad. Preventive medicine would have forestalled those births. And what is it that “preventive medicine” prevents? Disease. Therefore if you are an unplanned child, you are a disease. At the very least, you’re not “optimal.” In Lake Woebegone all the children are above average; in post-Obama America, all the children will be optimal.

But U.S. Catholic bishops say pregnancy is a healthy condition, not an illness.

Can you imagine?! When a radiant young bride explains the reason for her thickening waistline, those nasty Catholic bishops don’t have the common decency to say: “Oh, I’m so sorry, my dear! I wish we could have done something to prevent this.”

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