Want to sign a pro-life petition to the UN?
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Oct 21, 2008
The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute has joined with other pro-life groups in the US and abroad in a petition to the UN, calling for protection for the unborn. The petition asks the UN member-states to interpret the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as conferring the right to life on unborn children. The petition will be presented to UN officials on December 10, the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In just 3 weeks, the organizers of this petition drive have collected more than 45,000 signatures. They hope eventually to reach 100,000. If you'd like to be counted in that number, you can find the petition online here.
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Posted by: gj_brunning1835 -
Jan. 03, 2019 6:25 PM ET USA
Dateline Heaven, Jan 3. The Blessed Trinity today announced, despite all the ills and problems in the Church: The Father still loves and will not forsake His Church; The Son will continue to visit every altar when Mass is celebrated; the Holy Spirit will continue to shower graces on those who seek them and to inspire saints. The statement concluded with Amen.
Posted by: R. Spanier (Catholic Canadian) -
Jan. 02, 2019 11:23 AM ET USA
'Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2018, Killing 42 Million People' https://www.lifenews.com/2018/12/31/abortion-was-the-leading-cause-of-death-worldwide-in-2018-killing-42-million-people/
Posted by: feedback -
Jan. 01, 2019 8:33 AM ET USA
Related to #2 is Pope Francis' unprecedented public admission of guilt and apology for "grave errors" to the Chilean sex abuse victims. And then, four months later, his "I will not say a single word" about the bizarre papal promotions granted to Uncle Ted McCarrick.
Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Dec. 31, 2018 11:52 PM ET USA
Regarding #20 above, in preparing for an academic sparring match next month I bought a textbook published in September, titled "A Catholic Introduction to the Bible." On p. 53 the authors wrote: "Much later in Christian history, certain groups with roots in the Protestant Reformation would dismiss the authority of the Pentateuch by characterizing it as 'law' opposed to the 'Gospel' that comes through Jesus Christ." Remind anyone of Pope Francis' "ridigity" versus "logic of the Gospel" mantra?