truth in advertising
By ( articles ) | Aug 27, 2007
Barr Pharmaceuticals, the American distributors of the "morning-after" pill, continues to insist that their product can prevent pregnancy when it is taken after intercourse. And remarkably enough, the company has no problem finding reporters who are willing to believe that the pill can suspend the laws of biology and of logic, preventing something that has already occurred.
For example, Fox News gives some space to critics of the pill, but provides this gem:
Some critics-- including Roman Catholic leaders-- consider the pill tantamount to abortion, although Barr says it has no effect on women who are already pregnant.
Really? So if a woman has already conceived, the pill will do nothing?
If that's what Barr wants us to believe, then let's have a new advertising campaign for the "Plan B" pill. Right on the package, put a banner that reads: "If you're already pregnant, this pill will do nothing." See what that does to the sales figures.
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