tiny tears

By ( articles ) | Aug 17, 2007

Breda Bishop Martinus "Tiny" Muskens has added another 40 seconds toward his longed-for fifteen minutes of fame with his darling declaration that Catholics should call God "Allah." OK, it's true that Allah is the Arabic common noun for God, used by Arab-speaking Christians without the slightest indication of invoking a Muslim deity, so we can give him the benefit of the doubt -- doctrinally.

His Grace is also on record as saying the hungry can steal bread to feed themselves. Again, with the right conditions in place, that's perfectly kosher Catholic teaching. He's gets a pass on that one too.

The same Martinus "Tiny" Muskens thinks popes should have term limits of 10-15 years. So did his theological mentor Harold "Pee Wee" Reese. Neither is heterodox in virtue of this opinion, though the former has obviously passed his "best before" date and might profit the larger Church -- and give her an edifying and instructive example of sincerity -- by awarding himself a spontaneous term limit. Soon.

But finally, according to this AP story, Muskens has also "supported the use of condoms as a way of reining in the spread of AIDS." Now the alarms go off. When a churchman is keen to turn the male reproductive organ into a non-reproductive organ, you can be pretty sure he's got serious control problems with his breaking ball. Moreover, he's in heresy.

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