Thinking Catholics Respond
By ( articles ) | Mar 24, 2005
A prominent Jesuit bioethicist argues the attempt to interrupt Terri Schiavo's dehydration is a Republican power play.
Salon: So what do you think this case is really about?
Rev. John Paris, S.J.: The power of the Christian right. This case has nothing to do with the legal issues involving a feeding tube. The feeding tube issue was definitively resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1990 in Cruzan vs. Director. The United States Supreme Court ruled that competent patients have the right to decline any and all unwanted treatment, and unconscious patients have the same right, depending upon the evidentiary standard established by the state. And Florida law says that Terri Schiavo has more than met the standard in this state. So there is no legal issue.
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