thanks for the memories
By ( articles ) | Nov 14, 2006
You must understand, good people, that progress takes many forms.
An artist has been given a grant to put on an exhibition consisting of nothing but an empty gallery. Simon Pope, aged 40, said the aim was to encourage people to walk around the empty rooms and discuss memories of other galleries.
A Chapter spokeswoman said: 'We set agendas, we don't follow them.' She said participants in the exhibition could perform 'a seemingly impossible feat: summoning up remote spaces -- through memory, body, speech and movement -- reduplicating the spaces, so that they exist at two locations simultaneously."
A walk through empty rooms ... and he's paid for it.
Simon my lad, you've got a glorious future awaiting you as the Vocations Coordinator for the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Tell 'em we sent you.
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Posted by: opraem -
Sep. 04, 2010 12:15 AM ET USA
your list of disgraced bishops is missing abp sanchez from santa fe and bp soens from sioux city.
Posted by: -
Sep. 03, 2010 7:32 PM ET USA
This scandalous mess is simply beyond correction. The Jesuits have Ignatius, the Dominicans have Dominic, the Franciscans have Francis. Who do the Legionaries have as a founder, a model? The order has to be dissolved, decisively, and the many good men encouraged in other directions.