thank Allah or thank God?

By ( articles ) | Oct 12, 2005

The kingdom of Jordan has donated $100,000 to the relief effort for victims of hurricane Katrina. That's wonderful.

The donation was made to the Archdiocese of Washington, which lies roughly 1,000 miles from the area where the hurricane struck. That's puzzling.

The donation was gratefully received by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. That figures.

Just about a month ago, when Jordan's King Abdullah spoke at Catholic University, Cardinal McCarrick was on hand to give the invocation, "In the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate God, we pray. Amen."

Now, as he presented the king's donation, the Jordanian ambassador recalled that during his speech at Catholic University, King Abdullah had remarked: "We are all in God’s hands."

The Catholic archbishop prayed to "Allah." The Muslim monarch acknowledged the sovereignty of "God." And just a few weeks later, the check cleared.

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