tardily assisted suicide
By ( articles ) | May 02, 2006
Presenting the case for the prosecution, Jim Naughton, the communications director for the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, claims to have uncovered a sinister plot by which (in his words), "millions of dollars contributed by a handful of donors have allowed a small network of theologically conservative individuals and organizations to mount a global campaign that has destabilized the Episcopal Church and may break up the Anglican Communion."
To which the MCJ's Chris Johnson, attorney for the defense, responds as follows:
Naughton's report raises questions. One that immediately popped into my mind goes like this: the Episcopal Church has been draining members and money for the last 30 years, having lost something like 30% of its membership during that time. So why in the world would any foundation want to pay millions of dollars to do to ECUSA what ECUSA is doing to itself for free?
Mr. Johnson, sir, your point is dispositive. Case dismissed.
Don't jump! Don't jump! We've paid big bucks to have you PUSHED.
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