Spiritual direction with a dowsing rod

By ( articles ) | Sep 13, 2005

If you live near Regina, Saskatchewan, you might be interested in the unique offerings of the John Paul II Center, "the adult education and renewal facility for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Regina."

On September 17, for a mere $35, you can hear Sr. Theresa Feist, OSU, talk on "Making the Best of Life: Body, Mind, Spirit." By way of introduction, Sister tells us about herself:

Born in 1942 – Ursuline Sister of Prelate - committed to teaching in 1964 – struck by illness in l970 – resurrected in 1972 – left classroom teaching in 1980 – and opened Holistic Teaching Course in 1981 – Reconstructed My Life: Body, Mind Spirit - Chose Happiness Ever After!

Then on September 21, there's a Face Reading Workshop with Felicity Butler, who

has practiced Alternative therapies for 20 years. Felicity has just completed her Diploma in Body Mind Analysis and Psychosomatic Therapy and has synergised her knowledge into a treatment called Soul Energetics.

But best of all, there's the September 27 session on "What Prayer Is & What It Is Not," with Judy Pellerin.

Judy Pellerin is an educator, having taught for 16 years at the elementary school level, and worked for thirteen (13) years as a parish assistant. She then trained in “Massage: The Art of Anointing” at Berkeley, California, completed her training as a Reiki Master, and was trained for the Archdiocese of Regina as a spiritual director.

No room here to tell you about the programs on Holistic Therapies, Stress Reduction, and Floral Arrangement. But you will want to know that the John Paul II Center annually hosts the Catholic teachers of the Regina archdiocese for an "Understanding our Faith" series. So you have some idea what the Regina Catholic schools are teaching, too.

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