The Solution to the Da Vinci Code

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Jun 08, 2006

There are many resources now available for Catholics and other Christians to use in refuting the errors and distortions propagated in the Da Vinci Code. But for a limited time only, Trinity Communications is offering one very special approach to this problem: No Code, No Conspiracy: Just the Gospel Truth.

This is a two CD set featuring two presentations by the outstanding thinkers at Christendom College. On the first CD, Dr. Timothy O'Donnell, President of the College and a professor of History, gives a captivating lecture on the historicity of the gospels. The fundamental attack on the historicity of the Gospels is not only a key feature of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code but of most of the faulty and dissident theology of the past generation. O'Donnell sets the record straight.

The second CD is a lecture given at Christendom by Fr. John C. De Celles, who addresses the Da Vinci Code directly. Fr. De Celles gives an overview of the plot, separates fact from fiction, and clearly identifies the errors of the book and movie. This he accomplishes with deep spiritual insight in a presentation that anyone can understand.

What makes these CDs from Christendom College special is that they teach a great deal about the basis for the Catholic Faith, rather than exclusively addressing the Da Vinci Code alone. Once you've listened to these lectures, you'll not only know how to break the Code but you'll be in a far better position to understand and defend your faith in general.

These CDs are so highly-regarded that Christendom produced them as a thank-you gift for major donors to the College. By arrangement with Christendom and with the producer, Tall Guy AV, Trinity is able to make a limited quantity available for sale for just $14.95. In all seriousness, you should get yours now. Highly recommended.

Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. A co-founder of Christendom College, he also pioneered Catholic Internet services. He is the founder of Trinity Communications and See full bio.

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