smaller things first

By ( articles ) | Nov 27, 2005

Today's Chicago Trib has one of those novocaine-for-the-conscience articles on "childless by choice" couples. We begin with the personal note.

When Tina Roggenkamp and her husband, Mark, decided to keep their marriage free of children they took a lot of things into account.

They considered their desire for greater freedom, something that enabled her to get a graduate degree and start a small consulting business. There was also their enjoyment of what she called "smaller things," such as being able to sleep late when they wanted and to dine out whenever the mood struck them.

Oh wait. Need to add some noble-sounding motive.

There were larger issues too, such as environmental concerns and worries about an overcrowded planet.


Think about it for a second. Is it possible, psychologically, that a married person who put these solipsistic "smaller things" ahead of parenthood could sincerely commit to any larger principles of idealism, misguided or otherwise?

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