services rendered
By ( articles ) | Jan 16, 2007
It was, I believe, the President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who said that the rebuttal to those who would exclude gays from the clergy lies in the lives of those priests who are "seeking each day not to be served but to serve their people." Orlando, consider yourself served.
A shock wave is rippling through the close-knit Deltona family at St. Clare Catholic Church in the wake of a complaint that its pastor participated in sexual battery against a man.
According to a complaint filed with the Volusia County Sheriff's Office, the Rev. Carlos Bedoya, 44, invited a 35-year-old man to his home on church grounds to have lunch and "cocktails." He proceeded to restrain the man while David Estrada, a 24-year-old priest-in-training, [helped the man get beyond a rigid, one-size-fits-all morality], the complaint states.
Probably an innocent misunderstanding. I was edified by the following detail:
The Diocese of Orlando was unavailable for comment because of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
Good to know that there are still some pieties we're not prepared to sacrifice.
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