clerical chic
By ( articles ) | Jan 16, 2007
Fashion writers are all agog about the new spring collection by Donatello Versace, who was inspired by the "look" modeled by Msgr. Georg Ganswein, the private secretary to Pope Benedict XVI.
(Note to fashion-minded priests: It's now chic to wear clericals. Try it sometime.)
Richard Owen of the London Times has the story of Versace's inspiration:
“I was thinking of an austere, severe and ethical man. I find Father Georg’s austerity very elegant,” said Ms Versace.
Spirituality was “not the same as bigotry”, she said, adding that she was open to the idea of civil unions between gays or heterosexual couples.
Spirituality is fashionable. Civil unions are fashionable. When the two come into conflict, we learn the truth: civil unions are more fashionable.
Nice to know, still, that spirituality doesn't necessarily mean bigotry. The hierarchy of the fashion world is nothing if not tolerant.
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Posted by: Bigs2480 -
Jun. 28, 2010 2:22 PM ET USA
Sometimes I disagree with Cardinal McCarrick's approach and actions. However, I heard him speak once at a DC Theology on Tap. That talk and Pope Benedict's book "God is Near Us" helped me believe in the presence of our Lord in the Eucharist, which ultimately led me to the Church. Therefore, his Eminence played no small part in my conversion and I am forever grateful.
Posted by: sparch -
Jun. 25, 2010 9:49 AM ET USA
unum, I agree. These are the people who beleive they know better than the heirarchy of the church because they wish to assume to the head of that table. The very leadership positions they rail against are the one's they themselves want to ascend. This twisted outlook spreads confusion in the church.
Posted by: -
Jun. 25, 2010 9:22 AM ET USA
See SM Winters "America": And, if you do need to "send a signal" to your brother bishops, you do so gently, thoughtfully, not in an antagonistic way, not by running to a right-wing media outfit and giving a tendentious leak. Yesterday, we saw an example of "a conference man" subtly, but effectively, letting his thoughts be known to his brother bishops. At a special Mass to commemorate his eightieth birthday, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick asked Sister CarKeehan to proclaim the reading.
Posted by: -
Jun. 25, 2010 9:19 AM ET USA
I've read a lot of prelates in my time and Cardinal McCarrick was one of them.
Posted by: unum -
Jun. 25, 2010 5:34 AM ET USA
Cardinal Teddy and Sister Carol are leaders of the progressive movement in the U.S. Church that believes it understands God's will better than those entrusted with the leadership of the Church. I'm afraid that their egos are in for a shock when they finally meet their maker face to face and have to explain why they spread confusion and doubt among the faithful in exchange for the approval of political progressives.
Posted by: Minnesota Mary -
Jun. 24, 2010 7:09 PM ET USA
So sad that Cardinal McCarrick has always lacked the courage to stand up for Truth. His desire to be liked by everyone got in the way.
Posted by: -
Jun. 24, 2010 6:34 PM ET USA
Hey, Diogenes, I would feel more comfortable with Cardinal McCarrick if you could tell me why he was expelled from Xavier High School in Manhattan and finished high school at Fordham Prep.
Posted by: jeremiahjj -
Jun. 24, 2010 6:14 PM ET USA
With prelates like this on the loose, no wonder lay Catholic web pages like have sprung up. Online readers of the faithful variety might want to check this one out. RCTV and toe the orthodox line and let us know when clerics or recalcitrant lay people wander off in lala land.