the secret

By ( articles ) | May 28, 2006

"I want to share with you the secret of happiness, that’s why I’m here," said Cardinal McCarrick in his long, loooooong talk at the Stonehill College commencement.

Cardinal Ted continued:

I will do that by first talking about a cartoon. I’m a big cartoon person.

You said it, your Eminence; I didn't.

When I open the newspaper, I first look at the cartoons because often they are the only things I really understand.

And with that he's off, plunging into a magisterial exegesis of a passage from Hagar the Horrible.

About now a critical reader-- someone without the sunny disposition of your Uncle Di-- might wonder whether this Prince of the Church mentioned the name of Jesus in the course of his talk. Fear not; he did. It came later, as he spoke about Father Basil Moreau, who will soon be beatified:

He became a priest and was sent to the Sulpicians and there he developed a deep spirituality, founded and centered on Jesus, which I guess every spiritual life has to be.

I guess.

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