saturation effects
By Diogenes ( articles ) | Aug 09, 2006
More astonishing news from the heavy thinkers at the Rand Corporation:
Teens start having sex sooner if their preferred music has sexually degrading lyrics, a small study of young teenagers suggests.
Gosh; now who ever would have thought of that?
Fashionable liberals rail against violence on television, warning that kids will be influenced toward violence. The full-immersion media obsession with sex, however, is not generally deemed dangerous. Hard to avoid the conclusion that the media recognize violence as a bad thing, whereas extra-marital sex is-- the message comes through consistently-- a harmless form of recreation.
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Posted by: -
Dec. 02, 2010 12:56 PM ET USA
Is it a coincidence that the bishop is of the Milwaukee archdiocese, the archdiocese of Abp. Rembert Weakland?
Posted by: -
Dec. 01, 2010 10:38 AM ET USA
Of course, Holy Charity requires us to assume the former until the latter is demonstrated. To be clear, this is our moral obligation, no sarcasm intended.