Catholic Culture Solidarity
Catholic Culture Solidarity

red dawn?

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Jan 23, 2007

The National Organization for Women's Kim Gandy is very pleased with the edge stropped on the Democratic curette ...

The field of candidates for the 2008 Democratic nomination is like a dream come true: contenders include a woman frontrunner, an African American, a Latino, and several pro-choice, pro-peace, pro-family men. This rainbow represents much of the diversity of our nation, and has the potential to bring issues of relevance to far more people during the primary contest.

... and very cross with the folks who marched in Washington yesterday:

We have endured more than three decades of challenges and roadblocks from a well-funded opposition, and our rights are more tenuous than ever -- but we are determined to fight, and we will not go back to the days when women had 12, 15, 18 children, often dying in childbirth, their bodies spent. Or they died in back alleys or dirty motel rooms, or were left injured and infertile after botched illegal abortions.

Well-funded opposition? It would be interesting to match up the top half-dozen organizations pro- and contra abortion and compare their annual budgets. Anyone know of a publicly accessible source?

Update: on a tip from a reader, I checked the 990 forms available at for 2004 (the last year returns were available for all the organizations listed). Below are the figures entered in the "contributions" line (1d) of the 990 form:

Pro-Abortion groups:

PPFA $55,005,202
NARAL $11,807,298
NOW $6,103,244
PFAW $4,810,695
CFFC $4,108,932
NAF $861,285

Anti-Abortion groups:

NRTL $11,834,502
PFL $7,142,253
ALL $6,397,419
LLDF $1,220,323
FFL $316,274
PLAN < $25,000

The upshot: methinks Kim Gandy doth protest too much.

Key: PPFA = Planned Parenthood Federation of America. NARAL = NARAL Pro-Choice America. NOW = National Organization for Women. PFAW = People for the American Way Action Fund. CFFC = Catholics for a Free Choice. NAF = National Abortion Federation. NRTL = National Right to Life. PFL = Priests for Life. ALL = American Life League. LLDF = Life Legal Defense Fund. FFL = Feminists for Life. PLAN = Pro-Life Action Network. Note: I can't say whether or not these groups in fact rate as the top half-dozen organizations pro and con; they were selectied off the top of my head to get a rough sense of the parity.

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  • Posted by: MB - Jun. 19, 2010 10:04 AM ET USA

    I agree with Di in some ways. The problem, however, remains with all the medical professionals who said one COULD return to work. Why are some of those still practicing? Where is the outrage? Can there be no excuses for sin. St. Paul organized murders, a terrorist. Why was he allowed to continue? Why do we not strike him from the Bible? God's healing power of course works miracles. Have we decided that now even God cannot heal? Are SOME offenses beyond redemption? Just thought I'd ask.

  • Posted by: - Jun. 18, 2010 9:12 PM ET USA

    Thank God, our Holy Father has already sent Archbishop Jose Gomez to Los Angles to "help" Cardinal Mahoney during his last year and prepare the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for a their return to traditional Catholic faith, values and doctrine. We, in San Antonio, are terrible sad to see our beloved leader go but as a native Angelino, I KNOW who most needs Archbishop Gomez

  • Posted by: jeremiahjj - Jun. 17, 2010 10:41 AM ET USA

    I am reminded of the line in Gilbert & Sullivan's "Ruddigore" where Sir Despard, acting as though he had a sudden change of heart, sings, "Excuse me, I'm a virtuous person now!" Sorry, Sir Roger, virtue is a bit like integrity -- it exists or it doesn't.

  • Posted by: lauriem5377 - Jun. 17, 2010 10:20 AM ET USA

    Our Holy Father set the model to follow: he pleaded for the forgiveness of God and the victims and promised to do everything to prevent this from ever happening again. I pray that anyone who turned a blind eye to the suffering of children from abuse will cease making excuses and follow the our Pope's example. Bishops can restore trust and set an example for all of us by devoting their lives to the prayerful care of the victims in their dioceses and by safeguarding the children of today

  • Posted by: Athelstan - Jun. 16, 2010 10:15 PM ET USA

    O tempore! O mores! That Cardinals of the Catholic Church could be such moral morons would be beyond belief if their own words did not betray them. But how can the Holy Father suffer these moral idiots any longer to remain "Princes of the Church"?

  • Posted by: opraem - Jun. 16, 2010 7:21 PM ET USA

    they're only sorry because they got caught.

  • Posted by: Frodo1945 - Jun. 16, 2010 6:56 PM ET USA

    Well said, although a case of the flu never made me angry. Thank goodness there will be justice in the end.

  • Posted by: BobJ70777069 - Jun. 16, 2010 6:53 PM ET USA

    This is by no means a defense of Cardinal Mahoney, whose record is pretty poor. However, in general, I believe you have to keep in mind the climate in those days relative to psychologists. They could do no wrong, then, and they assured the bishops over and over, "Father X is cured, nothing more to worry about." Deacon Bob

  • Posted by: voxfem - Jun. 16, 2010 6:34 PM ET USA

    Thank goodness the Holy Spirit guides the elections of the Pope!