Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

Quick Hits: The year’s best articles so far

By Thomas V. Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Aug 08, 2018 | In Quick Hits

I’ve spent most of my time this year working on The Catholic Culture Podcast, but I haven’t neglected to collect some great articles from around the Catholic web to share with you. This is a long list covering the entire year up until now, so I’ve divided it into categories.


John Waters on the religious David Bowie.

In Modern Age, Samuel Hazo’s poem on the origin of artistic inspiration and Molly Brigid McGrath’s insightful review of the film Lady Bird.

David Clayton on how to pray with sacred art and the spiritual advice of Fra Angelico.

From the First Things archives, Robert R. Chase on religious sci-fi.

An appreciation of Marshall McLuhan in Church Life Journal.

Oscar Wilde’s conversion to Catholicism in the Catholic Herald.

James Matthew Wilson on promising new Catholic poets.

Robert Royal on not interrupting the music.

In the New York Times, the Jesuits’ legacy of baroque music in Bolivia.

Nick Searcy’s movie on Kermit Gosnell, hampered by a lawsuit, finally gets a distribution deal.


Feser and Pakaluk on Pope Francis’s alteration of the catechism re: capital punishment in First Things.

In our library, Basil Cole, O.P. (whom I just interviewed about music on the podcast!) on how to meditate on the Rosary.

J. Budziszewski on why we can’t be good without God.

The History of Philosophy Podcast begins its segment on Byzantine philosophy.


Gilbert and Peter Meilander in First Things on balancing our ties to the universal and particular in immigration policy.

The New York Times doesn’t know that Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk steel-manned and refuted Marx’s economic theory over a century ago.

Christianity, not the Founding Fathers, first separated Church and State, according to Paul R. DeHart.

Robert Boyers on “The Privilege Predicament”.

Thomas V. Mirus is Director of Podcasts for, hosts The Catholic Culture Podcast, and co-hosts Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast. See full bio.

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