protecting women's bodies
By ( articles ) | Jan 31, 2008
Let's see if we understand this properly:
If you're a woman who's pregnant and doesn't want to be, the US Food and Drug Administration doesn't think you should worry about taking the abortifacient drug RU-486, because there's no evidence the drug is dangerous. There is evidence that the only manufacturer of the drug has miserable quality-control standards, and tainted doses of another popular drug from the same maker have caused devastating effects such as paralysis. But the FDA doesn't want to encourage discussion of any possible concerns. This is consistent with a pattern; in the past the FDA has declined to tell consumers where RU-486 is made. No "need to know," you see.
So don't worry your little head about it, dear; go right ahead and have that abortion. Your government is watching out for your interests. And even if the bureaucrats weren't vigilant, you can be sure that feminists would demand the strictest possible standards of safety for products used by women.
Wouldn't they?
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