The Pope’s betrayal of Cardinal Zen
By Phil Lawler ( bio - articles - email ) | Sep 21, 2022
The trial of Cardinal Joseph Zen has been postponed, but the indomitable 90-year-old prelate will face judgment soon enough, under the draconian new “security laws” imposed on Hong Kong by the Chinese government.
Meanwhile Pope Francis faces his own judgment, in the court of public opinion, for his failure to defend Cardinal Zen—or, for that matter, to criticize the regime that is prosecuting him. When questioned about the trial, by a reporter who accompanied him on his flight home from Kazakhstan, the Pontiff gave this utterly unsatisfactory reply:
Cardinal Zen is going to trial these days, I think. And he says what he feels, and you can see that there are limitations there. More than qualifying, because it is difficult, and I do wish to qualify, they are impressions, and I try to support the path of dialogue.
Cardinal Zen is going to trial, “I think,” says the Pope. A Prince of the Church is being tried as a criminal, by a regime that tramples on human rights, and the Roman Pontiff can only say that he “thinks” he is briefed on the trial schedule? Clearly Pope Francis wants to downplay the significance of this event. Just as clearly, he does not want to make any statement in defense of the embattled cardinal. Thus he offers his “impressions,” as if it were a matter on which he could not make an informed judgment.
Actually, even before giving that non-responsive answer to the question about the Zen trial, the Pope had launched into a broad discussion of relations between the Holy See and Beijing, mentioning the “bilateral Vatican-Chinese commission that is going well” and the “dialogue commission that is going well.” This in reference to the secret agreement between Rome and Beijing governing the appointment of new bishops for the Church in China. Those discussions are going so well that, four years after the secret agreement was signed, roughly one-third of all Chinese dioceses are now functioning without a bishop. Nonetheless, hapless Vatican diplomats seem desperate to renew that accord, and the Pope is anxious to avoid saying anything that might offend the sensitive ears of Chinese Communist leaders.
So, in responding to that question about Cardinal Zen’s predicament, Pope Francis answered questions that the reporter (Elise Allen of Crux) had not posed. Before even mentioning the Zen trial, he devoted more than 200 words to the Rome-Beijing dialogue, the Chinese mentality, and the notion that the Chinese regime is not democratic. Again, notice that this question had not been raised by the reporter; the Pontiff brought it up himself:
Qualifying China as undemocratic, I do not identify with that, because it’s such a complex country ... yes, it is true that there are things that seem undemocratic to us, that is true.
Once again we have only the Pope’s “impressions,” rather than clear statements, much less denunciations. He does not want to say that China in undemocratic. He does allow, however, that some of Beijing’s actions might seem undemocratic to our unsophisticated Western understanding.
Does it seem undemocratic when the regime jails an elderly prelate, charging him with the heinous crime of providing legal support for human-rights activists? Pope Francis does not answer that question. In a scathing Wall Street Journal column, William McGurn writes: “The pope declined to even say China was undemocratic. All that was missing was a cock crowing in the background.”
McGurn notes that the trial of Cardinal Zen comes as the Vatican and Beijing are negotiating renewal of their secret agreement. So it might be awkward for the Vatican to criticize the Chinese regime. But Beijing evidently feels no compunction about giving offense to Rome; presumably the government could have scheduled the cardinal’s trial at a more auspicious time. For that matter, Chinese officials might have scheduled the latest round of negotiations for some site other than Tianjin: a city where Bishop Melchior Shi is living under house arrest. We are not privy to the conversations that the Pope says are “going well,” but every available indication suggests a thoroughly one-sided process, with Beijing dictating the terms and the Vatican meekly accepting whatever it can salvage.
But will the Vatican try to salvage the freedom of Cardinal Zen? Or will he be sacrificed to the cause of the Vatican-Beijing agreement—like the bishops of the “underground” Church, who were inveigled to resign their posts so that bishops sanctioned by Beijing could replace them? Leaders of other nations have rallied to the cardinal’s defense. It is scandalous that the Vatican, which he loyally serves, will not speak the truth—the truth that China is undemocratic, the truth the Cardinal Zen is a brave defender of God-given human rights, the truth that will set him free.
By the way, a month has passed since I wrote about the arrest of Bishop Rolando Alvarez, who dared to criticize an undemocratic government in Nicaragua. What I wrote is still true.
Inside sources in Rome say that the Vatican has been working quietly, diplomatically, to secure the freedom of Bishop Alvarez, since police of the Ortega regime surrounded his chancery building two weeks ago. But if that is the case, we could add “ineffectively” to that list of adverbs, because today the police staged a pre-dawn raid and took the bishop into custody. Prompting this immediate response from the Vatican:
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Posted by: karen.finkenbinder4555 -
Sep. 24, 2022 2:28 PM ET USA
For what it is worth (probably not much), I sent my own letter to the Pope and clearly told him his lack of attention to Cardinal Zen is telling. As someone with a son/daughter-in-law/granddaughter living in China, I can assure you that China listens to public criticism. Had this pope any courage - he would sound off. But, I cannot help but think he's being bought off.
Posted by: vjenkins71201 -
Sep. 24, 2022 1:49 PM ET USA
I stand with Cardinal Zen and though I'm a humble lay person, I know he is not guilty of whatever the CCP is charging him with. May God be with Cardinal Zen.
Posted by: altoidnews7416 -
Sep. 23, 2022 8:59 PM ET USA
Ineffective and calculated are the adjectives that sum up the pontificate of Pope Francis.
Posted by: padre3536 -
Sep. 23, 2022 9:49 AM ET USA
may Saint Pio intercede for us for the Beloved and His Spousal People...thank you, blessings
Posted by: rameyersjr9828 -
Sep. 23, 2022 7:45 AM ET USA
Dear God, please strengthen Cardinal Zen. To be persecuted while one's friends look on is so very Christ-like. May Jesus continue to look with favor on him in his suffering and give him the strength to pray for his persecutors.
Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Sep. 23, 2022 5:07 AM ET USA
No, his actions are not cowardly. On the contrary, they are cold and calculating, just like his earlier, almost regular misdirection about not being Pope forever, the possibility of his "retirement", akin to Pope Benedict's, to a life of prayer. The first time he made this claim, I pointed out that this is the tactic of a revolutionary despot typically intent on "fundamentally transforming" an often-oppressed society. In our case, the oppression is from Modernism, relativism, "spirit" of Vat II.
Posted by: CorneliusG -
Sep. 22, 2022 7:54 PM ET USA
Phil, like Jeff Mirus, you keep expecting decency, fidelity, and defense of the Faith and the faithful by this Argentinian. But, barring miraculous intervention, it WON'T HAPPEN. His corruption and infidelity are on full display, for the entire world to see.
Posted by: feedback -
Sep. 22, 2022 11:47 AM ET USA
This is a betrayal of Christ. St. Paul made this comparison of the Church to a human body: "If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it." [1 Cor 12:26-27]
Posted by: visions -
Sep. 22, 2022 9:02 AM ET USA
Ignatius Cardinal Kung, September 8 1955, the press around the world reported in shock he overnight arrest of Bishop Kung along with more than 200 priests and Church leaders in Shanghai. Months after his arrest, he was taken out to a mob “struggle session” in the old Dog Racing stadium in Shanghai. ……To the shock of the security police, they heard a righteous loud cry of “Long live Christ the King, Long live the Pope”……Bishop Kung was sent to life imprisonment. 33 years in solitary confinement
Posted by: DrJazz -
Sep. 21, 2022 9:42 PM ET USA
I was hoping you would write about this. The Pope's treatment of Cardinal Zen is an absolute disgrace. So is the entire China accord issue, from McCarrick negotiating the first one, through bishops being forced out, right up to now. The Church that would speak the truth to the whole world is now beholden to it. Meanwhile, Belgium and Germany spout heresies and nothing is said or done. This Pope is a disgrace to the Catholic faith. He is going to have a lot to answer for at his judgment.