the planet

By ( articles ) | Mar 19, 2007

and me.

James Massola: Did you ever think that Robert Drinan S.J., might have had the right idea -- a 'top down' approach -- he entered Congress, put forward a motion to dismiss Nixon, spent ten years there, was a visible person on the Hill. Do you ever think you should have done something like that instead?

Fr. John Dear, S.J.: I lived with Robert Drinan, he is a great man, and he taught me a lot. He told me in 1982, if you want to go around talking about peace and justice, you have to write books, so people will invite you to speak. And I don't know how to write, but I've written 25 books. And I blame him!

To be in Congress is really to be working with the nuclear industry, and planning the destruction of the planet, and I think now things are so out of hand, and yet, there are some good people -- there are certain good people, I'm friends with congressmen and senators through my work-- but I think the role of a Christian in the US is to resist these structures and change them, and create a non-violent US.

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  • Posted by: - May. 02, 2010 8:40 AM ET USA

    Steve214 - indeed, but did he ask for our prayers because he recognized his failures in the adminstration & discipline of the Church, and even saw those failures as sins needing expiation? I rather doubt that. May he rest in peace in any event.

  • Posted by: - Apr. 29, 2010 7:55 PM ET USA

    JPII asked for our prayers before his death. Why? Because of his failure in the area of discipline. That does not need to be explained away, because God is truth.

  • Posted by: Contrary1995 - Apr. 29, 2010 1:38 PM ET USA

    Your source perpetuates the myth that only Joseph Ratzinger challenged the innocence of Fr. Maciel. The fact is that the investigations into Maciel and Brother Gino began while Joseph Ratzinger was a cardinal prefect. He undoubtedly got the green light to proceed from the incumbent pope, John Paul the Great. In 2001, John Paul struck against abuse by putting Joseph Ratzinger in charge of its policing.