Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic Culture Liturgical Living

Now I understand

By Fr. Paul Mankowski, S.J. ( articles ) | Jun 06, 2003

Editor Tom Roberts weighs in with an unsurpassably perfect specimen of NCR reasoning. Cut this out and paste it in your scrapbook, kids:

The Santorum incident at St. Joseph's illustrates as well as anything the difficulty in finding the perfect Catholic politician or the perfect Catholic celebrity. One probably doesn't exist, and too often if they're right on abortion as the church sees it, they're off the charts on the rest of the agenda; and if they're mostly right on the rest of the agenda, they don't support the absolute restraints on abortion the church wants to see as public policy.

Got that? The problem with guys like Rick Santorum is that they're inconsistent. On the one hand they accept Catholic teaching on abortion, but on the other hand they accept Catholic teaching on homosexuality. What's a Catholic college to do?

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