Around the Blogs today

By ( articles - email ) | Jun 06, 2003

Here are some interesting posts on various Catholic-related blogs:

  • Mark Shea mulls the Phoenix situation, especially why Rome really let Bishop O'Brien stay in office (as opposed to what some sources say), and the strange Clintonian parsing by the bishop in his recent public statements.
  • "Athanasius" discusses the new medical standard of voluntary infertility for women for the major purpose of ending their cycles.
  • Mark Sullivan surveys news coverage of a mass grave of Kurdish children found in Iraq that may indicate the children were buried alive. He wonders at anti-war types who blame the Coalition attack on Saddam for causing Iraqi suffering.
  • Dale Price notes that the Catholic bishops of Illinois have deemed the "Left Behind" series of books as anti-Catholic and provides some examples. Amy Welborn offers some thoughts as well. (No direct link. Scroll down to the June 6 entries.) Also Ignatius Press offers a book by Carl Olson that provides the Catholic answer to "Left Behind": "Will Catholics Be 'Left Behind'?"
  • Meanwhile, the same Carl Olson discusses the "complexity of Catholicism."

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