Non-Random Access Memory

By ( articles ) | Jan 02, 2005

We've had occasion before to speak of the heartbreak of "ramnesia" -- that curious memory loss that afflicts higher ecclesiastics when questioned under oath about buggery by the clergymen for whom they're responsible. Cardinal Mahony's is an advanced case, witness his deposition of last November concerning his tenure as Bishop of Stockton. A sampling (with page numbers):

20 Well, I'm not sure about whether I forgot it or remembered it, but I acted quickly on it. That's what I remember. 33 I don't remember exactly. 33 I honestly don't recall that. 34 I simply don't recall any. 35 I don't recall any. 38 I don't recall the curriculum exactly. 39 I don't recall the sequence, actually. 50 I honestly don't remember. 50 I simply don't recall. 65 I don't recall. 77 I don't recall exactly when I knew he was not going to return. 78 I don't recall, but most likely I did. 80 I don't remember specifically. 81 I actually don't remember. 81 I simply can't recall what kind of system I used. 82 I don't recall, but it was in the last year or two. 86 I actually don't recall exactly. 86 No, I don't recall. 89 I honestly don't remember, but very possibly he did. 96 I don't recall the first time I learned of that. 96 I actually don't recall that specifically. 102 I certainly don't recall. 102 I just don't recall. 104 I simply don't recall any case. 105 I don't remember when that was. 107 I simply don't recall any. 108 No, best of my knowledge, I don't recall that. 108 I don't recall any. 112 My testimony is I cannot recall something like that occurring during this time. 113 I can't recall any. 114 No, I'm not I can't recall of a case. 116 I can't recall exactly. 117 I can't recall any. 118 I simply don't remember when. 119 No, I don't recall doing that. 125 I don't remember exactly when. 125 I just can't recall. 129 I don't recall. 137 I actually don't recall. 137 Again, I don't recall whether it was or not. 137 I don't recall. 138 I don't recall exactly. 138 I don't recall the time period when that actually occurred. 138 I honestly don't recall. 166 No, I simply don't recall anything specific. 171 I can't recall during those four brief months. This is 1962. I simply can't recall. That wasn't my job. 172 I can't recall anything specific, because protecting children can mean many, many things. 172 I don't recall any instruction. 173 I can't recall any. 173 You asked if I recalled, and I said I don't recall. 174 I don't recall, no. 191 I don't recall reviewing records. 192 I don't recall reviewing files and documents prior to visiting. 195 I don't remember specifically, but I don't remember specifically, but I think he was. 202 I can't recall anyone specifically saying these are legal liabilities of the diocese. 217 I don't recall. 219 No, during my time as Bishop I don't recall ever going directly to the confidential files. 221 I have absolutely no recollection of that. 233 I can't recall any other reports as such. 243 I don't recall seeing it. 247 I don't recall seeing this letter before. 252 No, in fact, I don't recall when. 253 No complaints that I can recall. 253 I just don't recall. 253 I honestly don't remember. 254 I really don't recall that. 254 I have no recollection of the name at all. 256 I simply can't remember any. 260 I don't recall. I may have. I don't recall. 261 I really don't recall. I may have. I simply don't remember.

And how many charges is the Cardinal's ex-flatmate Carl Sutphin in the dock for? I don't have clear recollection.

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