The nightmare of religious belief

By ( articles ) | Mar 16, 2007

Diogenes has commented before on the strangely unchallenged habit of atheists, liberals, and devotees of scientism to reserve to themselves the position of final arbiters of true opinion – of the grounds of true opinion. As Uncle Di rightly points out, a simple commitment to studying history, let alone an explicit adherence to reason and first principles, will soon reveal the spurious nature of their unspoken claim.

So, a bunch of these hyper-credentialed sorts got together for a conference on science and religion (exalting the first and eliminating the second) in November. In Steven Weinberg’s words there, “the world needs to wake up from its long nightmare of religious belief.” I guess we should believe him because he has a Nobel prize in physics.

I like this short effort to throw open the window of reality by Herschel Fogelman, Dean of the Yeshiva Academy in Worcester. Here is a little taste:

This reminds us of the atheistic government of communist Russia, which for 70 years used all means at their disposal to remove G-d from Russian civilization. Houses of religion were closed, and scholars and teachers believing in G-d were removed from their positions.


What is most objectionable today is the super arrogance of scientists — who as yet have not discovered the whys and whats inherent in creation — [but who] are nevertheless eager to save civilization from the onslaught of religion. None of the scientists has ever studied in depth, researched or learned the science of G-d and this way of life.


Based on the history of human behavior, one may conclude that those relating to one G-d may ultimately be subjected to the unbelievable exploits of the past.

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